
Wood science and technology, cork, biorefineries, biomass


Investigadores do CEF no Top 2% dos mais influentes do mundo
Investigadores do CEF no Top 2% dos mais influentes do mundo
Foi recentemente divulgada a lista atualizada dos cientistas mais citados a nível mundial – World’s … Ler mais
Estudo de 98 madeiras tropicais identifica alternativas a madeiras comerciais de elevado valor
Estudo de 98 madeiras tropicais identifica alternativas a madeiras comerciais de elevado valor
Existe uma extraordinária diversidade de cor nas madeiras tropicais e a cor é uma das … Ler mais
Investigadores CEF na lista "World’s Top 2% Scientists"
Investigadores CEF na lista “World’s Top 2% Scientists”
O CEF – Centro de Estudos Florestais está mais uma vez representado no top dos cientistas mais … Ler mais
Investigadores do CEF reconhecidos pelo ranking
Investigadores do CEF reconhecidos pelo ranking
Vários investigadores do CEF foram destacados na edição de 2023 do ranking de melhores cientistas … Ler mais
CEF na conferência Cork in Science and Applications 2023
CEF na conferência Cork in Science and Applications 2023
As investigadoras Ana Lourenço, Helena Pereira, Isabel Miranda e Joana Amaral Paulo, acompanhadas pelo bolseiro … Ler mais
Prof. Helena Pereira na Conferência "Valorizar as florestas: pelas pessoas e pelo planeta"
Prof. Helena Pereira na Conferência “Valorizar as florestas: pelas pessoas e pelo planeta”
A Conferência “Valorizar as florestas: pelas pessoas e pelo planeta” organizada pelo, a The … Ler mais
8 investigadores do CEF entre os 2% mais citados do mundo em 2021
8 investigadores do CEF entre os 2% mais citados do mundo em 2021
O Centro de Estudos Florestais tem 8 investigadores e professores na lista dos cientistas mais … Ler mais
Professora Helena Pereira distinguida com o Prémio Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo
Professora Helena Pereira distinguida com o Prémio Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo
A Professora Helena Pereira foi uma das vencedoras da 5.ª edição do Prémio Maria de … Ler mais
Investigadores do CEF entre os mais citados a nível mundial
Investigadores do CEF entre os mais citados a nível mundial
O CEF conta com oito investigadores na lista dos “2% mais importantes” do Scopus em … Ler mais
Equipa de investigadores do CEF realiza primeira análise à composição da casca dos cepos de eucalipto
Equipa de investigadores do CEF realiza primeira análise à composição da casca dos cepos de eucalipto
Equipa de investigadores do Grupo ForTec analisou, pela primeira vez, a composição química da casca … Ler mais
Quantificação simultânea do glicerol e dos ácidos gordos da suberina da cortiça: uma abordagem metodológica
Quantificação simultânea do glicerol e dos ácidos gordos da suberina da cortiça: uma abordagem metodológica
No presente trabalho, foi proposta uma metodologia alternativa para a metanólise e isolamento dos componentes … Ler mais
A cortiça como biossorvente natural para cinco pesticidas selecionados em amostra de água
A cortiça como biossorvente natural para cinco pesticidas selecionados em amostra de água
O presente estudo avaliou a eficiência da adsorção de cinco pesticidas (atrazina, fluazifop-P-butil, lactofen, lambda-cialotrina … Ler mais
EWLP 2018 - Workshop Europeu sobre lenhocelulose e pasta de papel
EWLP 2018 – Workshop Europeu sobre lenhocelulose e pasta de papel
O investigador do CEF, Jorge Gominho, participou como orador no “15th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and … Ler mais
A variabilidade da composição da lenhina na biomassa
A variabilidade da composição da lenhina na biomassa
As investigadoras do CEF, Ana Lourenço e Helena Pereira, publicaram um capitulo no livro “Lignin – … Ler mais
30 anos de estudo do cardo
30 anos de estudo do cardo
As sementes do cardo são ricas em óleo que pode servir de matéria-prima para a … Ler mais
Coordenadora do CEF nomeada Vice-Presidente da FCT
Coordenadora do CEF nomeada Vice-Presidente da FCT
Nomeação da Prof. Helena Pereira ocorreu no passado dia 14 de setembro Em reunião do … Ler mais
Cork-Containing Barks - A Review
Cork-Containing Barks – A Review
Primeira compilação estruturada com a informação científica disponível sobre espécies que produzem quantidades significativas de … Ler mais
Coordenadora do CEF/ISA recebe “Prémio Científico ULisboa/Santander Universidades”
Coordenadora do CEF/ISA recebe “Prémio Científico ULisboa/Santander Universidades”
A investigadora Helena Pereira foi a vencedora na área da Agronomia. O “Prémio Científico Ulisboa/Santander … Ler mais


Artigos Científicos (ISI)

Martins P.L., Duarte L.C., Pereira H., Reis A., Carvalheiro F (2025)

Evaluation of different fractionation methods for the simultaneous protein and carbohydrate extraction from microalgae

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 15: 999–1011. DOI:

Miranda I., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2025)

Impact of a 2-year environmental exposure on colour, structure and chemistry of cork

Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 83: 26. DOI:

Mota G.S., Nery F.C., Araujo E.S., Lourenço M.S., Pereira H., Mori F.A. (2025)

Characterization of cork features of Erythrina mulungu and Enterolobium gummiferum in view of a potential valorization and conservation of forest species in the Cerrado bioma

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 83: 2. DOI:

Malengue A.S., Simões, R., Miranda, I. Pereira H. (2024)

Lipophilic and polar extracts in the cork-rich bark of the Miombo species Parinari curatellifolia

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (online first) . DOI:

Miranda I., Lourenço A., Simões R., Athayde J., Pereira H. (2024)

Insights into cork weathering regarding colour, chemical and cellular changes in view of outdoor applications

Plos One, 19(4): e0301384. DOI:

Miranda I., Pereira H (2024)

Cork Façades as an innovative and sustainable approach in architecture: a review of cork materials, properties and case studies

Materials, 17: 4414. DOI:

Sen A.U., Simões R., Yucedag C., Quilhó T., Sousa V., Miranda I., Fernandes A., Pereira H. (2024)

Bark-based biorefineries: anatomical and chemical characterization of the bark of endemic Quercus vulcanica of Turkey

Wood Science and Technology, 58: 333-355. DOI:

Sen U., Almeida D., da Silveira T.F.F., Pires T.S.P., Añibarro-Ortega M., Mandim F., Barros L., Ferreira I.C.F.R., Pereira H., Fernandes  (2024)

Exploring the bioactive properties of hydroethanolic cork extracts of Quercus cerris and Quercus suber

Processes, 12: 1579. DOI:

Sen U., Rodrigues J.F.G., Almeida D., Fernandes Â., Gonçalves M., Martins M., Santos D.M.F., Pereira H. (2024)

Pine nutshells and their biochars as sources of chemicals, fuels, activated carbons, and electrode materials

Processes, 12: 1603. DOI:

Torrado I., Neves B.G., Fernandes M.C., Carvalheiro F., Pereira H., Duarte L.C. (2024)

Microwave‑assisted hydrothermal processing of pine nut shells for oligosaccharide production

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14: 20751-20760. DOI:

Torrado I., Neves B.G., Fernandes M.C., Carvalheiro F., Pereira H., Duarte L.C. (2024)

Microwave-assisted hydrothermal processing of pine nut shells for oligosaccharide production

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (online first). DOI:

Uzoagba C.E.J., Okoroigwe E., Kadivar M., Anye V.C., Bello A., Ezealigo U., Ngasoh F.O., Pereira H., Onwualu P.A. (2024)

Characterization of wood, leaves, barks, and pod wastes from Prosopis africana biomass for biofuel production

Waste Management Bulletin, 2: 172-182 . DOI:

Alves-Ferreira J., Duarte L, Fernandez M.C., Pereira H., Cavalheiro F. (2023)

Cistus ladanifer as a potential feedstock for biorefineries: A review

Energies, 16(1): 391. DOI:

Bessa F., Sousa V., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2023)

Diversity of wood colour in tropical timber species and its relationship with wood density and anatomical features

IAWA Journal, 40(1): 1-23 . DOI:

Esteves B., Şen U., Pereira H. (2023)

Influence of chemical composition on heating value of biomass: A review and bibliometric analysis

Energies , 16(10): 4226. DOI:

Fernandes M.C., Alves-Ferreira J., Duarte L.C., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F., Martínez, A. (2023)

D-lactic acid production from hydrothermally pretreated, alkali delignified and enzymatically saccharified rockrose with the metabolic engineered Escherichia coli strain JU15.

