How to submit a manuscript
The presented scientific contributions will be published as conference proceedings in the IOBC-WPRS Bulletin and delivered on the website of IOBC-WPRS. Authors should prepare their manuscripts following IOBC guidelines (see instructions bellow). In order to allow good and uniform reproduction, all manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word. To facilitate the preparation of manuscripts a template can be downloaded in the following button:
Type of manuscripts
- Extended abstracts: authors should submit an extended abstract (maximal 2 pages), both for poster and oral presentations
- Full papers: maximal 4 pages (preferred)
- Extended abstracts: should be submitted before 30th September 2018 - New deadline 30th October 2018
- Full papers: should be submitted before 30th March 2019.
Instructions: full paper
The papers should consist of:
- Abstract
- Key words
- Introduction
- Material and methods
- Results and discussion (separated or combined)
- Acknowledgements (if necessary)
- References
Instructions for the papers:
- Paper-format: A4
- Left and right margins of the text: 2.5 cm, Upper margin: 3.0 cm, Lower margin: 2.5 cm, This results in a printing area of 16 cm x 23.7 cm
- Line spacing: 1
- Font: “Times New Roman” or “Times”
- All titles and subtitles should be flush left
- Font of the title: 15 pt, bold
- Font of the abstract: 11 pt
- Font of subtitles (sections): 13 pt, bold
- Font of the running text: 12 pt (except titles and abstract)
- No hyphenation in the text
- Justification of the text
- Make sure that the first lines of all paragraphs (except for the paragraph that follows a title) are indented with a [Tab] command (0.8 cm). Do not use spaces instead of tabs and indents. Do not repeatedly use Standard-Tab stops
- Scientific names of plants and animals in Italics
- The authors’ names should be typed in the normal font (not in capitals or any other face, not bold) in the text as well as in the “References”
- Layout as shown in the template
- Do not number the pages; the page numbering is done when the bulletins are being compiled
Tables & figures:
- Incorporate tables and figures into the manuscript. Make sure that they are not linked to a file on your own computer, which makes them disappear in the manuscript when it is sent away
- Two free lines have to precede and follow each figure or table
- Make your tables with the [Table]-function. Do not use repeated [Standard]-Tab’s or spaces Legends should be mentioned above the tables and under the figures. In the figures and tables the smallest font should be 10 pt. Smaller fonts may become unreadable Tables and figures should be centered
- To differentiate between parts of a diagram or between curves in a figure, use clearly different colours or shading in different patterns. Make sure that the patterns as well can be clearly discerned from each other. Please avoid in the figures large uniform black or grey areas, fill out the columns in a figure with a pattern or a colour
- Coloured photographs are welcome, but they shouldn’t require too much memory capacity (not more than 1 MB each) The figures, too, should not require too much memory capacity.
- If they need more than 1 MB, they will often have to be downsized which may be followed by a lack of quality
For journal abbreviations use the Web of Science list
If you cite authors in the text, please order them according to the date of publication, first dates first, e.g. (Erwin & Ribeiro, 1996; Kuldau & Yates, 2000; McCracken et al., 2003), or “… Erwin & Ribeiro (1996) and McCracken et al. (2003) have shown…”
The references are written in Times Roman 12 pt with hanging indents by 0.8 cm in the first line. References are listed alphabetically. In the case of several references by the same author, give single-author references first, e.g. Smith (1996) before Smith et al. (1994), but Smith (1993) before Smith (1994). Please follow the examples given below for journal articles, book chapters and entire books and the examples in the bulletin manuscript.
McCracken, A. R., Berrie, A., Barbara, D. J., Locke, T., Cooke, L. R., Phelps, K., Swinburne, T. R., Brown, A. E., Ellerker, B. & Langrell, S. R. H. 2003: Relative significance of nursery infections and orchard inoculum in the development and spread of apple canker (Nectria galligena) in young orchards. Plant Pathol. 52: 553-566.
Book chapter
Kuldau, G. A. & Yates, I. E. 2000: Evidence for Fusarium endophytes in cultivated and wild plants. In: Microbial Endophytes (eds. Bacon, C. W. & White, J. F.): 85-117. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Erwin, D. C. & Ribeiro, O. K. 1996: Phytophthora Diseases Worldwide. APS Press, St. Paul, USA.
Beckleheimer, J. 1994: How do you cite URLs in a bibliography? [WWW document] URL Cited 20 Apr. 2012. [font: 12 pt, indent second and following lines: 0.8 cm]
Online Journal
Pérez, J., Rojas, J. C., Montoya, P., Liedo, P., González, F .J. & Castillo, A. 2012: Size, shape and hue modulate attraction and landing responses of the braconid parasitoid Fopius arisanus to fruit odour-baited visual targets. BioControl doi:10.1007/s10526-011-9416-0
Note: The doi is reserved for journals that appear only online.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin
Sigsgaard, L., Vogt, H. & Weintraub, P. G. 2011: Voices from vice-presidents of the IOBC-WPRS. IOBC-WPRS Bull. 57: 123-456. [note: before Volume 30, 2007, the issue number must be included, e.g. 30(1): 12-15.]
Instructions: extended abstract
For extended abstracts (max 2 pages), follow the instructions for manuscripts:
- Paper-format: A4
- Left and right margins of the text: 2.5 cm Upper margin: 3.0 cm Lower margin: 2.5 cm This results in a printing area of 16 cm x 23.7 cm
- Line spacing: 1
- Font: “Times New Roman” or “Times”
- Font of the extended abstract, key words etc.: 12 pt
- Font of the title: 16 pt, bold
- Font of subtitles (References, key words, acknowledgements…): 14 pt, bold
- No hyphenation in the text
- Justification of the text
- Make sure that the first lines of all paragraphs (except for the paragraph that follows a title) are indented with a [Tab] command (0.8 cm). Do not use spaces instead of tabs and indents. Do not repeatedly use Standard-Tab stops
- Scientific names of plants and animals in Italics
- The authors’ names should be typed in the normal font (not in capitals or any other face, not bold) in the text as well as in the “References” (if appearing in the extended abstract)
- If references are mentioned in the extended abstract, they must be listed under “References”
- Key words should be mentioned, in a distance of 2 lines to the text
Acceptation of manuscript
The organizing committee will review the abstracts and notify the authors once the presentation form (oral/poster) has been determined.
The presenting author must be a registered participant. Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract. Regular registration is obligatory and binding and implies payment of the registration fee.