Event will take place at Hotel Baía in Cascais

The postdoc committees from CEDOC, iBET, iMM and ITQB NOVA have the great pleasure to present the event ‘Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences’. The event will take place at Hotel Baía in Cascais, from the 23rd to 24th of November.  Registrations are open to all Postdocs and PhD students in the area of Life Sciences.

The main goal of this initiative is to showcase new career perspectives for PhD holders and promote their integration in different economic sectors. To achieve this goal, we have created a dynamic and interactive event, which includes:

  • Participation of several well-known companies in a Job Fair with stands: companies will present their mission & values and interact with the participants in a pitch session. They will have access to the participants’ CVs and will be able to interview prospective candidates, if they wish. This is an opportunity for the participants to get to know better the companies, and have a first contact with their representatives.
  • Workshops: that aim to develop important soft skills, that may be essential for a successful career and also to present several current alternative careers in academia.
  • Talks and round tables: to promote, debate and discuss alternative careers in an informal way, with renowned national and international professionals of a wide range of subjects.
  • An enthusiastic debate regarding the importance of PhD holders in the current Portuguese economic and social situation, where strategies to promote the integration of these qualified professionals in the private sector will be discussed. This debate will count with the presence of the Minister of Science and Technology, Prof Manuel Heitor, among other academic leaders, businessman and representatives of national agencies.
  • Life Sciences Arena - Focus on Innovation, which aims to attract innovative ideas with applicability in the field of Health and Welfare (poster and description in attachment). The best teams will make their final presentations during the event, before a jury and the winning team will be able to develop their innovative project as a startup at Healthcare City.Thus, the participant, individually or in a team, is encouraged to submit an idea or science project, come to the bootcamp at Healthcare City and discuss it with them. They will provide the tools necessary to validate the idea, and to present it to an audience. The participation in this initiative is totally free of costs.

The registration for the Job Fair will be open from the 25th of October to the 10th of November. Since the number of vacancies is limited, we encourage you to register early in our website: https://itqbpda.wixsite.com/retreat2017

We also encourage all those that have innovative ideas with applicability in the field of Health and Welfare, to register in the Life Sciences Arena - Focus on Innovation: http://healthcarecity.pt/life-sciences-arena/

A detailed presentation of the event can be found in attachment. For more details, do not hesitate to contact us: https://itqbpda.wixsite.com/retreat2017/contacts