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13: 12849-12958. DOI:

Lakreb N., Şen U., Beddiar A., Zitoune R., Nobre C., Gomes M.G., Pereira H. (2023)

Properties of eco-friendly mortars produced by partial cement replacement with waste cork particles: a feasibility study

Biomass Conversion Biorefinery, 13: 11997–12007. DOI:

Lakreb N., Sen U., Toussaint E., Anziane S., Djakab E., Pereira H. (2023)

Physical properties and thermal conductivity of cork-based sandwich panels for building

Construction and Building Materials, 368: 130420. DOI:

Malengue A.S., Miranda I., Simões R., Lourenço A., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2023)

Cork cellular and chemical features underlying bark environmental protection in the Miombo species Parinari curatellifoila

Heliyon, 9 (10): e21135. DOI:

Martins M, Lemos M.A., Lemos F., Pereira H. (2023)

Torrefaction of Forest Residues Using a Lab-Scale Reactor

Environments, 10(12): 202. DOI:

Nobre C., Şen A., Durão L. Miranda I., Pereira H., Gonçalves M. (2023)

Low-temperature pyrolysis products of waste cork and lignocellulosic biomass: product characterization

Biomass Conversion Biorefinery, 13: 2267–2277. DOI:

Pereira H., Simões R., Miranda I. (2023)

Cuticular waxes and cutin in Terminalia catappa leaves from the equatorial São Tomé and Príncipe islands

Molecules, 28: 6365. DOI:

Şen A. U., Simões R., Yücedağ C., Miranda I., Fernandes Â., Pereira H. (2023)

Biochemical characterization and fuel properties of endemic Taurus flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica) bark from Turkey

Processes, 11(9):2774. DOI:

Şen A.U., Esteves B., Lemos F., Pereira H. (2023)

Insights into the combustion behavior of cork and phloem: effect of chemical components and biomass morphology

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 81: 999-1010. DOI:

Şen U., Esteves B., Pereira H. (2023)

Pyrolysis and extraction of bark in a biorefineries context: A critical review

Energies, 16(13): 4848. DOI:

Şen U., Longo A., Gonçalves M., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2023)

The potential of waste phloem fraction of Quercus cerris bark in biochar production

Environments, 10: 71. DOI:

Sen U., Martins M., Santos E., Lemos M.A., Lemos F., Pereira H. (2023)

Slow pyrolysis of Quercus cerris cork: characterization of biochars and pyrolysis volatiles

Environments, 10(1): 4. DOI:

Şen U., Viegas C., Duarte M.P., Maurício E.M., Nobre C., Correia R., Pereira H., Gonçalves M. (2023)

Maceration of waste cork in binary hydrophilic solvents for the production of functional extracts

Environments, 10(8): 142. DOI:

Simões R., Fortes Q, Patricio H., Branco J., Mota M., Pimentel C., Miranda I., Pereira, H. (2023)

Phytochemical profile of secondary metabolites in the phloem of mature Pinus pinaster trees attacked by the pine wood nematode

Phytoparasitica 52, 20. DOI:

Simões R., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2023)

Variation in leaf cutin content and chemical composition along one annual cycle in the Mediterranean cork oak (Quercus suber L.).

Forests, 14(2): 334. DOI:

Sousa V., Miranda I, Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2023)

The Diversity of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products: Anatomical, Physical, and Chemical Properties, and Potential Applications

Forests 14, 1988. DOI:

Torrado I., Dionísio A., Fernandes M.C., Roseiro L.B., Carvalheiro F., Pereira H., Duarte L.C. (2023)

Production of oligosaccharides from pine nut shells by autohydrolysis

Bioenergy Research (online first). DOI:

Vangeel T., Neiva D.M., Quilhó T., Costa R.A., Sousa V., Sels B.F., Pereira H. (2023)

Tree bark characterization envisioning an integrated use in a biorefinery

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13: 2029–2043. DOI:

Alves-Ferreira J., Carvalheiro F., Duarte L.C., Ferreira A.R.P., Martinez A., Pereira H., Fernandes, M.C. (2022)

D-Lactic acid production from Cistus ladanifer residues: Co-fermentation of pentoses and hexoses by Escherichia coli JU15

Industrial Crops and Products, 177: 114519. . DOI:

Bessa F., Sousa V., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2022)

An integrated similarity analysis of anatomical and physical wood properties of tropical species from India, Mozambique, and East Timor

Forests, 13(10): 1675. DOI:

Heinzl G.C., Mota D.A., Martinis V., Martins A.S., Soares C.M.F., Osório N., Gominho J., Madhavan Nampoothiri K., Sukumaran R.K., Pereira H., Ferreira-Dias S. (2022)

Integrated bioprocess for structured lipids, emulsifiers and biodiesel production using crude acidic olive pomace oils

Bioresource Technology, 346: 126646. DOI:

Lakreb N., Şen U., Beddiar A., Zitoune R., Nobre C., Gomes M.G., Pereira H. (2022)

Properties of eco-friendly mortars produced by partial cement replacement with waste cork particles: a feasibility study

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. DOI:

Lakreb N., Sen U., Bezzazi B., Pereira H. (2022)

The physicomechanical and thermal properties of Algerian Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) wood as a component of sandwich panels

IForest, 15 (2): 106-111. DOI:

Lauw A., Jansma E., Pereira H. (2022)

The art trade between Flanders and Madeira Island in the 15th and 16th centuries – The contribution of dendrochronology to the history of Portuguese heritage

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 42: 103379. DOI:

Mangione R., Simões R., Pereira H., Catarino S., Ricardo-da-Silva J., Miranda I., Ferreira-Dias S. (2022)

Potential use of grape stems and pomaces from two red grapevine cultivars as source of oligosaccharides

Processes, 10: 1896. DOI:

Sartori C.J., Mota G.S., Mori F.A., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2022)

Bark characterization of a commercial Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clone in view of its potential use as a biorefinery raw material

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 12(5): 1541-1553. DOI:

Şen A.U., Correia R., Longo A., Nobre C., Alves O., Santos M., Gonçalves M., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2022)

Chemical composition, morphology, antioxidant, and fuel properties of pine nut shells within a biorefinery perspective

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. DOI:

Şen A.U., Fonseca F.G., Funke A., Pereira H., Lemos F. (2022)

Pyrolysis kinetics and estimation of chemical composition of Quercus cerris cork

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 12(11): 4835-4845. DOI:

Şen A.U., Nobre C., Durão L., Miranda I., Pereira H., Gonçalves M. (2022)

Low-temperature biochars from cork-rich and phloem-rich wastes: fuel, leaching, and methylene blue adsorption properties

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 12(9): 3899–3909. DOI:

Şen U., Pereira H. (2022)

Pyrolysis behavior of alternative cork species

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147(6): 4017–4025. DOI:

Simões R., Branco M., Nogueira C., Carvalho C., Santos-Silva C., Ferreira-Dias S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2022)

Phytochemical composition of extractives in the inner cork layer of cork oaks with low and moderate Coraebus undatus attack

Forests, 13: 1517. DOI:

Simões R., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2022)

The influence of solvent and extraction time on yield and chemical selectivity of cuticular waxes from Quercus suber leaves.

Processes, 10(11): 2270. DOI:

Simões R., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2022)

Effect of seasonal variation on leaf cuticular waxes’ composition in the Mediterranean Cork Oak (Quercus suber L.).

