
It's ISA's mission as an institution of higher education and scientific research in the field of Science and Agricultural Engineering, Animal Science, Forestry, Food and the Environment and also of Landscape Architecture and Biology, to ensure high standards for constant updating and integrating innovative means to accomplish technology transfer processes and contribute to the sustainable development and competitiveness of the country.



ISA's vision is to consolidate its status as a reference school of Higher Education in Agriculture, nationally and internationally, particularly in Portuguese-Speaking Countries, asserting itself as a Research University, based on the excellence of its research and development based on innovation.



ISA continues its mission and pursue its vision sustained in the following institutional values:

Knowledge – the production of knowledge is the essence of the University that ISA integrates across its business, considering it as the mainstay of development;

Innovation – the competitiveness of university organizations depends on innovation, whether in science or in teaching;

Cooperation – ISA continues to favor the Portuguese Speaking Countries (PLOP) along with the development of cooperative ties with the continents of Africa, Asia and America, especially through research networks and other community programs;

Quality – ISA's excellence, recognized nationally and internationally throughout its more than 100 year of history, is sustained in its quality that we intend to continuously improve through the Internal System of Quality Assurance;

Ethics and Good Practice – the actions of its Professors, Researchers, Employees and Students is guided by high ethical standards, at the level of education, research and support services and connection to the society.