The focus on ecological interactions, ecosystem quality and services, is common to all activities of ForProtect.
ForProtect research is organized around three areas:
1. Ecosystem protection against nuisance animal populations
2. Management of riparian ecosystems and fish populations
3. Ecosystem services and their economic valuation
1. Ecosystem protection
Encompasses work on arthropod population ecology in forest and agro-ecosystems with emphasis on biological control, host-parasitoid and prey-predator relationships, monitoring and management of invasive species and insect pest populations.

2. Management of riparian ecosystems

Addresses the effects of human stressors on riparian forests and aquatic animal populations, with emphasis on fish, to develop best ways for river habitat improvement and restoration. It also studies riparian vegetation dynamics and the use riparian woods as a tool for water resources management and to assess the effect of global changes.
3. Ecosystem services
Studies the socio-economic trade-offs that are able to direct agriculture and forest activities towards conservation of threatened animal species and habitats, both within and outside protected areas, developing novel economic evaluation procedures and taking into account different ecosystem services.