Forests, 13(8): 1236.. DOI:

Simões R., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2022)

Cutin extraction and composition determined under differing depolymerisation conditions in cork oak leaves

Phytochemical Analysis, 33(1): 127-135. DOI:

Alves-Ferreira J., Lourenço A., Morgado F., Duarte L.C., Roseiro L.B., Fernandes M.C., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F. (2021)

Delignification of Cistus ladanifer biomass by organosolv and alkali processes

Energies, 14(42): 1127. DOI:

Anjos O., Guiné R. P. F., Santos A. J. A., Paula V. B., Pereira H., Estevinho L. M. (2021)

Evaluation of FT-Raman and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy for the quality evaluation of Lavandula spp. Honey

Open Agriculture, 6: 47–56. DOI:

Berhanu H., Neiva D., Gominho J., Kiflie Z., Feleke S., Yimam A., Pereira H. (2021)

Bio-Refinery potential of Enset (Ensete ventricosum) fiber bundle using non-catalyzed and alkali catalyzed hydrothermal pretreatment

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 12(2): 663-672. DOI:

Ferreira J., Jones D., Esteves B., Cruz-Lopes L., Pereira H., Domingos I. (2021)

Life cycle assessment of maritime pine wood: a portuguese case study

Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 40(5): 431-445. DOI:

Gominho J., Costa R.A., Lourenço A., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2021)

Eucalyptus globulus stumps bark: chemical and anatomical characterization under a valorisation perspective

Waste Biomass Valor, 12: 1253–1265. DOI:

Lauw A., Beuting M., Pereira H. (2021)

Violins and cellos from Portuguese collections. A tree ring study as a historical source of the Portuguese heritage

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 48: 161-170. DOI:

Miranda I., Ferreira J., Cardoso S., Pereira H. (2021)

Composition and antioxidant properties of extracts from Douglas fir bark

Holzforschung, 75(7): 677-687. DOI:

Mota G.S., Sartori C.J., Ribeiro A.O., Quilhó T., Miranda I., Ferreira G.C., Mori F.A., Pereira H. (2021)

Bark characterization of Tachigali guianensis and Tachigali glauca from the Amazon under a valorization perspective

BioResources, 16(2): 2953-2970. DOI:

Nobre C., Sen A., Durão L., Miranda I., Pereira H., Goncalves M. (2021)

Low-temperature pyrolysis products of waste cork and lignocellulosic biomass: product characterization

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 112115. DOI:

Sartori C.J., Mota G.S., Mori F.A., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2021)

Bark characterization of a commercial Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clone in view of its potential use as a biorefinery raw material

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. DOI:

Şen A.U., Pereira H. (2021)

State-of-the-art char production with a focus on bark feedstocks: processes, design, and applications

Processes, 9(1): 87. DOI:

Şen U., Pereira H. (2021)

Pyrolysis behavior of alternative cork species

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147: 4017–4025. DOI:

Silva E.P., da Silva Mota G., da Silva Araujo E., Sousa T.B., Ferreira C.A., Pereira H., Mori F.A. (2021)

Chemical composition and cellular structure of cork from Agonandra brasiliensis from the Brazilian Cerrado

European Journal of Wood Production, 79: 1469–1478. DOI:

Simões R., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2021)

Cutin extraction and composition determined under differing depolymerisation conditions in cork oak leaves

Phytochemical Analysis, 33: 127-135. DOI:

Simões R., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2021)

Chemical composition of leaf cutin in six Quercus suber provenances

Phytochemistry, 181: 112570. DOI:

Simões R., Pimentel C., Ferreira-Dias S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2021)

Phytochemical characterization of phloem in maritime pine and stone pine in three sites in Portugal

Heliyon, 7(4): e06718. DOI:

Sousa V., Ferreira J.P.A., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2021)

Quercus rotundifolia bark as a source of polar extracts: structural and chemical characterization

Forests, 12(9): 1160. DOI:

Sousa V., Silva M.E., Louzada J.L., Pereira H. (2021)

Wood density and ring width in Quercus rotundifolia trees in Southern Portugal

Forests, 12(11): 1499. DOI:

Alves-Ferreira J., Miranda I., Duarte L., Roseiro L., Lourenço A., Quilhó T., Cardoso S., Fernandes M.C., Carvalheiro F., Pereira H. (2020)

Cistus ladanifer as a source of chemicals: structural and chemical characterization

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 10: 325–337. DOI:

Cruz A.J., Ferreira E., Lauw A., Rego C., Pereira H. (2020)

Provincial workshops, influences from many and varied parts of the world: the case of the wooden supports of Belchior de Matos’ Mannerist paintings of Geraldes’ church (Peniche, Portugal)

Ge-Conservacion, 17(1), 82-99. DOI: 

Ferreira J., Santos S., Pereira H. (2020)

In Vitro screening for acetylcholinesterase inhibition and antioxidant activity of Quercus suber cork and corkback extracts

Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol 2020: Article ID 3825629. DOI: 

Gominho J., Lourenço A., Marques A.V., Pereira H. (2020)

An extensive study on the chemical diversity of lipophilic extractives from Eucalyptus globulus wood

Phytochemistry, 180: 112520. DOI:

Leite C., Oliveira V., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2020)

Cork oak and climate change: Disentangling drought effects on cork chemical composition

Scientific Reports, 10: 7800. DOI:

Lourenço A., Araújo S., Gominho J., Pereira H., Evtuguin D. (2020)

Structural changes in lignin of thermally treated eucalyptus wood

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 40(4): 258-268. DOI:

Melo M.M.R., Vieira P.G., Sen A., Pereira H., Portugal I., Silva C.M. (2020)

Optimization of the supercritical fluid extraction of Quercus cerris cork towards extraction yield and selectivity to friedelin

Separation and Purification Technology, 238: 116395. DOI:

Neiva D.M., Costa R.A., Gominho J., Ferreira-Dias S., Pereira H. (2020)

Fractionation and valorization of industrial bark residues by autohydrolysis and enzymatic saccharification

Bioresource Technology Reports, 11: 100441. DOI:

Neiva D.M., Luís Â., Gominho J., Domingues F., Duarte A.P., Pereira H. (2020)

Bark residues valorization potential regarding antioxidant and antimicrobial extracts

Wood Science and Technology, 54: 559–585. DOI:

Queirós C.S.G.P., Cardoso S., Ferreira J., Miranda I., Lourenço M.J.V., Pereira H. (2020)

Characterization of Hakea sericea fruits regarding chemical composition and extract properties

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11: 4859-4870. DOI:

Queirós C.S.G.P., Cardoso S., Lourenço A., Ferreira J., Miranda I., Lourenço M.J., Pereira H. (2020)

Characterization of walnut, almond, and pine nut shells regarding chemical composition and extract composition

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 10(1): 175-188. DOI:

Queirós C.S.G.P., Paredes X., Avelino T.F.S., Bastos D.E.N., Ferreira M., Santos F.J.V., Santos A.F., Lopes M.L.M., Lourenço, M.J.V., Pereira H., Castro C.A.N. (2020)

The influence of water on the thermophysical properties of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 297: 111925. DOI:

Reis S.F., Teixeira T., Pinto J., Oliveira V., Lopes P., Cabral M., Mateus N., Guedes De Pinho P., Pereira H., De Freitas V. (2020)

Variation in the phenolic composition of cork stoppers from different geographical origins

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(50): 14970–14977. DOI:

Sen A., Miranda I., Esteves B., Pereira H. (2020)

Chemical characterization, bioactive and fuel properties of waste cork and phloem fractions from Quercus cerris L. bark

Industrial Crops and Products, 157: 112909. DOI:

Simões R., Rodrigues A., Ferreira-Dias S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2020)

Chemical composition of cuticular waxes, pigments and morphology of leaves of Quercus suber trees from different provenances

Plants, 9(9): 1165. DOI:

Simões R., Rodrigues A.P., Ferreira-Dias S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2020)

Chemical composition of cuticular waxes and pigments and morphology of leaves of Quercus suber trees of different provenance

