Using DVS and iGC for pharmaceutical and food applications

Paralab, in collaboration with Surface Measurement Systems, is organizing a free half day workshop covering in-depth Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) and Inverse Gas Chromatography - Surface Energy Analyzer (iGC-SEA) for pharmaceutical and food applications.

The speakers will discuss DVS and iGC-SEA, from theory to common applications and present real case studies.

The workshop will be held in Portuguese/English.

10th November, Lisboa | Hotel Holiday Inn Lisboa (junto ao IST)


  • 09H00: Registration
  • 09H30: Introduction
  • 09H45: iGC and its Latest Applications
  • 10H15: Case Studies of Using Inverse Gas
  • Chromatography in Pharmaceutics
  • 11H00: Coffee Break
  • 11H30: DVS and its Applications
  • 12H00: Characterization of Food and
  • Pharmaceutical Materials by DVS
  • 13H00: Closing

The registration is free and the number is limited.
For further information follow the link: