Registration Open

The Institute for Peace & Dialogue (IPD)are delighted to announce our next 2 International Summer Academies and 3 Month CAS-Research Program which will be held in Switzerland.

For more information and call for participants documents please visit our web page.

  • V Summer Academy: 09 - 19 August, 2016
  • VI Summer Academy: 19 - 29 August, 2016

3 Month CAS - Research Program: 09 August - 06 November, 2016

We have few places to join our Winter Program 2016.

For more information and call for participants documents please visit our web page.

  • Winter Academy: 15 - 25 February, 2016
  • 3 Month CAS - Research Program: 15 February - 14 May, 2016

Topics: Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Security and Intercultural Dialogue.

3 Month CAS-Research Program consists of the participation at the 22 days Summer Academy, preparation of the research paper (Maximum 5 pages) and visit the relevant 4-5 Swiss Institutes in different Kantons) till the 14 May, 2016. The main goal of the 3 Month CAS-Research Program is to develop the participant’s knowledge, improve the research skills and closely acquaintance with Swiss Organisations.

Deadline for Applications: 16 May, 2016

Scholarship: IPD offers several type of scholarship support to reduction the participation fee amount for most needed potential participants from all over the world counties. In this matter to request the discount on the participation fee amount payment, please write your request briefly via email before or during the application submission period. Unfortunately IPD scholarship program can’t cover all the participation fee amount and international travel expenses.

If you will be any more questions or suggestions, please feel free to write via email to

If you are interested to be part of Swiss Humanitarian & Peace Mission, please fill the relevant application form and back to us by email