Our researcher Leónia Nunes and the Coordinator of the CEABN InBIO, Francisco Castro Rego, participated in the final meeting of the DIABOLO project (Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy) and in the final conference of the project entitled “Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks”, that took place in the Koli National Park, Finland, from February 12 to 14.
The main objectives of this meeting were focused on the main achievements of the project under the subjects: “From science to policy: Serving the needs of European policy making” and “Improved monitoring and outlooks”. The results that were presented were based in the information provided by the members of the Forest National Inventories, with the harmonization of the analysis methods, in particular when referencing estimation of tree volume, forest biodiversity indicators, estimation of non-wood forest products productivity and assessment of the crown fire hazard through the characterization of fuel characteristics.
In this meeting it was also discussed the role of National Forest Inventories towards 2020 in the context of the DIABOLO project and potential ways for exploiting the DIABOLO outputs.
Thrusday, 07 March 2019