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17 Novembro 2023

Prova de Mestrado - Licenciado João Pedro Alves Duque

Título: Avaliação genética de características morfofuncionais do Burro de Miranda

Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica

Licenciado:  João Pedro Alves Duque

Data:  17 de novembro de 2023 / 9h30

Local: Sala 39 do Edifício Principal


CTROP - ULisboa

The Tropical College of the University of Lisbon is pleased to invite you to participate in the event "Strengthening ties between Europe and Africa in terms of sustainable development", which will take place on November 17, 2023, at 9:30 a.m., in the Rectors' room, at ULisboa Rectory Building, Cidade Universitária.

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