Deciphering complex tree-microbe interactions using genomics, Sébastien Duplessis
Organização: LEAF - Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food
Data: 5 de Julho, 14h30
Local: Sala de Actos
Orador: Sébastien Duplessis (INRA Research Director, France)
Host: Pedro Talhinhas
Abstract: In this seminar I will provide an overview of different aspects studied in our Ecogenomics of interactions team at INRA Nancy (France). After briefly illustrating how comparative fungal genomics analyses can support the study of fungal life traits evolution (Kohler et al. 2015 Nature Genetics), I will more particularly present recently published results. The first one concerns the amazingly large repertoire of resistance genes uncovered in the oak Quercus robur genome (Plomion et al. 2018 Nature Plants) and the second one will illustrate how transcriptomics can help progress in dissecting the very complex life cycle of obligate biographic pathogens that are rust fungi (Lorrain et al. 2018 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions).