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Lecomte, X., Bugalho, M.N., Catry, F.X., Fernandes, P.M., Cera, A., Caldeira, M.C. (2024) Ungulates mitigate the effects of drought and shrub encroachment on the fire hazard of M editerranean oak woodlands. Ecological Applications, e2971


Lecomte X, Bugalho M, Catry FX, Fernandes P, Cera A, Caldeira M (2024) Ungulates mitigate the effects of drought and shrub encroachment on the fire hazard of Mediterranean oak woodlands. Ecological Applications, e2971


Cera A, Bugalho MN, Catry FX (2024) Deer exclusion is necessary to promote post-fire herbaceous regeneration in the understorey of a Mediterranean forest. Restoration Ecology, e14208.


Sequeira, M.S., Góis-Marques, C., Gouveia, M., Zino, F., Bairos, C., Mesquita, S. & Capelo, J. (2023) Contribution to the flora of the Selvagens archipelago (Portugal) (I). Botanica Complutensis 47, e88585


Paiva, D., Carvalho, L., Brito-Henriques, E., Sousa, A.M., Soares, A.L. & Azambuja, S.T. (2023) Digital storytelling and hopeful last chance tourism experiences, Tourism Geographies,


Nunes, L.F., Santamaría, T., Casanueva, P., Sánchez-Sastre, L., Ferreras-Romero, A., Campos, F. & Hernández M. (2023) Patterns of variation in wing venation of Iberian Cordulegaster boltonii (Donovan, 1807) (Odonata: Cordulegastridae). International Journal of Odonatology, Vol. 26, 164-171


Mahi, T., Harizia A., Elouissi, A., Pérez-Izquierdo, C., Benguerai, A., Canelo, T., Bonal, R. (2023) Chemical composition and toxicity of Artemisia herba-alba essential oil against Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) under laboratory conditions. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 50, 102742, ISSN 1878-8181.


Torres-Vila, L.M., Mendiola-Díaz, F.J., Canelo, T. (2023) Cerambyx cerdo and Cerambyx welensii Oak-Living Sympatric Populations Exhibit Species-Specific Responses to Face Ecological Factors in the Wild. Diversity, 15, 545


Talhinhas, P., Ferreira, J.C., Ferreira, V., Soares, A.L., Espírito-Santo, D., Paço, T.A.D. (2023) In the Search for Sustainable Vertical Green Systems: An Innovative Low-Cost Indirect Green Façade Structure Using Portuguese Native Ivies and Cork. In: Sustainability (Switzerland) 15(6), 5446.


Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E., Verloove, F., Klopper, R.R. & Silva, V. (2023) An annotated catalogue of Aloe and Aloiampelos (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae) naturalised and escaped in continental Portugal. Phytotaxa 629(1): 35-52.

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