Plants, 9(9): 1165. DOI:

Vieira P.G; Melo M.M.R., Sen A., Simões M.M.Q., Portugal I., Pereira H., Silva C.M. (2020)

Quercus cerris extracts obtained by distinct separation methods and solvents: Total and friedelin extraction yields, and chemical similarity analysis by multidimensional scaling

Separation and Purification Technology, 232: 115924. DOI:

Alves-Ferreira J., Duarte L.C., Fernandes M.C., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F. (2019)

Hydrothermal treatments of Cistus ladanifer industrial residues obtained from essential oil distilleries

Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10 (5): 1303-1310. DOI:

Alves-Ferreira J., Duarte L.C., Lourenço A., Roseiro L.B., Fernandes M.C., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F. (2019)

Distillery residues from Cistus ladanifer (rockrose) as a feedstock for the production of added-value phenolic compounds and hemicellulosic oligosaccharides

BioEnergy Research, 12: 347–358. DOI:

Cardoso S., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2019)

Influence of cambial age on the bark structure of Douglas-fir

Wood Science and Technology, 53(1): 191-210. DOI:

Costa R., Lourenço A., Oliveira V., Pereira H. (2019)

Chemical characterization cork, phloem and wood from different Quercus suber provenances and trees

Heliyon, 5(12): e02910. DOI:

de Aguiar T.R.Jr., Guimarães Neto J.O.A., Şen U., Pereira H. (2019)

Study of two cork species as natural biosorbents for five selected pesticides in water

Heliyon, 5(1): e01189. DOI:

Gominho J., Costa R., Lourenço A., Neiva D.M., Pereira H. (2019)

The effect of different pre-treatments to improve delignification of eucalypt stumps in a biorefinery context

Bioresource Technology Reports, 6: 89-95. DOI:

Leite C., Oliveira V., Lauw A., Pereira H. (2019)

Cork rings suggest how to manage Quercus suber to mitigate the effects of climate changes

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Marques A.V., Pereira H. (2019)

A methodological approach for the simultaneous quantification of glycerol and fatty acids from cork suberin in a single GC run

Phytochemical Analysis, 30(6): 687-699. DOI:

Miranda I., Simões R., Medeiros B., Nampoothiri K.M., Sukumaran R.K., Rajan D., Pereira H., Ferreira-Dias S. (2019)

Valorization of lignocellulosic residues from the olive oil industry by production of lignin, glucose and functional sugars

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Rencoret J., Neiva D., Marques G., Gutiérrez A., Kim H., Gominho J., Pereira H., Ralph J., del Río J.C. (2019)

Hydroxystilbene glucosides are incorporated into Norway spruce bark lignin

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Araújo S.D., Neiva D.M., Carneiro A.D., Esteves B., Pereira H. (2018)

Potential of mild torrefaction for upgrading the wood energy value of different eucalyptus species

Forests, 9(9): 535. DOI:

Bajrakatri A., Pimenta R., Pinto T., Miranda I., Knapic S., Nunes L., Pereira H. (2018)

Stem quality of Quercus cerris trees from Kosovo for the sawmilling industry

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Bajraktari A., Nunes L., Knapic S., Pimenta R., Pinto T., Duarte S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2018)

Chemical characterization, hardness and termite resistance of Quercus cerris L. heartwood from Kosovo

Maderas – Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(3): 305-314. DOI:

Berhanu A., Kiflie Z., Miranda I., Lourenço A., Ferreira J., Feleke S., Yimam A., Pereira H. (2018)

Characterization of crop residues from false banana Ensete ventricosum in Ethiopia in view of a full-resource valorization

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Berhanu H., Kiflie Z., Neiva D., Gominho J., Feleke S., Yimam A., Pereira H. (2018)

Optimization of ethanol-alkali delignification of false banana (Ensete ventricosum) fibers for pulp production using response surface methodology

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Cardoso S., Ferreira J., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2018)

Age variation of Douglas-fir bark chemical composition

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Esteves B., Cruz-Lopes L., Ferreira J., Domingos I., Nunes L., Pereira H. (2018)

Optimizing Douglas-fir bark liquefaction in mixtures of glycerol and polyethylene glycol and KOH

Holzforschung, 72(1): 25-30. DOI: https://10.1515/hf-2017-0018

Esteves B., Cruz-Lopes L., Ferreira J., Domingos I., Nunes L., Pereira H. (2018)

Optimizing Douglas-fir bark liquefaction in mixtures of glycerol and polyethylene glycol and KOH

Holzforschung, 72(1): 25-30. DOI:

Farzaneh W., Gominho J., Pereira H., Carvalho I.S. (2018)

Screening of the antioxidant and enzyme inhibition potentials of Portuguese Pimpinella anisum L. seeds by GC-MS

Food Analytical Methods, 11(10): 2645–2656. DOI:

Ferreira J.P.A., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2018)

Chemical composition of lipophilic extractives from six Eucalyptus barks

Wood Science and Technology, 52(6): 1685–1699. DOI:

Ferreira J.P.A., Miranda I., Sousa V.B., Pereira H. (2018)

Chemical composition of barks from Quercus faginea trees and characterization of their lipophilic and polar extracts

PLoS ONE, 13(5): e0197135. DOI: https://10.1371/journal.pone.0197135

Ferreira-Dias S., Gominho J., Baptista I., Pereira H. (2018)

Pattern recognition of cardoon oil from different large-scale field trials

Industrial Crops and Products, 118: 236–245. DOI:

Gominho J., Curt M.D., Lourenço A., Fernandez J., Pereira H. (2018)

Cynara cardunculus L. as a biomass and multi-purpose crop: a review of 30 years of research

Biomass & Bioenergy, 109: 257-275. DOI:

Knapic S., Grahn T., Lundqvist S.O., Pereira H. (2018)

Juvenile wood characterization of Eucalyptus botryoides and E. maculata by using SilviScan

Bioresources, 13(2): 2342-2355. DOI: https://10.15376/biores.13.2.2342-2355

Knapic S., Santos J., Santos J., Pereira H. (2018)

Natural durability assessment of thermo-modified young wood of Eucalyptus

Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnologia, 20(3): 489-498. DOI: https://10.4067/S0718-221X2018005031801

Lakreb N., As N., Gorgun V., Sen U., Gomes M.G., Pereira H. (2018)

Production and characterization of particleboards from cork-rich Quercus cerris bark

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76 (3): 989-997. DOI: https://10.1007/s00107-017-1284-6

Lakreb N., Knapic S., Machado J.S., Bezzazi B., Pereira H. (2018)

Properties of multilayered sandwich panels with an agglomerated cork core for interior applications in buildings

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76 (1): 143-153. DOI: https://10.1007/s00107-017-1198-3

Lauw A., Oliveira V., Lopes F., Pereira H. (2018)

Variation of cork quality for wine stoppers across the production regions in Portugal

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(1): 123-132. URL:

Lima L., Miranda I., Knapic S., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2018)

Chemical and anatomical characterization, and antioxidant properties of barks from 11 Eucalyptus species

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(2): 783–792. URL:

Moniz P., Serralheiro C., Matos C.T., Boeriu C.G., Frissen A.E, Duarte L.C., Roseiro L B., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F. (2018)

Membrane separation and characterisation of lignin and its derived products obtained by a mild ethanol organosolv treatment of rice straw

Process Biochemistry, 65: 136-145. DOI:

Neiva D.M., Araújo S., Gominho J., Carneiro A.C., Pereira H. (2018)

Potential of Eucalyptus globulus industrial bark as a biorefinery feedstock: chemical and fuel characterization

Industrial Crops and Product, 123: 262-270. DOI:

Neiva D.M., Araújo S., Gominho J., Carneiro A.C., Pereira H. (2018)

An integrated characterization of Picea abies industrial bark regarding chemical composition, thermal properties and polar extracts activity

PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0208270. DOI: https://10.1371/journal.pone.0208270

Sartori C., Mota G., Miranda I., Mori F.A., Pereira H. (2018)

Tannin extraction and characterization of polar extracts from the barks of two Eucalyptus urophylla hybrids

Bioresources, 13(3): 4820-4831. URL:

Şen A., Miranda I., Ferreira J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2018)

Chemical composition and cellular structure of ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) cork

Industrial Crops and Products, 124(15): 845-855. URL:

Sousa V.B., Lousada J.L., Pereira H. (2018)

Variation of ring width and wood density in two unmanaged stands of the Mediterranean oak Quercus faginea

Forests, 9: 44. DOI: URL:

Teixeira R.T., Fortes A.M., Bai H., Pinheiro C., Pereira H. (2018)

Transcriptional profiling of cork oak phellogenic cells isolated by laser microdissection

Planta, 247(2): 317-338. DOI:

Aguado P.L., Curt M.D., Pereira H., Fernández J. (2017)

The influence of season on carbon allocation to suberin and other stem components of cork oak saplings

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Araújo S.O., Neiva D.M., Gominho J., Esteves B., Pereira H. (2017)

Chemical effects of a mild torrefaction on the wood of eight Eucalyptus species

Holzforschung, 71(4): 291–298.

