Scientific Articles (ISI)

Bicho M. C. , Correia A. C. ,Pinto C., Barcik P., Soares David J., Costa e Silva F. (2024)

More than the climate: reproductive and vegetative growth compete for resources in Quercus suber.

Eur J Forest Res.. DOI:

Correia A. C., Farinha A., Silva J.E.P., Nunes A., Conceição N., Marcelo M. E., Sarmento A., Tomé M., Soares J., Fontes L. (2024)

Fertirrigation in grafted Pinus pinea L. trees: denser crowns but no effect on cone production or masting cycles

Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 569, 122164. DOI:

Costa e Silva, J., Potts, B.M., Prober, S.M. (2024)

Performance-based inference of selection on stomatal length and specific leaf area varies with climate-of-origin of the forest tree, Eucalyptus ovata

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 62, 125765. DOI:

Firmino, P., Paulo, J. A., Lourenço, A., Tomé, M., Campagnolo, M. (2024)

How do soil and topographic drivers determine tree diameter spatial distribution in even aged cork oak stands installed in average to high productivity areas.

New Forests. DOI:

Magalhães J.A., Guerra-Hernández J., Cosenza D. N., Marques S., Borges J.G., Tomé M. (2024)

Development of a Methodology Based on ALS Data and Diameter Distribution Simulation to Characterize Management Units at Tree Level

Remote Sens., 16(22), 4238 . DOI:

Melo J. O. F., Conchinhas B., Leitão A. E. B., Ramos A. L. C., Sousa I. M. N., Ferreira R. M. S. B., Ribeiro A. C., Batista-Santos P. (2024)

Phenolic Compounds Characterization of Caryocar brasiliense Peel with Potential Antioxidant Activity

Plants, 13(15), 2016 . DOI:

Mexia T., Caldeira M.C., Lecomte X., Dias F.S., Tomé M., Nunes L., Bugalho M.N. (2024)

Is forest certification mitigating oak decline in Mediterranean open woodlands?

Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 568, 122105. DOI:

Sayedeh Sara Sayedi, Benjamin W. Abbott, Boris Vannière, Bérangère Leys, Daniele Colombaroli, Graciela Gil Romera, Michał Słowiński, Julie C. Aleman, Olivier Blarquez, Angelica Feurdean, Kendrick Brown, Tuomas Aakala, Teija Alenius, Kathryn Allen, Maja Andric, Yves Bergeron, Siria Biagioni, Richard Bradshaw, Laurent Bremond, Elodie Brisset, Joseph Brooks, Sandra O. Brugger, Thomas Brussel, Haidee Cadd, Eleonora Cagliero, Christopher Carcaillet, Vachel Carter, Filipe X. Catry, Antoine Champreux, Emeline Chaste, Raphaël Daniel Chavardès, Melissa Chipman, Marco Conedera, Simon Connor, Mark Constantine, Colin Courtney Mustaphi, Abraham N. Dabengwa, William Daniels, Erik De Boer, Elisabeth Dietze, Joan Estrany, Paulo Fernandes, Walter Finsinger, Suzette G. A. Flantua, Paul Fox-Hughes, Dorian M. Gaboriau, Eugenia M.Gayo, Martin. P. Girardin, Jeffrey Glenn, Ramesh Glückler, Catalina González-Arango, Mariangelica Groves, Douglas S. Hamilton, Rebecca Jenner Hamilton, Stijn Hantson, K. Anggi Hapsari, Mark Hardiman, Donna Hawthorne, Kira Hoffman, Jun Inoue, Allison T. Karp, Patrik Krebs, Charuta Kulkarni, Niina Kuosmanen, Terri Lacourse, Marie-Pierre Ledru, Marion Lestienne, Colin Long, José Antonio López-Sáez, Nicholas Loughlin, Mats Niklasson, Javier Madrigal, S. Yoshi Maezumi, Katarzyna Marcisz, Michela Mariani, David McWethy, Grant Meyer, Chiara Molinari, Encarni Montoya, Scott Mooney, Cesar Morales-Molino, Jesse Morris, Patrick Moss, Imma Oliveras, José Miguel Pereira, Gianni Boris Pezzatti, Nadine Pickarski, Roberta Pini, Emma Rehn, Cécile C. Remy, Jordi Revelles, Damien Rius, Vincent Robin, Yanming Ruan, Natalia Rudaya, Jeremy Russell-Smith, Heikki Seppä, Lyudmila Shumilovskikh, William T.Sommers, Çağatay Tavşanoğlu, Charles Umbanhowar, Erickson Urquiaga, Dunia Urrego, Richard S. Vachula, Tuomo Wallenius, Chao You , Anne-Laure Daniau (2024)

