Seminário CBAA
Organização: Centro de Botânica Aplicada à Agricultura
Data: 13 de maio :: 13h30
Local: Sala 39 do Edifício Principal
Orador: Hugo Rafael Oliveira | CIBIO-Research Centre on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. Porto, Portugal | IFM-Biology, Linköping University. Linköping, Sweden | Nordiska Museet. Stockholm, Sweden.
Compared to other cereals rye has an exceptional ability to thrive and to produce high yields in adverse environmental conditions. In addition rye is a species of interest for our understanding of the process of plant domestication in the Old World as unlike most staple cereals and legumes rye is a cross-pollinator with a relatively recent domestication. Thus far, very little is known about this species domestication, the genetic contribution of wild and feral ryes to the cultivated gene pool, the genomic responses involved in its adaptation to very distinct environments and the routes by which it was introduced into Europe.
We have screened 768 SNPs distributed throughout the rye genome in 298 individual plants from landrace accessions across Europe, North Africa and Asia; and in 161 plants of different wild and feral rye taxons. We also essayed SNP and SSR markers in 95 individual grains from historical and museum collections of rye in order to assess temporal changes in this crop agro-biodiversity since the introduction of commercial varieties.
From the different datasets generated we were able to detect a population structure in rye. Its geographic distribution is informative about the crop’s historic spread. Moreover, we were able to identify particular genes and chromosome regions that putatively explain rye’s adaptation ability and may serve as targets for plant breeding.