Pedro Gonçalves Vaz
Email: pjgvaz(a#t)isa.ulisboa.pt
My research focuses on the study of patterns, mechanisms, and consequences of ecological interactions from an applied perspective. I am currently interested in how plant-animal interactions, such as herbivory and mammal-mediated seed dispersal shape agroforestry systems. Other areas of interest include wildfire ecology (e.g., landscape-wildfire interactions; consequences of wildfire to forest streams), freshwater ecology, periurban biodiversity, road ecology, and statistical modeling. I'm a data analysis enthusiast; I like structuring and revealing existing patterns in data.
Editor in:
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601)
- Open Agriculture (ISSN 2391-9531)
Recent work as reviewer: Journal of Ecology; Journal of Environmental Management; Landscape and Urban Planning; Ecology and Evolution; Zoology; Journal of Forestry Research; Forest Ecosystems; Hydrobiologia; Aquatic Sciences; Plant Ecology; Forest Ecosystems; Freshwater Biology; PLoS ONE; International Forestry Review; Freshwater Science.
On Twitter @zasvaz
On Instagram @pjgvaz
Azedo, R., Ilhéu, A., Santos, S., Vaz, P.G., 2022, Carnivores cross irrigation canals more often through overpasses than through culverts. Basic and Applied Ecology 61: 53–67.
(doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2022.03.004)
Garcia, A.; Vaz, P.G.; Franco, J.C.; Nunes, P.; Jactel, H; Branco, M., 2022, Urban tree isolation affects the abundance of its pests and their natural enemies. Landscape and Urban Planning 227: 104515.
Azedo, R., Ilhéu, A., Santos, S., Vaz, P.G., 2021, Carnivores cross irrigation canals more often through overpasses than through culverts. bioRxiv, 2021.2006.2022.449465.
(doi: 10.1101/2021.06.22.449465)
Craveiro, J., Bernardino, J., Mira, A., Vaz, P.G., 2021, Dry pathways and flowing water within culverts jointly promote crossings by carnivore mammals. Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe (IENE) 2021 International Conference “LIFELINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions”. January 12–14, Évora, Portugal. Session 1.3.3. Roads and Mammals: Ecological Impacts and Solutions. [url]
Vaz, P.G., Merten, E.C., Robinson, C.T., Pinto, P., 2021, Severely burned wood from wildfires has low functional potential in streams. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 1346–1356.
(doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13872)
Salgueiro, V., Silva, C., Eufrázio, S., Salgueiro, P.A., Vaz, P.G., 2020, Endozoochory of a dry fruited tree aids quarry passive restoration and seed soaking further increases seedling emergence. Restoration Ecology 28: 668-678.
(doi: 10.1111/rec.13018)
Vaz, P.G., Merten, E., Robinson, C.R., Pinto, P., 2020, Heavily burned wood from wildfires is less likely to provide functionality in streams. bioRxiv, 2020.2010.2025.354217
(doi: 10.1101/2020.10.25.354217)
Craveiro, J., Bernardino, J., Mira, A., Vaz, P.G., 2019, Impact of culvert flooding on carnivore crossings. Journal of Environmental Management 231: 878-885.
Dias, S., Moreira, F., Fontes, I., Marques, M., Cortez, N., Florindo, M., Vaz, L., Vaz, P.G., Bernardo, F., 2019, 5th Chapter — “Ecological dimensions in the periurban”. In Ferreiro MF, Loupa-Ramos I, Colaço MC, Ferreira JA, Silva JB (eds.) Periurban territories, pp. 114-141. Direção Geral do Território, Lisbon. (In Portuguese)
Vaz, P.G., Bugalho, M.N., Fedriani, J.M., Branco, M., Lecomte, X., Nogueira, C., Caldeira, M.C., 2019, Unravelling associations between tree-seedling performance, herbivory, competition, and facilitation in high nature value farmlands. Journal of Environmental Management 232: 1066–1074
Costa, P., Medinas, D., Silva, B., Herrera, J.M., Mira, A., Guiomar, N., Sales-Baptista, E., Ferraz-de-Oliveira, M.I., Vaz, P.G., 2016, Effects of grazing pressure on activity and richness of bats in a Portuguese silvo-pastoral system. World Congress Silvo-Pastoral Systems. September 27-30, University of Évora, Portugal.
Craveiro, J., 2016, Factors influencing the use of road-crossing culverts by carnivores. MsC Thesis. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa e Universidade de Évora, Portugal. [url]
Pinto, P., Vaz, P.G., Roquete, R., 2016, Wildfires on Mediterranean Basin: new small bangs after the very old big bang. XVIII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, 4–8 July, Tortosa, Italy.