Cardoso S., Ferreira J., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2017)

Cork of Douglas-fir bark: impact of structural and anatomical features on usage

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Cardoso S., Pereira H. (2017)

Characterization of Douglas-fir grown in Portugal: heartwood, sapwood, bark, ring width and taper

European Journal of Forest Research, 136(4): 597–607.

Defoirdt N., Sen A., Dhaene J., De Mil T., Pereira H., Van Acker J., Van den Bulcke J. (2017)

A generic platform for hyperspectral mapping of wood

Wood Science and Technology, 51(4):887-907. DOI:

Esteves B., Cruz-Lopes L., Figueirinha A., de Lemos L.T., Ferreira J., Pereira H., Domingos I. (2017)

Heat-treated wood as chromium adsorption material

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Esteves B., Dulyanska Y., Costa C., Vicente J., Domingos I., Pereira H., de Lemos L.T., Cruz-Lopes L. (2017)

Cork liquefaction for polyurethane foam production

BioResources, 12(2): 2339-2353.

Ferreira J.P.A., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2017)

Characterization of Betula pendula outer bark regarding cork and phloem components at chemical and structural levels in view of biorefinery integration

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 37(1): 10-25. DOI:

Iglesias C., Santos A. J. A., Martínez J., Pereira H., Anjos O. (2017)

Influence of heartwood on wood density and pulp properties explained by machine learning techniques

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Knapic S., Santos C.P., Pereira H., Machado J.S. (2017)

Performance of expanded high-density cork agglomerates

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Leite C., Pereira H. (2017)

Cork-containing barks – a review

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Lourenço A., Gominho J., Curt M.D., Revilla E., Villar J.C., Pereira H. (2017)

Steam explosion as a pre-treatment of Cynara cardunculus prior to delignification

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(1):424-433.

Melo M.M.R., Sen A., Silvestre A.J. D., Pereira H., Silva C.M. (2017)

Experimental and modeling study of supercritical CO2 extraction of Quercus cerris cork: influence of ethanol and particle size on extraction kinetics and selectivity to friedelin

Separation and Purification Technology, 187: 34-45.

Miranda I., Mirra I., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2017)

Fractioning of bark of Pinus pinea by milling and chemical characterization of the different fractions

Maderas – Ciencia y Tecnología, 19(2): 185 – 194.

Miranda I., Sousa V., Ferreira J., Pereira H. (2017)

Chemical characterization and extractives composition of heartwood and sapwood from Quercus faginea

PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0179268. DOI:

Miranda I., Sousa V., Ferreira J., Pereira H. (2017)

Chemical composition and extractives composition of heartwood and sapwood from Quercus faginea

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Mota G.S., Sartori C.J., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Mori F.A., Pereira H. (2017)

Bark anatomy, chemical composition and ethanol-water extract composition of Anadenanthera peregrina and Anadenanthera colubrine

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Paulo J.A., Pereira H., Tomé M. (2017)

Analysis of variables influencing tree cork caliper in two consecutive cork extractions using cork growth index modelling

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Pimentel C.S., Firmino P.N., Calvão T., Ayres M.P., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2017)

Pinewood nematode population growth in relation to pine phloem chemical composition

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Pinto F., Gominho J., André R.N., Gonçalves D., Miranda M., Varela F., Neves D., Santos J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2017)

Improvement of gasification performance of Eucalyptus globulus stumps with torrefaction and densification pre-treatments

Fuel, 206: 289-299. DOI:

Pinto F., Gominho J., André R.N., Gonçalves D., Miranda M., Varela F., Neves D., Santos J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2017)

Effect of rice husk torrefaction on syngas production and quality

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Andrade P.I., Araújo S., Neiva D.M., Vital B.R., Carneiro A.D.O., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2016)

Strength properties and dimensional stability of particleboards with different proportions of thermally treated recycled pine particles

Holzforschung, 70(5): 467–474. DOI:

Araújo S., Boas M.A.V., Neiva D.M., Carneiro A.C., Vital B., Breguez M., Pereira H. (2016)

Effect of a mild torrefaction for production of eucalypt wood briquettes under different compression pressures

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Araújo S., Vital B., Oliveira B., Carneiro A.C.O, Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2016)

Physical and mechanical properties of heat treated wood from Aspidosperma populifoliumDipteryx odorata and Mimosa scabrella

Maderas-Ciencia y Tecnologia, 18(1):143-156.

Carmo J.F., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Carvalho A.M., Carmo F.H.D.J., Latorraca J.V.F., Pereira H. (2016)

Bark characterisation of the Brazilian hardwood Goupia glabra in terms of its valorization

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Carmo J.F., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Sousa V.B., Cardoso S., Carvalho A.M., Carmo F.H.D.J., Latorraca V.F.J., Pereira H. (2016)

Copaifera langsdorffii bark as a source of chemicals: structural and chemical characterization

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 36(5):305-317. DOI:

Carmo J.F., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Sousa V.B., Carmo F.H.D.J., Latorraca J.V.F., Pereira H. (2016)

Chemical and structural characterization of the bark of Albizia niopoides trees from the Amazon

Wood Science and Technology, 50(4): 677-692. DOI:

Ferreira J.P.A., Gominho J., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2016)

Chemical characterization of cork and phloem from Douglas fir outer bark

Holzforschung, 70(5): 475-483.

Ferreira J.P.A., Miranda I., Sen A., Pereira H. (2016)

Chemical and cellular features of virgin and reproduction cork from Quercus variabilis

Industrial Crops and Products, 94(2016): 638-648.

García-Gonzalo E., Santos A.J.A., Martínez-Torres J., Pereira H., Simões R., Paulino J.G-N., Anjos O. (2016)

Prediction of five softwood paper properties from its density using support vector machine regression techniques

BioResources, 11(1):1892-1904.

Gominho J., Lourenço A., Neiva D., Fernandes L., Amaral M., Duarte A.P., Simões R.,Pereira H. (2016)

The effect of eucalypt tree overaging on pulping and paper properties

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 74(1): 101-108.

Knapic S., Oliveira V., Machado J.S., Pereira H. (2016)

Cork as a building material: a review

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 74(6): 775–791.

Lourenço A., Rencoret J., Chematova C., Gominho J., Gutiérrez A., del Río J.C., Pereira H. (2016)

Lignin composition and structure differs between xylem, phloem and phellem in Quercus suber L

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Luís A., Neiva D.M., Pereira H., Gominho J., Domingues F., Duarte A.P. (2016)

Bioassay-guided fractionation, GC–MS identification and in vitroevaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of bioactive compounds from Eucalyptus globulus stump wood methanolic extract

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Marques A.V., Rencoret J., Gutiérrez A., del Río J.C., Pereira H. (2016)

Ferulates and lignin structural composition in cork

Holzforschung, 70(4): 275-289.

Miranda I., Lima L., Quilhó T., Knapic S., Pereira H. (2016)

The bark of Eucalyptus sideroxylon as a source of phenolic extracts with anti-oxidant properties

Industrial Crops and Products, 82: 81-87.

Miranda I., Pereira H. (2016)

Variation of wood and bark density and production in coppiced Eucalyptus globulus trees in a second rotation

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 9: 270-275.

Moniz P., Ho A.L., Duarte L.C., Kolida S., Rastall R.A., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F. (2016)

Assessment on the bifidogenic effect of substituted xylo-oligosaccharides obtained from corn straw

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Mota G.S., Sartori C.J., Ferreira J., Miranda I., Quilhó T., F.A. Mori, Pereira H. (2016)

Cellular structure and chemical composition of cork from Plathymenia reticulata occurring in the Brazilian Cerrado

Industrial Crops and Products, 90:65–75.

Neiva D.M., Gominho J., Fernandes L., Lourenço A., Chemetova C., Simões R.M.S., Pereira H. (2016)

The potential of hydrothermally pretreated industrial barks from E. globulus as a feedstock for pulp production

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 36(6): 383-392.

Nunes A., Pereira H., Tomé M., Silva J., Fontes L. (2016)

Tomography as a method to study umbrella pine (Pinus pinea) cones and nuts

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Oliveira V., Lauw A., Pereira H. (2016)

Sensitivity of cork growth to drought events: insights from a 24-year chronology

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Oliveira V., Van den Bulcke J., Van Acker J., de Schryver T., Pereira H. (2016)

Cork structural discontinuities studied with X-ray microtomography

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Pereira H., Santos A.A., Anjos O. (2016)

Fibre morphological characteristics of kraft pulps of Acacia melanoxylon estimated by NIR-PLS-R models

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Rodrigues J., Miranda I., Gominho J., Vasconcelos M., Barradas G., Pereira H., Bianchi-de-Aguiar F., Ferreira-Dias S. (2016)

Modeling and optimization of laboratory-scale conditioning of Jatropha curcas L. seeds for oil expression

Industrial Crops and Products, 83: 614–619. DOI:

Santos A.J.A., Anjos O., Pereira H. (2016)

Prediction of blackwood Kraft pulps yields with wood NIR–PLSR models

Wood Science and Technology, 50 (6): 1307–1322.

Sartori C., Mota G.S., Ferreira J., Miranda I., Mori F. A., Pereira H. (2016)

Chemical characterization of the bark of Eucalyptus urophylla hybrids in view of their valorization in biorefinaries

Holzforschung, 70(9): 819–828.

Sen A., Leite C., Lima L., Lopes P., Pereira H. (2016)

Industrial valorization of Quercus cerris bark: pilot scale fractionation

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Sen A., Zhianski M., Glushkova M., Petkova K., Ferreira J., Pereira H. (2016)

Chemical composition and cellular structure of corks from Quercus suber trees planted in Bulgaria and Turkey

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Sousa V.B., Louzada J.L, Pereira H. (2016)

Age trends and within-site effects in wood density and radial growth in Quercus faginea mature trees

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Anjos O., Garcia-Gonzalo E., Santos A.J.A., Simões R., Martinez-Torres J., Pereira H., Garcia-Nieto P.J. (2015)

Using apparent density of paper from hardwood kraft pulps to predict sheet properties, based on unsupervised classification and multivariable regression techniques

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Cardoso S., Sousa V.B., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2015)

Anatomical variation of teakwood from unmanaged mature plantation in East Timor

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Cardoso, S., Sousa, V.B., Quilhó, T., Pereira, H. (2015)

Anatomical variation of teakwood from unmanaged mature plantations in East Timor

Journal of Wood Science, 61: 326–333. DOI:

Ferreira J.P.A., Miranda I., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2015)

Selective fractioning of Pseudotsuga menziesii bark and chemical characterization in view of an integrated valorization

Industrial Crops and Products, 74: 998–1007.

García A., Anjos O., Iglesias C., Pereira H., Martínez J., Taboada J. (2015)

Prediction of mechanical strength of cork in compression using machine learning techniques

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Gominho J., Lourenço A., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2015)

Radial and axial variation of heartwood properties and extractives in mature trees of Eucalyptus globulus

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Gominho J., Lourenço A., Neiva D., Pereira H. (2015)

Variation of wood pulping and bleached pulp properties along the stem in mature Eucalyptus globulus trees

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Iglesias C., Anjos O., Martínez J., Pereira H., Taboada J. (2015)

Prediction of tension properties of cork from its physical properties using neural networks

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73(3): 347-356.

Lakreb N., Bezzazi B., Pereira H. (2015)

Mechanical strength properties of innovative sandwich panels with expanded cork agglomerates

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73(4): 465-473.

Lakreb N., Bezzazi B., Pereira H. (2015)

Mechanical behavior of multilayered sandwich panels of wood veneer and a core of cork agglomerates

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Lourenço A., Neiva D.M., Gominho J., Curt M.D., Fernandez J., Marques A.V., Pereira H. (2015)

Biomass production of four Cynara cardunculus clones and lignin composition analysis

Biomass and Bioenergy, 76: 86-95.

Lourenço A., Neiva D.M., Gominho J., Velez Marques A., Pereira H. (2015)

Characterization of lignin in heartwood, sapwood and bark from Tectona grandis using Py–GC–MS/FID

Wood Science Technology, 49(1): 159-175.

Lourenço A., Rencoret J., Chemetova C., Gominho J., Gutiérrez A., Pereira H., del Río J. C. (2015)

Isolation and structural characterization of lignin from cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) stalks

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Miranda I., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2015)

Heartwood, sapwood and bark variation in coppiced Eucalyptus globulus trees in 2nd rotation and comparison with the single-stem 1st rotation

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Moniz P., Lino J., Duarte L.C., Roseiro L.B., Boeriu C.G., Pereira H., Carvalheiro F. (2015)

Fractionation of hemicelluloses and lignin from rice straw by combining autohydrolysis and optimised mild organosolv delignification

BioResources, 10(2):2626-2641.

Neiva D., Fernandes L., Araújo S., Lourenço A., Gominho J., Simões R., Pereira H. (2015)

Chemical composition and kraft pulping potential of 12 eucalypt species

Industrial Crops and Products, 66: 89-95.

Oliveira V., Knapic S., Pereira H. (2015)

Classification modelling based on surface porosity for the grading of natural cork stoppers for quality wines

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Oliveira V., Lopes P., Cabral M., Pereira H. (2015)

Influence of cork defects in the oxygen ingress through wine stoppers: insights with X-ray tomography

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Book of abstracts of the 2nd Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) conference from research to practice.

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The rationale behind cork properties: a review of structure and chemistry

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Rodrigues J., Miranda I., Furquim L., Gominho J., Vasconcelos M., Barradas G., Pereira H., Bianchi-de-Aguiar F., Ferreira-Dias S. (2015)

Storage stability of Jatropha curcas L. oil naturally rich in gamma-tocopherol

Industrial Crops and Products, 64:188-193.

Santos A.J.A., Anjos O., Pereira H. (2015)

Estimation of Acacia melanoxylon unbleached Kraft pulp brightness by NIR spectroscopy

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Santos A.J.A., Anjos O., Pereira H. (2015)

Estimation of unbleached Kraft pulp brightness by NIR spectroscopy

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Sen A., Melo M.M.R., Silvestre A.J.D., Pereira H. (2015)

Prospective pathway for a green and enhanced friedelin production through supercritical fluid extraction of Quercus cerris cork

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Sen A., Pereira H., Olivella M-A., Villaescusa I. (2015)

Heavy metals removal in aqueous environments using barkas a biosorbent

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Sousa V.B., Louzada J.L., Pereira H. (2015)

Earlywood vessel features in Quercus faginea: relationship between ring width and wood density at two sites in Portugal

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8: 866-873. DOI:

Anjos O., Rodrigues C., Morais J., Pereira H. (2014)

Effect of density on the compression behaviour of cork

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Anjos O., Santos A.J.A., Simões R., Pereira H. (2014)

Morphological, mechanical and optical properties of cypress papers

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Bajraktari A., Petutschnigg A., Ymeri M., Candan Z., Korkut S., Nunes L., Pereira H. (2014)

Forest resources and sawmill structure of Kosovo: state of the art and perspectives

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Bouriaud L., Nichiforel L., Nunes L., Pereira H., Bajraktari A. (2014)

A property rights-based analysis of the illegal logging for fuelwood in Kosovo

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Domingos I., Esteves B., Figueirinha A., Cruz-Lopes L. P., Ferreira J., Pereira H. (2014)

Chromium adsorption by modified wood

International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 8 (6): 485-487. DOI:

Esteves B., Nunes L., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2014)

Improvement of termite resistance, dimensional stability and mechanical properties of pine wood by paraffin impregnation

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72(5): 609-615.

