Invitation to the Launching Web-Conference of the Columbus Hub Academy
The recent EUA Conference at Galway “Bricks and Click for Europe” confirmed that many European universities are currently undergoing a major review of the internalization of the curriculum. In fact, according to the recent EUA Trends 2015 (by Andrée Sursock) 41 % of European Universities consider international collaboration in teaching and learning as “the feature that have contributed most to its enhancement”.
Nevertheless, there is an indication that such initiatives are not yet pervasive across institutions and remain mainly an initiative of academic units or, even more, individual teachers. To support those champions, and ultimately entrepreneurial institutions across Europe and Latin America, the Columbus Association is pleased to announce the launching of the Columbus Hub Academy.
Participation is free for Columbus and EUA members. Please find enclosed brief information on this timely initiative. Its aim is to encourage the internationalization of the curriculum through Collaborative Online Learning experiences, for the benefit of the many students who have no opportunity to have an international experience. We invite you and potentially interested staff at your university to join the Web-Conference presenting the Hub, to be held on the 27 April at 4 pm CET (the same Web-conference will be held in Spanish on May 3rd, 4pm CET).
Columbus is a well-established network with 29 years of experience, consisting of 52 universities in 14 countries in Europe and Latin America.
For more information, please go to