On behalf of the ASIC Board and the Organizing Committee it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 26^th ASIC International Conference on Coffee Science, ASIC 2016, to be held in Kunming, PR China, from November 13^rd to November 19^th , 2016.
On behalf of the ASIC Board and the Organizing Committee it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 26^th ASIC International Conference on Coffee Science, ASIC 2016, to be held in Kunming, PR China, from November 13^rd to November 19^th , 2016.
Organização: LEAF - Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food ADISA- Associação para o Desenvolvimento do ISA Data: 8 Nov 2016, 15h Local: Sala de Atos Orador: DR. HÉLDER MUTEIA, Representante da FAO em Portugal
Prémio OIV 2016 - Enologia atribuído ao livro “Química Enológica - métodos analíticos. Avanços recentes no controlo da qualidade dos vinhos e de outros produtos vitivinícolas”