Esteves B., Nunes L., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2014)

Comparison between heat treated sapwood and heartwood from Pinus pinaster

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72 (1): 53-60.

Gominho J., Lopes C., Lourenço A., Simões R., Pereira H. (2014)

Eucalyptus globulus stumpwood as a raw material for pulping

Bioresources, 9(3): 4038-4049.

Gominho J., Lourenço A., Curt M.D., Fernández J., Pereira H. (2014)

Cynara cardunculus in large scale cultivation. A case study in Portugal.

Chemical Engineering Transactions 37: 529-534. . DOI:

Knapic S., Oliveira V., Makkonen M., Pinto-Seppä I., Pereira H. (2014)

Circumferential variation of heartwood and stem quality in maritime pine stems

European Journal of Forest Research, 133(6): 1007-1014.

Knapic S., Pirralho M., Louzada J.L., Pereira H. (2014)

Early assessment of density features for 19 Eucalyptus species using X-ray microdensitometry in a perspective of biomass potential production

Wood Science and Technology, 48(1): 37-49.

Luis A., Neiva D., Pereira H., Gominho J., Domingues F., Duarte A.P. (2014)

Stumps of Eucalyptus globulus as a source of antioxidant and antimicrobial polyphenols

Molecules, 19: 16428-16446.

Luz A. L., Pereira H., Lauw A., Leal S. (2014)

Monitoring intra-annual cambial activity based on the periodic collection of twigs – A feasibility study

Dendrochronologia, 32: 162-170.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Araújo C., Pereira H. (2014)

Family effects in heartwood content of Eucalyptus globulus

European Journal of Forest Research, 133: 81-87.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Ferreira-Dias S., Pereira H. (2014)

Pattern recognition as a tool to discriminate softwood and hardwood bark fractions with different particle size

Wood Science and Technology, 48(6): 1197-1211.

Moniz P., Pereira H., Duarte, L.C., Carvalheiro, F. (2014)

Hydrothermal production and gel filtration purification of xylo-oligosaccharides from rice straw

Industrial Crops and Products, 62: 460-465.

Neiva D., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2014)

Modeling and optimization of Eucalyptus globulus bark and wood delignification using response surface methodology

BioResources, 9(2): 2907-2921.

Oliveira V., Rosa M.E., Pereira H. (2014)

Variability of the compression properties of cork

Wood Science and Technology, 48(5): 937-948.

Pirralho M., Flores D., Sousa V., Quilhó T., Knapic S., Pereira H. (2014)

Evaluation on paper making potential of nine Eucalyptus species based on wood anatomical feactures

Industrial Crops and Products, 54: 327-334.

Pirralho, M., Flores, D., Sousa, V.B., Quilhó, T., Knapic, S., Pereira, H. (2014)

Evaluation on paper making potential of nine eucalyptus species based on wood anatomical features

Industrial Crops and Products, 54: 327–334. DOI:

Santos A.J.A, Anjos O., Simões R., Rodrigues J., Pereira H. (2014)

Kappa number prediction of Acacia melanoxylon unbleached kraft pulps using NIR-PLSR models with a narrow interval of variation

BioResources, 9(4): 6735-6744.

Santos A.J.A., Anjos O., Morais M.C., Diogo G., Simões R., Pereira H. (2014)

Characterization of cypress wood for kraft pulp production

BioResources, 9(3): 4764-4774.

Sen A., Van den Bulcke J., Defroidt N., Acker J.V., Pereira H. (2014)

Thermal behaviour of cork and cork componentes

Thermochimica Acta, 582: 94-100.

Shatalov A. A., Pereira H. (2014)

Dissolving grade eco-clean cellulose pulps by integrated fractionation of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) stalk biomass

Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 92: 2640–2648.

Sousa V.B., Cardoso S., Pereira H. (2014)

Age trends in the wood anatomy of Quercus faginea

IAWA Journal, 35(3): 293-306. DOI:

Tavares F., Louzada J.L., Pereira H. (2014)

Variation of wood density and ring width in Acacia melanoxylon in four sites in Portugal

European Journal of Forest Research, 133: 31-39.

Teixeira R.T., Fortes A.M., Pinheiro C., Pereira H. (2014)

Comparison of good- and bad-quality cork: application of high-throughput sequencing of phellogenic tissue

Journal of Experimental Botany,65(17):4887-4905.

Teodoro O.M.N.D., Fonseca A.L., Pereira H., Moutinho A.M.C. (2014)

Vacuum physics applied to the transport of gases through cork

Vacuum, 109:397-400.

Velez Marques A., Pereira H. (2014)

Aliphatic bio-oils from corks: A Py–GC/MS study

Journal of Analytical and Applier Pyrolysis, 19: 29-40.

Abelha P., Franco C., Pinto F., Lopes H., Gulyurtlu I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2013)

Thermal conversion of Cynara cardunculus L. and mixtures with Eucalyptus globulus by fluidized-bed combustion and gasification

Energy&Fuels, 27(11): 6725-6737. DOI:

Baptista I., Miranda I., Quilhó T., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2013)

Characterisation and fractioning of Tectona grandis bark in view of its valorisation as a biorefinery raw-material

Industrial Crops and Products, 50: 166-175.

Brazinha C., Fonseca A.P., Pereira H., Teodoro O.M.N., Crespo J.G. (2013)

Gas transport through cork: modelling gas permeation based on the morphology of a natural polymer material

Journal of Membrane Science, 428: 52-62.

Costa A., Pereira H. (2013)

Drying kinetics of cork planks in a cork pile in the field

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 91(C1): 14-22. DOI:

Esteves B., Velez-Marques A., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2013)

Chemical changes of heat treated pine and eucalypt wood monitored by FTIR

Maderas, Ciencia y Tecnología, 15(2): 245-258.

Fonseca A.L., Brazinha C., Pereira H., Crespo J.G., Teodoro O.M.N. (2013)

Permeability of cork for water and ethanol

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61 (40): 9672-9679.

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Velez-Marques A., Pereira H. (2013)

Variation of lignin monomeric composition during kraft pulping of Eucalyptus globulus heartwood and sapwood

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 33(1): 1-18.

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Velez-Marques A., Pereira H. (2013)

Py-GC/MS(FID) assessed behaviour of polysaccharides during kraft delignification of Eucalyptus globulus heartwood and sapwood

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 101: 142-149.

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Velez-Marques A., Pereira H. (2013)

Comparison of Py-GC/FID and wet chemistry analysis for lignin determination in wood and pulps from Eucalyptus globulus

BioResources, 8(2): 2967-2980.

Machado A., Pereira H., Teixeira R.T. (2013)

Anatomy and development of the endodermis and phellem of Quercus suber L. roots

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19 (3): 525-534.

Machado J.S., Louzada J.L., Santos A.J.A., Nunes L., Anjos O., Rodrigues J., Simões R.M.S., Pereira H. (2013)

Variation of wood density and mechanical properties of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.)

Materials & Design, 56(4): 975-980.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Mirra I., Pereira H. (2013)

Fractioning and chemical characterization of barks of Betula pendula and Eucalyptus globulus

Industrial Crops and Products, 41: 299-305.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2013)

Cellular structure and chemical composition of cork from the Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis)

Journal of Wood Science, 59 (1): 1-9.

