Southern and Mediterranean Europe: Social Change, Challenges and Opportunities in a time of Crisis
The conference is organized by the RSG: Southern and Mediterranean Europe: Social Change, Challenges and Opportunities. This Research and Study Group is supported by the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) and it aims to become a space for discussion amongst scholars, policy-makers, stakeholders, local activists, etc. about the impact of current crisis and public policies on rural territories of Southern and Mediterranean Europe.
Some of the issues aimed to be tackled in the conference are the following:
- The impact of crisis in social change processes
- Emergence of new social inequalities
- New processes of empowerment and disempowerment of rural communities
- Resilient strategies to overcome new challenges
- Migration to and from rural areas
- New models of rural governance
- Rural welfare
- Emancipatory movements and spaces
- Mobilities
- Any other issue related to the impact of current crisis on rural territories will be considered.
Abstracts should be submitted to
Important deadlines:
- Submission of abstracts (max. 400 words): 31 October
- Notification of acceptance: 10 November
For further information about the conference, please look up the website