Seminário CEF/CEABN: Ecologia, Florestas e Conservação
Data: 24 de Março 2021 :: 12h30 às 13h30
Local: online :: Link Zoom :: Cancelado
O próximo seminário CEF/CEABN "Ecologia, Florestas e Conservação" ocorrerá no dia 24 de Março, entre as 12h30m e as 13h30m, com o título Remote sensing of tropical forest Dynamics, por João Carreiras, National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO), University of Sheffield, Reino Unido.
12h30 - "Remote sensing of tropical forest Dynamics" João Carreiras (NCEO), University of Sheffield UK
Resumo: I moved to Sheffield 6 years ago to contribute to the preparatory science programme of the European Space Agency BIOMASS mission with the science lead Shaun Quegan. The mission will launch in 2022 with the main objective of providing accurate estimates of the distribution of carbon in the world's forests. During this presentation, I’m going to show you how I used and how I plan to use remote sensing observations to map forest dynamics in the tropics.
link Zoom:
Organização: João Neves Silva, Maria Conceição Caldeira, Patrícia Gonzalez, Miguel Bugalho