Centennial of the Main Building
ISA on Tapada da Ajuda: Centennial of the Main Building
The Centennial Commemorations of the Main Building were extended throughout 2017 and ended with the Solemn Closing Session on November 20. Find the Summary Program here.
March 15, 2017, at Sala de Atos of the Main Building of ISA
- The program of the Centennial Commemorations of the Inauguration of the Main Building was presented to the School.
April 27, 2017, at the Noble Hall of the Rectory of the University of Lisbon
- Solemn Opening Session of the Commemorations of the Centennial of the Opening of the Main Building of ISA
- Intervention by the Rector of the University of Lisbon, Professor António Cruz Serra
- Intervention by the President of ISA, Professor Amarilis de Varennes
- Attribution of the title of Professor Emeritus of the University of Lisbon to Retired Professor Luís Santos Pereira
- Launching of the book "José Veríssimo de Almeida, Percursos de Agronomia e Política portuguesa (1870 - 1912)" (Paths of Agronomy and Portuguese Politics), with interventions by:
- Full Professor António Ventura - Faculdade de Letras
- Associate Professor Helena Oliveira - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
- Assistant Professor Teresa Nunes - Faculdade de Letras
- Inauguration of the Exhibition "José Verissimo de Almeida. Percussion of Agronomy and Portuguese Politics (1870 - 1912)"
- Port of Honor
See the photos here
The book "José Veríssimo de Almeida. Percursos de Agronomia e Política portuguesa (1870 - 1912)" and Exhibition in the Rectory of the University of Lisbon
See here the photos of Exhibition "José Verissimo de Almeida, Percussion of Agronomy and Portuguese Politics (1870 - 1912)" at the Rectory of the University of Lisbon
April 28, 2017, in Tapada da Ajuda
- Unveiling of a commemorative display, suspended from the balcony of the Scientific Council room, visible from the street.
May 20, 2017, at Tapada da Ajuda
2nd fortnight of September, in Tapada da Ajuda
- Guided tours to the natural, architectural and historical heritage of Tapada da Ajuda.
October 18, 2017, at the Noble Hall of the ISA Main Building
Conference: "The ISA and its heritage: the particularity of Tropical Teaching"
- Opening of the Session by the President of the ISA, followed by the Panel of Speakers with moderation by the President of the School Council:
- Prof. Bruno de Sousa: The ISA and its heritage
- Prof. Fernando Oliveira Baptista: The contribution of teaching and research to ISA over the decades
- Prof. Rui Pinto Ricardo: The history of Tropical Agronomy in the ISA and the heritage of knowledge generated - the soils
- Prof. Mendes Ferrão: The history of Tropical Agronomy in ISA and the heritage of knowledge generated - the teaching
- Inauguration of the Exhibition of unique books of BISA bibliographic collection related to tropical areas.
- Departure for the Lunch in the Exhibition Hall - with ludic, musical and gastronomic activities.
See here the Photographs of the Conference
November 20, 2017, in the Sala de Atos of the Main Building of ISA
Solemn Closing Ceremony of the Commemorations of the Centennial of the Opening of the Main Building
Conference "The ISA ahead of its time: teaching and research as the engine of agriculture and the economy of the country, today and in the future"
- Opening by ISA President
- School Board President
- Intervention of young entrepreneurs Alumni:
António Maçanita
Joana Maçanita
João Pedro Santos
Pedro Rodrigues
- Launch of the book “100 anos em Fotografias” (100 years in Photography)
- Intervention by the Rector of the University of Lisbon
- Unveiling of the plaque commemorating the Centenary of the Main Building, in the lobby of the Sala de Atos
- Port of Honor in the Salão Nobre (Noble Hall of ISA)
See here the Photographs of the Solemn Closing Session
Book “100 anos em Fotografias” (100 years in Photography) ( available from the ISA store: Agrolivro ) and the Exhibition of the Panels on the History of ISA
Message from the President of ISA in the preface to the book "100 anos em Fotografias"
Time is, in fact, a great sculptor and allows us to understand the enormous amount of variables and relationships between them that came together so that today was what it is, how it is and how it could be.
I was privileged that the Centennial of the Main Building, a milestone in the history of the ISA, was commemorated during my tenure as president, allowing me to feel that in some way I might have been a partial result of that earlier time.
It also allows me to understand the dimension of Isaac Newton's reflection that "If I saw further, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants." In the case of ISA, how many giants in these 100 years!
Thus, the Management Council and the Committees for the Commemorations of the Centennial of the Main Building decided that they should focus on raising the awareness of the entire academic community and the rest of the University of Lisbon to the relevance of the path built by these giants and as he himself projects us into the future.
This book is intended to be a way of honouring their memory, making known some photographic records which were not yet widely divulged, even knowing it will not be possible, for several reasons, to reflect all the contributions and the collaboration of all, but hoping that in a hundred years from now, they can be equally honored of the way we have left them.
The President of Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Amarílis de Varennes