The development of empirical models for even-aged eucalyptus started in the 80ies. The GLOBULUS model is a good example of the cooperation between universities and pulp and paper companies. GLOBULUS is a stand level model and its current version, GLOBULUS 3.0 (Tomé et al., 2006), is composed of an initialization module, a growth prediction module and a calculus module. The current version has some improvements when compared to the previous version, GLOBULUS 2.1 (Tomé et al., 2001), namely the possibility to simulate the transition between rotations, the existence of some growth functions having climatic variables as dependent variables and a new system of compatible biomass equations by tree component resulting in more precise estimates.

Both versions of GLOBULUS are available on the web. The WebGlobulus stand simulator allows building yield tables for a planted stand or for two consecutive rotations of a planted stand followed by a coppice, depending on site characteristics, which can be interactively obtained. GLOBULUS 3.0 has also been integrated in EuSIM stand simulator developed under the scope of the project “Melhor Eucalipto” coordinated by the pulp and paper Industries association, CELPA.

The GLOBULUS 3.0 model is also integrated into StandsSIM simulator allowing simulating:

  • a new stand (yield table);
  • an existing stand;
  • multiple stands in a management unit or region.


Tomé M, Oliveira T, Soares P, 2006. O modelo Globulus 3.0. Publicações GIMREF - RC2/2006. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Centro de Estudos Florestais. Lisboa. 23 pp.

Tomé M, Ribeiro F, Soares P, 2001. O modelo GLOBULUS 2.1. Relatórios Técnico – Científicos do GIMREF, nº1/2001, Dep. Engenharia Florestal, ISA, Lisboa.

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