The aim of this research area is to investigate and implement efficient ways of communicating scientific knowledge to different user groups. Besides standard dissemination approaches (e.g. papers in peer reviewed journals, books, workshops and courses), a special emphasis has been put on the dissemination of results through agro-environmental education programs directed to schoolchildren. Studies on specific user groups needs (e.g. agriculture and forest associations, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute for Nature Conservation) have also been carried out allowing CEABN training activities to be directed towards detected gaps. Since 2002 monthly public seminars are also organized by CEABN in collaboration with the Forestry Department of ISA, where the findings of the different research projects are presented and discussed.
Activities and Outputs
EDUFIRE TOOLKIT: Educational Project on wildfires prevention and management
Funding: EU Erasmus + Programme
Reference: ERASMUS + - 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000029947
FIRE-RES: Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe.
Funding: Horizon 2020. Period: December 2021 to December 2025. Reference: H2020-LC-GD-2020-3-101037419
Young scientific occupation of the 2003 holiday
Funding: Science and Technology Ministry, Life Science Program. Period: 2003.
The Rural World and the Nature Conservation
Funding: UE, Operational Environment Programme. Period: 1996-2008. Reference: QCA/POA/03.01.006.
Desertification - interaction of biotic and abiotic factors
Funding: Agência Nacional para a Cultura e Inovação. Period: March 2006 - May 2008.
PAWS-MED Pedagogical Work in the Mediterranean Forest
Funding: Lifelong Learning Programme, Transfer of Innovation, Multilateral Projects, Leonardo Da Vinci. Period: September 2009 to November 2011. Reference: DE/09/LLP-ldV/TOI/147245.