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The aim of this research area is to integrate natural processes as a foundation for ecological design and planning of human ecosystems and landscapes. Research lines include the use of ecological knowledge for the design of green structures within cities (urban forestry), or the integration of historical, cultural and ecological perspectives in landscape studies. 

Activities and Outputs


CorkinARCH: Cork facades: performance, environmental quality and public perception

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Period: September 2021 to September 2023. Reference: SIZA/ETM/0050/2019 


FIRE-RES: Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe.

Funding: Horizon 2020. Period: December 2021 to December 2025. Reference: H2020-LC-GD-2020-3-101037419


Acquisition of technical and scientific assistance for the elaboration of the Almada municipal plan for afforestation - Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and support studies for tree regulation in the municipality

Funding: Almada Municipality (CMA), trought a protocol with ISA. Period: December 2019  to December 2020 (June 2021). Reference: AJ Nº AD02575S2019


LX-Tree: Assessement of ecossistem services provided by street trees in Lisbon

Funding: Lisbon Municipality (CML) under a protocol with ISA. Period: December 2019 to June 2021.


Trees in Cascais: Assessement of ecossistem services provided by street trees in Cascais

Funding: Câmara Municipal de Cascais (CMC). Period: November 2019 to September 2020.


NoVOID - Ruins and vacant lands in the Portuguese cities: exploring hidden life in urban derelicts and alternative planning proposals for the perforated city

Funding: Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). Period: May 2016 to April 2019. Reference: PTDC/ATP-EUR/1180/2014.


Soil Bioenginering project stabilizing slopes at Malveira junction, A21 highway (Portugal)

Funding: Estradas de Portugal, SA. Period: January 2013 to June 2015.


LX GARDENS - Lisbon's Historic Gardens and Parks: study and landscape heritage inventory

Funding: Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). Period: 2010-2013. Reference: PTDC/EAT-EAT/110826/2009.


PERIURBAN - Peri-urban areas facing sustainability challenges: scenario development in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon

Funding: Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). Period: March 2012 to February 2015. Reference: PTDC/AUR-AQI/117305/2010.


Restoration and pathways project of the Botanical Garden of Ajuda

Funding: Tourism Fund/UE. Period: 1994-1997.

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