Colóquio "Trusts and Garden Associations: goals and strategies"
Trusts and Associations for Gardens: goals and strategies In this colloquium, we gather experts who have succeeded and are committed to make gardens a good place on Earth and to help “gardenists” improve, defend and enjoy their gardens and those of their countries as a common heritage made both by Man and by Nature.
- 09:30 Opening. The Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda – Sónia Talhé Azambuja (President of the Board of Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda)
- 10:00- Paradise Sustained – Philip White (Founder and Chief Executive of The Hestercombe Gardens Trust)
- 11:00 Sometimes, Someone has to do Something – Rosie Peddle (Founding member of the Mediterranean Gardening Association – Portugal)
- 11:30 Coffee break / Pausa para café
- 11:50 Promoting the preservation of historical gardens in Portugal – Teresa Andresen (President of the Historic Gardens of Portugal)
- 12:40 IEJ&P: a European Garden Association- Closing – Cristina Castel-Branco (President of Scientific Board of Institut Européen des Jardins et Paysages)
- 13:30 Lunch at Estufa Real Restaurant, Jardim Botâncio da Ajuda
English is the colloquium official language.
Organization: Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda & Institut Européen des Jardins et Paysages
Association of Friends of the Botanic Garden of Ajuda / Associação dos Amigos do Jardim Botânico da Ajuda (AAJBA) Mobile: telm: 915 989 259 | e-mail: web: