Sequeira, A.C., Nunes, L., Caetano, M., Marcelino, F., Rocha, M., Rego, F.C., 2022, Dinâmicas de uso e ocupação do solo entre 1951-80 e 2018 em Portugal Continental. Silva Lusitana, 30(2): 87-105.
Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Álvarez, J.G., Dias, S., Rocha, M., Silva, V., Rego, F.C., 2019, Harmonisation of NFI information to characterize the vertical structure of forest fuels at the European scale. Conference A century of national forest inventories – informing past, present and future decisions, 20-23 May, Sundvolden, Norway. (Poster presentation).
Nunes, L., Álvarez-González, J., Alberdi, I., Silva, V., Rocha, M., Rego, F.C., 2019, Analysis of the occurrence of wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula based on harmonised data from national forest inventories. Annals of Forest Science 76: 27.
(doi: 10.1007/s13595-019-0811-5)
Acácio, V., Dias, F.S., Catry, F.X., Rocha, M., Moreira, F., 2017, Landscape dynamics in Mediterranean oak forests under global change: understanding the role of anthropogenic and environmental drivers across forest types. Global Change Biology 23:1199-1217.
(doi: 10.1111/gcb.13487)
Nunes, L., Marques Duarte, I., Lopes, D., Rocha, M., Rego, F.C., 2017, Assessment of the old oak forests in Portugal using land use and forest wildfires data. In: XIV MEDECOS International Conference & XIII Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET) Meeting – Human-Driven Scenarios for Evolutionary and Ecological Changes, 31 January-04 February, Seville, Spain, pp: 69. [Download]
Nunes, L., Rocha, M., Castro Rego, F., Álvarez-González, J.G., Alberdi, I., 2017, Evolution of the information on fuels in the National Forest Inventories in the Iberian Peninsula. In: IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, 18-22 September, Freiburg, Germany, pp: 378.
Rego, F.C., Nunes, L., Pasadolos-Tato, M., Rocha, M., Silva, V., Alberdi, I., Álvarez-González, J.G., 2017, Harmonização das estimativas de massa volúmica para copas de espécies arbóreas e grupos de matos mais representativos na Península Ibérica. In: 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 11-14 Outubro, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, pp: 27.
Rocha, M., Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Gabriel Álvarez-González, J., Montiel Molina, C., Castro Rego F, 2017, Fire probability estimated by National Forest Inventories in Iberian Peninsula. In: IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, 18-22 September, Freiburg, Germany, pp: 74.
Acácio, V., Dias, F.S., Catry, F.X., Rocha, M., Moreira, F., 2016, Landscape dynamics in Mediterranean oak forests under global change: understanding the role of anthropogenic and environmental drivers across forest types. Seminário “Ecologia, Florestas e Conservação” do Centro de Estudos Florestais e CEABN. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, 16 November, Lisboa, Portugal. (Oral presentation).
Acácio, V., Dias, F.S., Catry, F.X., Rocha, M., Moreira, F., 2016, Landscape dynamics in Mediterranean oak forests under global change: understanding the role of anthropogenic and environmental drivers across species. World Congress Silvo-Pastoral Systems 2016 – Silvo-Pastoral Systems in a Changing World: Functions, Management and People. University of Évora, 27-30 September, Évora, Portugal. (Oral presentation).
Deus, E., Silva, J.S., Catry, F.X., Rocha. M., Moreira, F., 2016, Google Street View as an alternative method to car surveys in large-scale vegetation assessments. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 1-14.
(doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5555-1)
Acácio, V., Dias, F.S., Catry, F.X., Rocha, M., Moreira, F., 2015, Landscape dynamics in Mediterranean oak forests under global change: understanding the role of anthropogenic and environmental drivers across species. TIBE (Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution) Seminar – Global Biodiversity Change: From Genes to Ecosystems, CIBIO/InBIO, 1-2 June, Vairão, Portugal. (Oral presentation).
Colaço, M.C., Rego, F.C., Rocha, M., Macedo, A., Neto, C.A., 2015, Wildfire Risk Assessment in the Santarém District - Portugal. ENHANCE Deliverable 7.3. Netherlands: ENHANCE Consortium. 40 pp.
Gunst, L., Rego, F., Dias, S., Bifulco, C., Stagge, J.H., Rocha, M., Van Lanen, H.A.J., 2015, Impact of meteorological drought on crop yield on Pan-European scale, 1979-2009. International Conference on Drought: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing, 10-13 March, Valencia, Spain. [Download Poster].
Gunst, L., Rego, F., Dias, S., Bifulco, C., Stagge, J.H., Rocha, M.S., Van Lanen, H.A.J., 2015, Links between meteorological drought indices and yields (1979-2009) of the main European crops. DROUGHT-R&SPI Technical Report No. 36 [Download]
Gunst, L., Rego, F., Dias, S., Bifulco, C.,Stagge, J.H., Rocha, M., Van Lanen, H.A.J., 2015, Impact of meteorological drought on crop yield on Pan-European scale, 1979 – 2009. In: In: Andreu, J., Solera, A., Paredes-Arquiola, J., Haro-Monteagudo, D., Van Lanen, H. (Eds.), Drought: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing, London, United Kingdom: CRC Press/Balkema. ISBN: 9781138027794, pp. 113-117.
