PINASTER is an individual tree level empirical model developed for maritime pine even-aged stands in Portugal. The model is mostly based on Nunes (2011) PhD research and has been completed with results form other research. PINASTER integrates modules for the initialization of stands, growth prediction, additional calculus and thinning simulation:
Prediction Module:
- Site index curves (Tomé et al. 2001)
- Diameter growth (Nunes et al. 2011)
- Tree survival (Nunes et al. 2011)
Calculus module:
- Height-diameter curves (Tomé et al. 2007)
- Self-thinning (Tomé 2001)
- System of equations for total standing volumes and volume by assortments (Nunes et al. 2010)
- Total biomass and biomass by tree components (Faias 2009)
Nunes L, Tomé J, Tomé M, 2010. A system for compatible prediction of total and merchantable volumes allowing for different definitions of tree volume. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40: 747-760. DOI: 10.1139/X10-030.
Nunes L, 2011. Modelo para a predição de indicadores de gestão florestal sustentável em povoamentos de pinheiro bravo em Portugal. PhD thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, Portugal.
Nunes L, Tomé J, Tomé M, 2011. Prediction of annual tree growth and survival for thinned and unthinned maritime pine stands in Portugal from data with different time measurement intervals. Forest Ecology and Management 262 (2011) 1491-1499.
Faias SP, 2009. Analysis of biomass expansion factors for the most important tree species in Portugal. Msc thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, Portugal.
Tomé M, 2001. Tabela geral de produção para o pinheiro bravo. Relatórios técnico-científicos do GIMREF nº 7/2001. Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa.
Tomé M, Meyer A, Ramos T, Barreiro S, Faias, SP, Cortiçada A, 2007. Relações hipsométricas e equações de diâmetro da copa desenvolvidas no âmbito do tratamento dos dados do Inventário Florestal Nacional 2005-2006. Publicações GIMREF. RT 3/2007. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Centro de Estudos Florestais. Lisboa.