
When the user intents to simulate the whole stands within a region under a demand driven philosophy he must choose StandsSIM.dd. This tool is non-spacialized and can be run either as deterministic or stochastic (no optimization algorithms included).

Again the user is given the option of preparing most of the required inputs using the Generator before using StandsSIM.dd forms to browse for the inputs and define some simulation parameters. However, StandsSIM.dd requires an addition input that has to be prepared outside the Generator.

A scenario file must be prepared describing the describing the total amount of each driver for each year of simulation: the amounts of wood (m3) and biomass (Mg) to be harvested, the areas to be burnt (ha), the areas of new plantations (ha) and the proportion of area to be abandoned. Some additional simulation parameters related to fire (the minimum age for industrial use of wood after a fire, the proportion of salvage wood) and harvesting (minimum age for harvesting, harvesting probabilities by age and stand type) are required (Barreiro and Tomé 2017).

For each scenario run different types of annual outputs are exported as text files (.csv): socio-economic indicators, area distribution per age-class, management variables per stand/plot and environmental indicators.

This tool is only available for research purposes within ForChange team. For more information watch the video or contact us.


Barreiro S, Tomé M, 2017. Portugal In: Barreiro S, Schelhaas MJ, McRoberts RE, Kaendler G (eds) Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability. Managing Forest Ecosystems, vol 29. Springer, Cham pp.259-272

Barreiro S, Tomé M, 2012. Analysis of the impact of the use of eucalyptus biomass for energy on wood available for eucalyptus forests in Portugal. A simulation study. Ecology and Society. 17(2):14.

Barreiro S, Tomé M, 2011. SIMPLOT: Simulating the impacts of fire severity on sustainability of eucalyptus forests in Portugal. Ecological Indicators 11 (2011) 36–45

ForChange Tools

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