Seminário CEF/CEABN: Ecologia, Florestas e Conservação
Organização: CEF/CEABN
Data: 10 outubro :: 12h30 às 13h30
Local: Sala PF 1.6 (Auditório Florestal)
Tema: "Large scale Forest Inventory using LiDAR technologies"
Orador: Tiago de Conto - Forlidar, Brasil
The seminar will focus on the current state of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) applications on forest inventory, supported by our recent experiences in the planted forests' sector in Brazil. The subject ranges from airborne LiDAR applications, applied on modelling and high resolution mapping of forest resources on entire properties, to ground based LiDAR applications on plot sampling and measurements at single tree level.
About the speaker
Graduation in Forestry from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and MSc in Forest Management from the Universities of Göttingen (Germany) and SLU (Sweden), by Erasmus Mundus. Currently working with data analysis, programming and software development, GIS and remote sensing applied to dendrometry, forest inventory and planning.