Colaço, M.C., Rego, F., Rocha, M., Bento, L., Macedo, A., Netto, C., 2014, Development of MSP’s in the case study wildfires in the Santarém District. ENHANCE - Enhancing Risk Management Partnerships for Catastrophic Natural Disasters in Europe, Deliverable 7.2.[Download]
Duarte, I., Rocha, M., Arsénio, P., Alves, J., Rego, F.C., 2014, Valores implícitos dos usos do solo para a conservação dos habitats naturais, em Portugal Continental. Silva Lusitana 22 (2): 151-183.
Gudmundsson, L., Rego, F., Rocha, M., Seneviratne, S., 2014, Predicting abnormal wildfire damages in southern Europe as a function of meteorological drought. Environmental Research Letters 9:8pp.
(doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/8/084008)
Rego, F.C.& Rocha, M., 2014, Climatic Patterns in the Mediterranean region. Ecologia Mediterranea 40 (1): 49-59. [Download]
Sequeira, C., Salgueiro, P., Tavares, D., Rocha, M., Jorge, J.M., Deus, E., Rego, F.C., Reis, R., 2013, Dinâmicas do Eucalipto na Paisagem de Portugal Continental entre 1970 e 2007, 14º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia SPECO/Encontro da Primavera APEP 2013, 17 a 19 de Junho, Bragança. (Poster).
Sequeira, C., Salgueiro, P., Tavares, D., Rocha, M., Jorge, J.M., Deus, E., Rego, F.C., Reis, R., 2013, Dinâmicas do Eucalipto na Paisagem de Portugal Continental entre 1970 e 2007. 14º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia SPECO/Encontro da Primavera APEP 2013, 17-19 Junho, Bragança. (Comunicação).
Tavares, D., Sequeira, C., Rocha, M., Rego, F., Reis, R., 2013, Efeitos do fogo sobre a dinâmica da paisagem: o caso do Douro e Alto Trás-os-Montes. 7º Congresso Florestal Nacional. 5-8 Junho, Vila Real/Bragança, Abstract book, pp. 186.(Poster).
Colaço, M.C., Rocha, M., Bento, L., Rego, F., 2012, Wildfire Social Vulnerability: a contribution to the European Project Matrix. In: Rural Fire Research Workshop. SCION, Book of proceedings, 14-15 June, Rotorua, New Zealand, pp: 211-223.[Download]
Rocha, M., 2012, Impact of digital asymmetries in territorial cohesion. International e-Planning Workshop 2012: "Citizens, Cities and Technology", Lisboa, 23 de Abril de 2012.
Stegman, M., Rocha, M., Davis, W., 2005, The Role of Technology in Serving the Unbanked. The Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Rodriguez, D., Rocha, M. and M. Belzer, 2004, The Effects of Trucking Firm Financial Performance on Driver Safety. In: Peoples, J.H., and Talley, W.K., (Eds), Transportation and Labor Issues and Regulatory Reform, Research in Transportation Economic Series, Elsevier Science Publishers, Rotterdam.
Stegman, M., Rocha, M., Davis, W., 2004, The Accessibility of Self Service Banking Technology to Low- Income and Minority Communities – Preliminary Results from a Spatial Analysis of Automated Teller Machines in the United States, Center for Community Capitalism, 42 pages (Apresentado no Community Development Finance Research Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York).
Khattak, A, and Rocha M., 2003, Are SUVs Supremely Unsafe Vehicles? Analyzing Rollovers and Injuries. Transportation Research Record. 1840: 167-177.
Khattak, A., Rodriguez, D., Targa, F., Rocha, M., 2003, Understanding the Role of Truck-Driver, Occupational and High-Risk Roadway Factors in Truck-Involved Collisions. Center for Urban and Regional Studies, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CURS Report No. 2003-04, Report prepared for the Southeastern Transportation Center, 89 pages.
Rodriguez, D., Rocha M., Khattak A. J. and Belzer M. H., 2003, Truck Driver Occupational Factors, Crash Occurrence, and Crash Frequency: A Case Study. Transportation Research Record. 1833: 95-102.
Financiamento: Fundo Português do Carbono. Período: Junho de 2015 a Dezembro de 2016.
DIABOLO – Distribuir, integrar e harmonizar a informação florestal para bioeconomia
Financiamento: HORIZON 2020. Período: Março de 2015 a Fevereiro de 2019. Referência: 633464.
Financimento: FORESTERRA ERA-NET. Período: Outubro de 2014 a Março de 2017. Referência: FORESTERRA/0001/2014.
FIRELAND - Efeitos do fogo sobre a dinâmica da vegetação à escala da paisagem em Portugal
Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES/PIDDAC). Período: Janeiro 2010 a Setembro de 2013. Referência: PTDC/AGR-CFL/104651/2008.