Seminário CEF/CEABN: Ecologia, Florestas e Conservação
Organização: CEF/CEABN
Data: 20 fevereiro 2019 :: 12h30 às 13h30
Local: Auditório Florestal - Edificio Azevedo Gomes
Tema: “Artificial neural networks modelling of macrophyte indices”
Orador: Daniel Gebler, Poznań University of Life Sciences
Daniel Gebler is Assistant Professor at the Poznań University of Life Sciences. His research activities are focused in theoretical and applied issues related to the protection of freshwater ecosystems. Subjects of research included river ecology, ecological quality assessment and monitoring, the ecology of aquatic plants, effects of human pressure on freshwaters, hydromorphological degradation of rivers, water quality evaluation, river restauration, environmental impact assessment, the use of artificial neural networks in ecological modelling
In ecological research, we often deal with the high complexity of processes and phenomena. The existence of many environmental variables, limited ability to maintain appropriate standards in field research, in contrast to laboratory experiments, requires the use of more advanced methods of data analysis among which artificial neural networks have become particularly popular. The aim of the study was to determine relationship between macrophyte indices, water quality and hydromorphological status of rivers using artificial neural networks models.