LEAF strategy for budget distribution to research activities is focused on boosting synergies among LEAF researchers across the different groups through 2 types of projects: Thematic and Exploratory Projects.
In 2022, LEAF Coordination decided to open a call for Strategic Internal Projects following on the advice provided by the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. This call aims to tackle strategic emerging themes affecting the agro-food system.
Strategic projects have a maximum duration of 24 months, with the maximum budget of up to 30 k€ for running costs and missions. The projects must necessarily involve researchers from at least two of the three LEAF research groups based at ISA/ULisboa under one of the following subjects (mandatory):
- Social Life Cycle Assessments
- Sustainable packaging
- Data integration: water management data platform
- The glyphosate controversy: alternative solutions for glyphosate as drying agent for crops
- Energy transition in the agro-food systems
Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file until midnight of January 10, by email to leaf@isa.ulisboa.pt.
LEAF internal projects have a maximum duration of 36 months. The budget for each project includes up to 100 k€ for running costs and missions and a dedicated PhD grant. The projects must involve researchers from at least two of the three LEAF research groups and subjects under the umbrella of a thematic line are highly valued. The internal call was open in June 2020 and the proposals were evaluated by an International panel of experts. From the eight candidates, the four higher rated were:
- LandGi-Nexus (19/20) for Thematic Line 4 - Green and Blue Infrastructures
- Trop-Plumage (18.5/20) and RemovAs (18/20) for Thematic Line 3 - Tropical Agriculture & Food Value Chains
- Clones4ClimateChange (17/20) for Thematic Line 1 - Grapevine & Wine
Posters of Thematic Line projects presented at the 1st Yearly Meeting of the Research Centre LEAF - Evento Desafios LEAF are available here.
These are annual projects for the exploration of research ideas and the consolidation of knowledge that will be explored later, in more depth, in applications for National or International Project Calls. In each call, 30 projects are funded with 5k€.
The development of these projects must result in at least one publication, preferably Q1, as a way of evaluating the quality of the work produced.
There is no limit to the number of researchers that make up a project team, but at least two LEAF members must be involved, preferably from different groups, and may be integrated into a PhD plan. The promotion of synergies between researchers with a higher productivity rate and beginners, to create a dynamic of quality production in LEAF, is valued.
Two calls at June 2020 and December 2021 were promoted. In the first call, 30 proposals were evaluated and selected for funding, while it was possible to fund 32 proposals in the second call.
Abstracts of the proposals that were approved for the 2020 call and the 2021 call
Posters of Exploratory projects presented at the 1st Yearly Meeting of the Research Centre LEAF - Evento Desafios LEAF are available here.