"Natural disaster in the European Union: trends and patterns with a focus on wildfires"

Organização: CEF/CEABN

Data: 23 de fevereiro :: 12h30 às 13h30

Local: Sala PF 1.6 (Auditório Florestal)

Tema: "Natural disaster in the European Union: trends and patterns with a focus on wildfires"

Orador: Debarati Guha-Sapir

Debarati Guha-Sapir is the Director of CRED and Professor at University of Louvain School of Public Health, in Brussels, Belgium. She holds an Adjunct Professorship at Tulane University Medical Centre (New Orleans) for Health and Humanitarian Aid. Trained in Calcutta University, Johns Hopkins University and University of Louvain she holds a PhD in epidemiology. Since 1984, she has been involved in field research and training in emergency and humanitarian aid issues, working closely with World Health Organisation, UNHCR , UNDP and the European Commission in various regions of the world including China, Sudan, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Great Lakes, Somalia and Central America. She is particularly interested in health systems research, epidemiology in unstable situations and international policy related to relief and post conflict transition.

Abstract:  The EM-DAT database will be briefly presented as the unique international referral information source on natural disasters, their human and economic losses. Patterns in the last two decades of natural disasters in spatial terms, as well as socio-economic impact, will be presented and discussed. Future research directions will be suggested.
