ForChange Group

The ForChange group works in the areas of forest resources inventory and modeling, and agroforestry. As a result of several national and international research projects undergoing in these areas, the group has been developing several tools that aim to support forest management and agroforestry. Considerable efforts have been put into the development of several growth and yield models that have been integrated in stand and regional level simulators.

Being part of CEF, the work developed has been mainly disseminated at academic level at ISA, being sometimes difficult to extend its dissemination, which not only compromises the knowledge transfer to the end user, but also narrows the cooperation opportunities that could bring more added value to the technical and scientific development of forest and agroforest management.   

As a research group, ForChange is responsible for the constant development of new tools combined with the continuous improvement of the existing ones.

Forchange Tools website was created with the purpose of facilitating the access of all users to the existing tools allowing downloading its latest versions (registration required). In FCTools the user will find the descriptions of the models and simulators developed for the main tree species in Portugal.

For more information contact us.


ForChange Tools

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