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The V Iberian Congress of Landscape Ecology - Changing landscapes and Society, took place online on the 18th and 19th of November 2021, although based at the University of Alicante. This congress was organized by the Spanish Association of Landscape Ecology (AEEP), in collaboration with the Portuguese Association of Landscape Ecology (APEP) and the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE Europe) and was attended by CEABN researchers, who presented works, books and participated in the symposium Landscape ecology and territorial planning.
Full Professor Francisco Castro Rego presented his most recent publication, the book “Fire science: from chemistry to landscape management” published in 2021 by Springer, (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030- 69815-7). The book was authored by Francisco Castro Rego, Penelope Morgan, Paulo Fernandes and Chad Hoffman and develops, explains, and exemplifies the different aspects of fire, at different scales, from the atom scale to landscape scale.
The researcher Inês Marques Duarte presented the work “Dynamics of land use in the Natura Network 2000 area in Portugal, before and after the classification (1970 - 2018)”. In this study, the authors Inês M. Duarte, Selma B. Pena and Francisco C. Rego compared the dynamics of land use change inside and outside Natura 2000 sites and concluded that the dynamics have stabilized in both and become similar, despite distinct compositions.
Edoardo Esposito presented the results of his master thesis, in co-authorship with a CEABN researcher, Vanda Acácio. His thesis entitled “Cork oak decline in Southern Portugal: spatial patterns and factors associated to tree mortality” shows the application of landscape ecology tools for the analysis of the spatial distribution of declining cork oak trees.
The CEABN Scientific Coordinator, Miguel Bugalho, was one of the invited elements for the round table of the Symposium: Landscape Ecology and Territorial Planning, where the debate focused on how the regulations addressed to the Natura 2000 Network areas may support or conflict with the development of human activities. The distinct management of Natura 2000 Sites among countries or regions was discussed, as well as the necessity to identify and draw lessons from these asymmetries. Payment for ecosystem services was mentioned as one of the drivers for supporting the sustainability of these areas.
The keynote speakers at this congress were:
Marc Metzger (University of Edinburgh, Membership Secretary - IALE-UK) – "Spatial modeling & landscape planning";
Luís Quinta-Nova (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco) -“The importance of implementing a landscape observatory in the context of changing the governance model in the Natural Park Tejo Internacional”;
Nuno Guiomar (University of Évora) - “Prevention of extreme fires: contributions to the implementation of a sustainable fire regime management system” and
Jianguo Wu (Arizona State University, Editor in Chief - Landscape Ecology) – “Landscape Sustainability Science”.
The next Iberian Landscape Ecology congress will take place in Portugal, respecting  the biannual rotation of the event.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021