Registration Open

The International University Wine Competition is a project of the University of Maribor for closer cooperation between universities in the field of agriculture, particularly viticulture. The idea behind this project is unique. The competition is a major international event in the field of viticulture and oenology, and it is the only one of its kind. One of our goals is the transfer of knowledge, ideas, and experiences between various universities around the globe. The wines are judged by an international panel of experts. The universities with the best wines are presented with awards, and others receive certificates of participation.

Each competitor may propose members of the judging panel. Entries must be made online. For more information about the competition, visit

Entry forms must be submitted online by 20 August 2016 at the latest. Wine entries must be shipped by 1 September 2016 to: Univerza v Mariboru, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija.

Registration Form for Wine Samples
Wines must be matured and bottled. The university or educational institution is to marked as the producer,
or/and the qualification as university wine must be evident from the label. Each university can
participate in the competition with ten wines at most. Each competition sample should comprise six
bottles. Each sample must be accompanied by a specification form containing the following information:

  • Vintage,
  • Geographical origin,
  • Variety,
  • Alcohol by volume,
  • Titratable acidity,
  • Residual sugar.

Competition samples must be delivered to the organiser at least six days before the start of the competition.

Contact information:
Damir Mlakar
E-mail :
Mobile: +386 41 654 653

Uroš Kline
Mobile: +386 40 276 496
