Open call for research fellowship for PhD – Project FLUOMED

The Forest Research Center opened a tender for the attribution of a post-doctoral research grant (BIPD) for R&D activities to be carried out by a PhD degree holder within the scope of the project FLUOMED – Optimization of a robust methodology for GPP monitoring of Mediterranean ecosystems (reference 2022.06360.PTDC).

The aim of the project is to optimize an innovative method for monitoring cork oak forests based on passive fluorescence under natural light conditions (SIF).

The work plan includes:

  • The analysis of time series obtained from in-situ SIF sensors;
  • The evaluation of the influence of other variables on SIF; 
  • The optimization of a model for estimating primary productivity in cork oak woodlands (montado); 
  • The grantee will present the obtained results in scientific meetings and publications.

The work will be carried out at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia and Companhia das Lezírias, under the scientific supervision of Professor Sofia Cerasoli.

Deadline is  October 13th.
