An operational and low-capacity approach to map the suitability of any crop species in West-African countries

Organização: CEF/CEABN

Data: 29 de novembro :: 12h30

Local: Sala PF 1.6

Orador: Yannick le Page, Investigador de Pós-Doutoramento no Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) do Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Tema: An operational and low-capacity approach to map the suitability of any crop species in West-African countries


I will present a simple methodology developed here at the Forest Research Center for high resolution crop suitability analysis under current and future climate, easily applicable in developing countries with low technological capacity. The approach addresses a) regional-scale agricultural planning in the context of current and future environmental conditions; and b) pre-emptive short-term rural interventions based on same-year agricultural season forecasts; while implemented with open-source tools and data. The developed tools are applied operationally in a case-study developed in three regions of Guinea-Bissau to produce spatially-explicit suitability maps and other relevant indicators for 15 different crop species. We will discuss how a simple approach can generate information to promote the resiliency of communities to a variable and changing environment, and how it can be operationally used in rural extension services.