ISA facilitates anyone the enrolment in several curricular units (UC) for its courses ending with a degree (bachelor, master and doctorate), being or not registered in a college course, and according to the relevant guidelines.

Applications are available through the Fénix portal, at:

Students must apply for the academic year, always taking into account the number of ECTS allowed and set by regulation, depending on whether they are external students or ISA undergraduate students.



2nd semester 2024/2025:
Applications - External students: from 10 to 13 February 2025 (until 6pm)

1st semester 2024/2025:
Applications: The deadline has been extended from August 26 to September 11, 2024

**IMPORTANT** When applying, in front of the name of the curricular unit, the candidate must always put the name of the respective course to which that discipline belongs


Isolated Curricular Units