Research at ISA
FEADER and PDR2020 finance 38 project of the School of Agriculture.
Since the outset of Agricultural Teaching in Portugal, back in 1852, until the 70's, ISA remained the only Portuguese school to provide high school teaching in the field of agriculture, which allowed to be, today, a school with a high reputation, either domestic or internationally, for its teachers and researchers team of excellence.
Several indicators place ISA in a prominent position, either within ULisboa or domestically, in the area of agrisciences, a status that should be kept and encouraged.
The development work and the services provided by some of our teachers and researchers have a continuous and growing demand, and focus mainly in consulting interventions to businesses and institutions for evaluation and elaboration of investment projects, and in developing actions and quality control for the services and products manufactured by companies.
The research activities are performed with a strong inter-institution component and with full engagement by the business sector. In fact, virtually for all projects there is a joint involvement by ISA and other institutions, materialized by the existence of protocols for scientific and technical collaboration with several establishments, companies and co-ops.
In this way ISA consolidates its status as an advocate of excellence in tuition and research.
See the ISA Research Report in the National and International Context (2017-2021):
See also the flyer "Research at ISA - We Make a Difference":