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Teresa Mexia

Email: teresa.mexia(a#t)

I am a Ph.D. candidate at CEABN and CEF (FCT PhD programme SUSFOR - Sustainable Forests and Products) and my project focus on the effects of sustainable forest management on the conservation of cork oak woodlands.

My main interest has always been to bring together ecology and application so, before starting my PhD, I worked in several projects related to ecological restoration. We were mostly interested in increasing restoration success of quarries by adapting methodologies and evaluating its effects on the ecosystem. I also had some experience in vegetation surveys, riparian quality evaluation, ecosystem services assessment, namely in urban parks, and coastal dunes restoration.

Mexia, T., Lecomte, X., Caldeira, M.C., Bugalho, M., 2022, Conservation zones increase habitat heterogeneity of certified Mediterranean oak woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 504: 119811

(doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119811)

Mexia, T., Bugalho M.N., Caldeira M.C., 2019, Effects of Forest Certification on shrub and grassland diversity of Cork Oak Woodlands. In Ecology Across Borders: Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals – Book of Abstracts.  15th EEF - European Ecological Federation Congress. Ecology across borders. Embedding ecology in sustainable development goals. Lisbon, 29 July - 2 August, pp. 210. (Poster presentation)

Pinho, P., Matos, P., Luz, A., Koch, N., Grilo, F., Rocha, B., Vieira, J., Mexia, T., Aleixo, C., Branquinho, C., 2019, Managing cities green infrastructure to enhance the provision of ecosystem services to create more liveable and resilient cities. In Embrapa Florestas (Eds.). Pesq.flor. bras. v. 39, Special issue - XXV IUFRO World Congress Abstracts. XXV IUFRO World Congress: Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development, Curitiba, Brazil, pp. 551. [Download]

Pinho, P., Vieira, J., Mexia, T., Aleixo C., Grilo, F., Matos, P., Branquinho, C., 2019, Metrics to quantify biodiversity-es relationships over spatial scales. In Ecology Across Borders: Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals – Book of Abstracts.  15th EEF - European Ecological Federation Congress. Ecology across borders. Embedding ecology in sustainable development goals. Lisbon, Portugal 29 July - 2 August, pp. 80.

CERTFOR: Efeitos da certificação florestal na conservação dos montados de sobreiro

Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).  Duração:  1 de Janeiro de 2019 a 31 de Dezembro de 2022. Referência: PTDC/ASP-SIL/31253/2017