Assessing changes in global fire regimes

Fire Ecol 20, 18. DOI:

Wilcox, B.P., Caldeira, M.C., Leite, P.A.M., Lobo-do-Vale, R. and Bugalho, M.N. (2024)

Understory shrubs improve soil infiltrability in overgrazed Mediterranean oak woodlands, but have little impact on ungrazed woodlands

Forest Ecology and Management, 569: 122186. DOI:

Alberto J.N., Ramalho J.C., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Viana A.P., Krohling C.A., Moiane S.S., Alberto Z., Rodrigues W.P., Partelli F.L. (2023)

Diversity in Coffea arabica cultivars in the Mountains of Gorongosa National Park – Mozambique regarding bean and leaf nutrient accumulation and physical fruit traits

Agronomy, 13, 1162. DOI:

Almeida A.M., Ribeiro M.M., Ferreira M.R., Roque N., Quintela-Sabarís C., Fernandez P. (2023)

Big data help to define climate change challenges for the typical Mediterranean species Cistus ladanifer L.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 112023: 1136224. DOI:

Aparício B.A., Nunes J.P, Bernard-Jannin L., Dias L.F., Fonseca A., Ferreira M.T. (2023)

Modeling the role of ground-true riparian vegetation for providing regulating services in a Mediterranean watershed

International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 11(1): 159-168.. DOI:

Aparício, Bruno A., Akli Benali, José M. C. Pereira, Ana C. L. Sá (2023)

MTTfireCAL’ package for R – An innovative, comprehensive and fast procedure to calibrate the MTT fire spread modelling system

Fire 6(6), 219. 3.2. DOI:

Benali, A., Guiomar, N., Gonçalves, H., Mota, B., Silva, F., Fernandes, P.M., Mota, C., Penha, A., Santos, J., Pereira, J.M.C., and Sá, A.C.L. (2023)

The Portuguese Large Wildfire Spread Database (PT-FireSprd)

Earth System Science Data. 11.4. DOI:, 2023

Bernado W.P., Santos A.R., Vale E.M., Pireda S., Correia L.Z., Souza G.A.R., Abreu D.P., Carvalho L.K.O., Almeida F.A., Baroni D,F., Partelli F.L., Bressan-Smith R.H., Rakocevic M., Ramalho J.C., Campostrini E., Rodrigues W.P (2023)

UV-B Reduction and Excess: Management Strategies Regarding Coffea sp. Crop.

Scientia Horticulturae, 323: 112499.. DOI:

Bezerra, U.A., Cunha, J., Valente, F., Nóbrega, R.L.B., Andrade, J.M., Moura, M.S.B., Verhoef, A., Perez-Marin, A.M., Galvão, C.O (2023)

STEEP: A remotely-sensed energy balance model for evapotranspiration estimation in seasonally dry tropical forests

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,333, 109408. DOI:

Cassamo C.T., Draper D., Romeiras M.M., Marques I., Chiulele R., Rodrigues M., Stalmans M., Partelli F.L., Ribeiro-Barros A., Ramalho J.C. (2023)

Impact of Climate Changes in the Suitable Areas for Coffea arabica L. Production in Mozambique: Agroforestry as an Alternative Management System to Strengthen Crop Sustainability.

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 346: 108341. DOI:

Cerdeira J.O., Martins M.J., Raydan M (2023)

The max-out min-in problem: a tool for data analysis

Computers and Operations Research, 154: 106218. DOI:

Colavolpe M.B., Dias F.V., Serrazina S., Malhó R., Costa R.L. (2023)

Castanea crenata Ginkbilobin-2-like recombinant protein reveals potential as an antimicrobial against Phytophthora cinnamomi, the causal agent of ink disease in European chestnut

Forests, 14(4): 785. DOI:

Costa J.M., Egipto R., Aguiar F.C., Marques P., Nogales A., Madeira M (2023)

The role of soil temperature in mediterranean vineyards in a climate change context.

Frontiers in Plant Science, 142023: 1145137.. DOI: