Planted Forests on the Globe - Renewable Resources for the Future - Inscrições até 7 de maio

Planted Forests on the Globe - Renewable Resources for the Future

The 3rd International Congress on Planted Forests aims to investigate the contribution of planted forests to sustainable development in the context of global changes.

Under the coordination of the Atlantic Regional Office of the European Forest Institute (EFIATLANTIC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Unión de Silvicultores del Sur de Europa (USSE).

The congress will comprise two successive and complementary events spread over a week:

1. Three parallel scientific workshops , each held in a European Atlantic city (Bordeaux, Dublin and Porto) on the 16 and 17 May, followed by a field excursion focusing on issues discussed in the workshop on 18 May.

2. A plenary meeting held in Estoril near Lisbon in Portugal on 20 and 21 May.

Registration deadline extended to 12:00 on 7th May 2013

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