Vaz, P., 2015, Biological performance of living fossils in an ever-changing estuary: Sturgeons in the San Francisco Bay-Delta, California, USA. Seminário “Ecologia, Florestas e Conservação“ do Centro de Estudos Florestais e CEABN. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, 27 May, Portugal. (Oral presentation).
Vaz, P.G., 2015, Biological performance of living fossils in an ever-changing estuary: Sturgeons in the San Francisco Bay-Delta, California, USA. CEF/CEABN Seminars in Ecology, Forests, and Conservation. May 27. University of Lisbon, Institute of Agronomy, Lisbon, Portugal.
Vaz, P.G. (editor), 2015, Service agreement for the ecological monitoring following the Environmental Impact Declaration of the new Évora-Elvas/Caia railway connection. Technical report. CIBIO-UE, Portugal.
Vaz, P.G., Kebreab, E., S.S.O., Hung, Fadel, J.G., Lee, S., Fangue, N.A., 2015, Impact of nutrition and salinity changes on biological performances of green and white sturgeon. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0122029.
(doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122029)
Vaz, P.G., Merten, E.C., Warren, D.R., Durscher, K., Tapp, M., Robinson. C.T., Rego, F.C., Pinto, P., 2015,
Fire meets inland water via burned wood: And then what? Freshwater Science 34, 1468–1481
(doi: 10.1086/684095)
Durscher, K., Tapp, M., Vaz, P.G., Merten, E. , 2014, Effects of the Pagami Creek Wildfire on Wood Inputs in Lake Isabella in Northern Minnesota. Completion report. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Duluth, MN. [Download]
Larson, C., Molokwu, N., Corbett, J., Fadden, M., Hennessey, C., Merten, E., Vaz, P.G., 2014, Macroinvertebrate colonization by substrate material and texture in the Cedar River, Iowa. Poster. 74th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 26-29. Sheraton Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Merten, E.C., Vaz, P.G., 2014, Wood in streams: ecology and policy. Wartburg College Philosophical and Literary Society. Waverly, Iowa, USA.
Merten, E.C., Vaz, P.G., 2014, Large woody habitat. MN Lake Superior Watershed Stream Science Symposium. January 7-8, University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA.
Molokwu, N.D., Vaz, P.G., Bradshaw, T., Blake, A., Henessey, C., Merten, E.C., 2014, Effects of substrate on the benthic macroinvertebrate community: an experimental approach. Ecological Engineering 73: 109-114.
Vaz, .P.G., 2014, Integrating data rich techniques in process based models – Green Sturgeon. Invited oral presentation. Science Synthesis Seminar: Emerging techniques to quantify the effects of environmental change in Bay-Delta organisms. The Delta Science Program (DSP) and the UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture (CABA). May 12. Davis, California, USA.
Vaz, P.G., 2014, Preliminary results for task 5 of the project Ecological performance of fishes in an ever-changing estuary: The effects of nutritional status on environmental stress tolerance in sturgeon. Lab meeting. April 29. Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, USA.
Vaz, P.G., Dias, S., Pinto, P., Merten, E.C., Robinson, C.T., Warren, D.R., Rego, F.C., 2014, Effects of burn status and preconditioning on wood colonization by stream macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Science 33: 832-846.
(doi: 10.1086/676657)
Merten, E.C., Vaz, P.G., Decker-Fritz, J.A., Finlay, J.C., Stefan, H.G., 2013, Relative importance of transport, breakage, and decay as processes depleting large wood from streams. Geomorphology 190: 40–47.
Vaz, P.G., 2013, Fire meets river via burned wood: And then what? CEF/CEABN Seminars in Ecology, Forests and Conservation. November 6. University of Lisbon, Institute of Agronomy, Lisbon, Portugal.
Vaz, P.G., Merten, E.C., Warren, D.R., Robinson, C.T., Pinto, P., Rego, F.C., 2013, Which stream wood becomes functional following wildfires? Ecological Engineering 54: 82-89.
Vaz, P.G., Warren, D.R., Merten, E.C., Robinson, C., Pinto, P., Rego, F.C., 2013, Effects of forest type and stream size on volume and distribution of stream wood: legacies of wildfire in a Euro-Mediterranean context. Freshwater Science 32, 126–141.
(doi: 10.1899/12-091.1)
Vaz, P. G., Pinto, P., Robinson, C. T. & Rego F C., 2012, Structure, standing stocks, and function of instream wood following wildfires in central Portugal. In: International Conference TEMPRIV ‐ Ecohydrology and Ecological Quality in Temporary Rivers, 12‐14 September, Évora, Portugal.
Vaz, P. G., Pinto, P., Robinson, C. T. & Rego, F .C., 2012, Factors Influencing Physical Functions of Instream Wood Following Wildfires in Central Portugal. In: XVI Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology. Abstract book, 2‐6 July, Guimarães, Portugal, pp: 60.
Vaz, P.G., Warren, D.R., Merten, E.C., Robinson, C., Pinto, P. & Rego, F.C., 2012, Effects of forest type and stream size on volume and distribution of stream wood: legacies of wildfire in a Euro‐Mediterranean context. Freshwater Science 32: 126‐141.
Bugalho, M., Branco, O., Dias, F. & Vaz, P.G., 2011, Identifying hotspot areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services in cork oak woodlands. In: Annual Symposium of the British Ecological Society: Forests and Global Change, Abstract book, 28-30 March, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp: 42-43.
Carmo, M., Moreira, F., Casimiro, P. & Vaz, P., 2011, Land use and topography influence on wildfire occurrence in northern Portugal. Landscape and Urban Planning 100: 169‐176.
Moreira, F., Viedma, O., Arianoutsou, M., Curt, T., Koutsias, N., Rigolot, E., Barbati, A., Corona, P., Vaz, P., Xanthopoulos, G., Mouillot, F. & Bilgili, E., 2011, Landscape – wildfire interactions in Southern Europe: implications for landscape management. Journal of Environmental Management 92: 2389‐2402.
Silva, J.S., Vaz, P., Moreira F, Catry F.X., Rego F.C., 2011, Wildfires as a major driver of landscape dynamics in three fire‐prone areas of Portugal. Landscape and Urban Planning 101: 349‐358.
Vaz, P.G.,Warren, D.R., Pinto, P., Merten, E.C., Robinson, C. & Rego, F.C., 2011, Tree type and forest management effects on the structure of stream wood following wildfires. Forest Ecology and Management 262, 561–570.
(doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.04.026)
Branco, O., Bugalho, M., Silva, L.N., Barreira, R., Vaz, P.G., Dias, F., 2010, Hotspot Areas for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Montados. Technical Report World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Mediterranean – Portugal & Centre for Applied Ecology Prof. Baeta Neves (CEABN), 55 pp. [Download]
Silva, J.S., Vaz, P., Moreira, F., Catry, F. and Rego, F., 2010, Assessing fire-driven landscape dynamics in Portugal. In: Viegas, D. X. (Ed), VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
Vaz, P.G., Pinto, P., Rego, F.C., Robinson, C.T., 2010, Impact of Coarse Woody Debris Input in Contrasting Burned Forests on Stream Physical Attributes: A Mediterranean Perspective of the Long-Term Role of Fire. Abstract book CD Rom. 2010 Summer Meeting. Joint Meeting with ASLO & NABS. Aquatic Science: Global Changes from the Center to the Edge. 6-11 June, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F., Silva, J.S., 2009, Regional variations in wildfire preference for land cover types in Portugal: implications for landscape management to minimise fire hazard. International Journal of Wildland Fire 18: 563-574.
(doi: 10.1071/WF07098)
Pinto, P., Vaz, P.G., Robinson, C. and Morais, M., 2009, Wildfire impacts on aquatic ecosystems. In: Duarte, L. M. G. and Pinto, P. (Eds), Sustainable development: energy, environment and natural disasters, Fundação Luis de Molina, Évora, pp: 25-35. [Download]
Silva, J., Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F., Godinho-Ferreira, P., 2009, Assessing the relative fire proneness of different forest types in Portugal. Plant Biosystems 143: 597-608.
(doi: 10.1080/11263500903233250)
Vaz, P.G., 2009, Wildfire resilience in Mediterranean landscapes: a review. Technical report. Centre of Applied Ecology ‘‘Prof. Baeta Neves’’, Institute of Agronomy, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, p. 33. [Download]
Tomé, R., Catry, P. (editors), 2008, Atlas for the Fauna of Vale do Côa. Pinhel municipality. 180 pp. (Fieldwork, writing, and photography. Chapters: "Amphibians"; "Mammals").
Moreira F., Vaz P.G., Catry F., Silva J.S., 2007, Wildfire preference for land cover types in Portugal: implications for management. Wildfire 2007, 4ª Confererencia Internacional sobre Incendios Florestales, 13-17 Maio, Sevilla, España. (Poster).
Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F. and Silva, J.S., 2007, Regional variations in wildfire preference for land cover types in Portugal: implications for landscape management to minimize fire hazard (abstract). Proceedings of the 4th International Wildland Fire Conference, UNISDR, FAO, EU, 13-17 May, Seville, Spain. (CD-ROM).
Pinto, P., Vaz, P., 2007, Influência dos Fogos Florestais nas Ribeiras de Monchique. Workshop "Estratégias e respostas para minimizar o efeito do impacte dos fogos florestais na quantidade e qualidade da água", 12 Dezembro, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa.
Vaz, P.G., 2007, Assessing and Modeling Urban Ecosystems by Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies. MSc thesis. Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon.
Godinho-Ferreira, P., Azevedo, A., Vaz, P., Rego, F., 2006, Composition, configuration and vertical structure of Portuguese forests: Implications in wildfire probability, Forest Ecology and Management 234, Supp. 1: Page S225. (Abstract com. oral).
Vaz P.G., 2003, Implementation of the GIS for Environmental Impact Assessment at the Portuguese Institute of Nature Conservation. 5-year degree thesis. Department of Zoology and Anthropology. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, p. 50. (in Portuguese) [Download]
Pires P, Vaz P.G., 1998, Spatial distribution of carnivores in an agrolandscape of coastal Alentejo in relation to landscape structure. Poster. Encontro Nacional de Ecologia da Paisagem.
Vaz, P.G., 1997, Inventariação e análise da distribuição dos carnívoros do Perímetro de Rega do Mira. Relatório. Odemira: Parque Natural do Sudoeste e Costa Vicentina
Vaz, P.G., 1997, A Fauna (vertebrados) in Mapa do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina - Características gerais do Parque Natural. Departamento de Educação Ambiental do Parque Natural SW Alentejano Costa Vicentina.
Fornecimento de dados e serviços florestais de apoio ao European Forest Data Centre (EFDAC)
Financiamento: União Europeia/JRC. Período: Março de 2010 a Maio de 2016. Referência do Contrato-quadro: 2007/S 194-235358 de 09/10/2007 e IES/B/2012/05/02/OC.
Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Periodo: Março de 2012 a Fevereiro 2015. Referência: PTDC/AUR-AQI/117305/2010.
Financiamento: UE, 6º Programa Quadro, Projecto Integrado - "Alterações Globais e Ecossistemas". Período: 2006-2010. Referência: IST - 018505.
PHOENIX - Reconversão florestal em áreas queimadas
Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Programa POCI. Período: 2005-2008.
Financiamento: Fundo Florestal Permanente. Período: 2004-2009. Referência: 2004090026297.
Primary supervisor:
- João Craveiro; thesis: Forests on the edge – Impacts of roads on mammal-mediated seed dispersal. 2021 (ongoing). Ph.D. degree (School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon). FCT scholarship reference: 2021.05551.BD.
- Abdullah Ibne Wadud; thesis: Impact of herbivory on seed fate and early oak performance in declining Iberian agroforestry systems. 2019 (ongoing). Ph.D. degree (SUSFOR Doctoral Program - Sustainable Forests and Products, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon). FCT scholarship reference: PD/BD/143139/2018.
- Simone Erroi; internship: Effects of cattle grazing pressure on cork oak seedling performance in the montado agroforestry system. 2021 (ongoing). MSc in Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
- Rita Azedo; thesis: Factors affecting the use of crossing structures by carnivores in irrigation canals. 2021. MSc in Conservation Biology, University of Évora.
- Ana R. B. Machado; thesis: Plant-carnivore interactions in the rehabilitation of a quarry. 2017 (ongoing). MSc in Conservation Biology, University of Évora.
- João P. M. Craveiro; thesis: Factors influencing the use of road-crossing culverts by carnivores. 2016. MSc in Natural Resources Management and Conservation, University of Lisbon, Institute of Agronomy; University of Évora.
- Kristina P. Leong; thesis: Aspects of the population dynamics of Mus spretus in Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal. 2014. Bachelor/Licentiate degree in Biology. University of Lisbon, Institute of Agronomy.
- Nuno V. Bem; thesis: Post-fire colonization of stream wood by macroinvertebrates. 2012. Bachelor/Licentiate degree in Biology. Technical University of Lisbon, Institute of Agronomy.
- João F. C. Gameiro; thesis: Wood dynamics in streams after a forest wildfire. 2012. Technician for Specialization in Forestry and Environmental Resources - Professional School of Agriculture Fernando Barros Leal.