"Buckwheat grains as a potential source of bioactive substances" Krzysztof Dziedzic

Data: 7 de Maio 2021 :: 14h30 

Local: online  ::  link zoom:  https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88567099870

Tema: "Buckwheat grains as a potential source of bioactive substances"

Orador: Krzysztof Dziedzic, Poznan University of Life Sciences

Oraganização: LEAF

Host: Anabela Raymundo


Dr. Krzysztof Dziedzic is employed as a lecture at Poznan University of Life sciences and researcher at Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases, Poland.
His research is focused on designing bio-food with health-promoting characteristics. The bioavailability of food components is determined in experiments in vitro simulating human gastrointestinal tract.
Krzysztof Dziedzic’s work also involves research into probiotic properties of bioactive substances and the influence of dietary fibre on bile acid binding in in vitro digestive environment.
During scientific carrier dr K. Dziedzic has been interested in common and tartary buckwheat grains, groats and their by-products.

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