17th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants

The 17th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants is organized by ISA/CEF and will take place in Lisbon from 15 to 19 September 2025.

The 17th edition of the International Aquatic Plants Group Symposium is being organized by the School of Agriculture (Instituto Superior de Agronomia – ISA) and the Forest Research Centre (Centro de Estudos Florestais – CEF), and will be held in Lisbon, between September 15 and 19, 2025.

The International Aquatic Plants Group, of which ISA/CEF Professor Francisca Aguiar is a member, is dedicated to the study of aquatic plants, including botany, genetics, physiology, ecology, as well as aspects related to invasive plants, conservation and management. The Symposium has been held every two or three years since 1964 and allows scientific and technological advances in this area to be shared.

The theme of the 2025 Symposium is “Back to the Future of Aquatic Plants and the Way Forward”, a broad theme that refers to the relevance of pioneers, innovation and the challenges of the future.

More information soon.

Join the mailing list at: iapglisbon2025@isa.ulisboa.pt

Organizing Committee: Francisca Aguiar (Chair) and Sofia Santos, CEF researchers