Moniz P., Pereira H., Quilhó T., Carvalheiro F. (2013)

Characterisation and hydrothermal processing of corn straw towards the selective fractionation of hemicelluloses

Industrial Crops and Products, 50: 145-153.

Oliveira V., Lopes P., Cabral M., Pereira H. (2013)

Kinetics of oxygen ingress into wine bottles closed with natural cork stoppers of different qualities

American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 64(3): 395-399.

Pereira H. (2013)

Variability of the chemical composition of cork

BioResources, 8(2): 2246-2256.

Pujol D., Liu C., Fiol N., Olivella M.À., Gominho J., Villaescusa I., Pereira H. (2013)

Chemical characterization of different granulometric fractions of grape stalks waste

Industrial Crops and Products, 50: 494-500.

Pujol D., Liu C., Gominho J., Olivella A.À., Fiol N., Villaescusa I., Pereira H. (2013)

The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste

Industrial Crops and Products, 50: 423-429.

Quilhó T., Sousa V., Tavares F., Pereira H. (2013)

Bark anatomy and cell size variation in Quercus faginea

Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 561-570. DOI:

Rodrigues J., Miranda I., Gominho J., Vasconcelos M., Barradas G., Pereira H., Bianchi-d-Aguiar F., Ferreira-Dias S. (2013)

Variability in oil content and composition and storage stability of seeds from Jatropha curcas L. grown in Mozambique

Industrial Crops and Products, 50: 828-837.

Shatalov A., Pereira H. (2013)

High-grade sulfur-free cellulose fibers by pre-hydrolysis and ethanol-alkali delignification of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) stems

Industrial Crops and Products, 43: 623-630.

Sousa V.B., Cardoso S., Pereira H. (2013)

Ring width variation and heartwood development in Quercus faginea

Wood and Fiber Science, 45 (4): 405-414.

Velez-Marques A., Pereira H. (2013)

Lignin monomeric composition of corks from the barks of Betula pendula, Quercus suber and Quercus cerris determined by Py–GC–MS/FID

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 100: 88-94.

Aguado P.L., Curt M.D., Pereira H. Fernández J. (2012)

Allocation of 14 C assimilated in late spring to tissue and biochemical stem components of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) over the seasons

Tree Physiology, 32(3): 313-325. DOI:

Gominho J., Lourenço A., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2012)

Chemical and fuel properties of stumps biomass from Eucalyptus globulus plantations

Industrial Crops and Products, 39: 12-16.

Knapic S., Machado J.S., Pereira H. (2012)

Properties of cork oak wood related to solid wood flooring performance

Construction and Building Materials, 30: 569-573.

Leal S., Sousa V.B., Pereira H. (2012)

Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) wood hygroscopic properties and dimensional stability

Forest Systems, 21(3): 355-363. DOI:

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Marques V.A., Pereira H. (2012)

Reactivity of syringyl and guaiacyl lignin units and delignification kinetics in the kraft pulping of Eucalyptus globulus wood using Py-GC-MS/FID

Bioresources Technology, 123: 296-302.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Mirra I., Pereira H. (2012)

Chemical characterization of barks from Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris after fractioning into different particle sizes

Industrial Crops and Products, 36(1): 395-400.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2012)

Incorporation of bark and tops in Eucalyptus globulus wood pulping

BioResourses, 7(3): 4350-4361.

Morais M.C., Pereira H. (2012)

Variation of extractives content in heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus trees

Wood Science and Technology, 46(4): 709-719.

Oliveira V., Knapic S., Pereira H. (2012)

Natural variability of surface porosity of wine cork stoppers of different commercial classes

Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 46(4): 331-340.

Pereira A.C., Brezet H., Pereira H. (2012)

Cork and sustainability: Discussing the sustainable use of the material from a design terspective

Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 17(3): 360-363.

Santos A., Anjos O., Amaral M.E., Gil N., Pereira H., Simões R. (2012)

Influence on pulping yield and pulp properties of wood density of Acacia melanoxylon

Journal of Wood Science, 58(6): 479-486.

Şen A., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2012)

Temperature-induced structural and chemical changes in cork from Quercus cerris

Industrial Crops and Products, 37(1): 508-513.

Şen A., Olivella M.A., Fiol N., Miranda I., Villaescusa I., Pereira H (2012)

Removal of chromium (VI) in aqueous environments using cork and heat treated cork samples from Quercus cerris and Quercus suber

Bioresources, 7(4): 4843-4857.

Şen A., Velez-Marques A., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2012)

Study of thermochemical treatments of cork in the 150-400 degrees C range using colour analysis and FTIR spectroscopy

Industrial Crops and Products, 38: 132-138.

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H. (2012)

Xylose production from giant reed (Arundo donax L.): modeling and optimization of dilute acid hydrolysis

Carbohydrate Polymers, 87(1): 210-217.

Sousa V.B., Cardoso S., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2012)

Growth rate and ring width variability of teak, Tectona grandis (Verbenaceae) in an unmanaged forest in East Timor

Revista de Biología Tropical (International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation), 60 (1): 483-494. DOI:

Anjos O., Pereira H., Rosa M.E. (2011)

Tensile properties of cork in axial stress and influence of porosity, density, quality and radial position in the plank

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69(1): 85-91.

Anjos O., Pereira H., Rosa M.E. (2011)

Characterization of radial bending properties of cork

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69(4): 557-563. DOI:

Esteves B., Nunes L., Pereira H. (2011)

Properties of furfurylated wood (Pinus pinaster)

European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69(4): 521-525.

Esteves B., Videira R., Pereira H. (2011)

Chemistry and ecotoxicity of heat-treated pine wood extractives

Wood Science and Technology, 45: 661-676.

Faria D.P., Fonseca A.L., Pereira H., Teodoro O.M.N.D. (2011)

Permeability of cork to gases

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59: 3590-3597.

Gominho J., Lourenço A., Palma P., Lourenço M.E., Curt M.D., Fernandez J., Pereira H. (2011)

Large scale cultivation of Cynara cardunculus L. for biomass production – A case study

Industrial Crops and Products, 33(1): 1-6.

Knapic S., Louzada J.L., Pereira H. (2011)

Variation in wood density components within and between Quercus faginea trees

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(6): 1212-1219.

Knapic S., Seppa Pinto I., Usenius A., Pereira H. (2011)

Stem modeling and simulation of conversion of cork oak stems for quality wood products

European Journal of Forest Research, 130(5): 745-751.

Leal S., Sousa V.B., Knapic S., Louzada J.L., Pereira H. (2011)

Vessel size and number are contributors to define wood density in cork oak

European Journal of Forest Research, 130(6): 1023-1029. DOI:

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2011)

Modeling of sapwood and heartwood delignification kinetics of Eucalyptus globulus using consecutive and simultaneous approaches

Journal of Wood Science, 57(1): 20-26.

Miranda I., Sousa V., Pereira H. (2011)

Wood properties of teak (Tectona grandis) from a mature unmanaged stand in East Timor

Journal of Wood Science, 57(3): 171-178. DOI:

Olivella M.A., Jove P., Sen A., Pereira H., Villaescusa I., Fiol N. (2011)

Sorption performance of Quercus cerris cork with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and toxicity testing

BioResources, 6(3): 3363-3375.

Sen A., Quilhó T, Pereira H. (2011)

The cellular structure of cork in the bark of Quercus cerris var. cerris in a materials’ perspective

Industrial Crops and Products, 34(1): 929-936.

Sen A., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2011)

Bark anatomy of Quercus cerris L. var. cerris from Turkey

Turkish Journal of Botany, 35(1):45-55.

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H. (2011)

Biorefinery of energy crop cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) – Hydrolytic xylose production as entry point to complex fractionation scheme

Journal of Chemical Engineering and Process Technology, 2(5): 118-125.

Tavares F., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2011)

Wood and bark fiber characteristics of Acacia melanoxylon and comparison to Eucalyptus globulus

Cerne, 17(1): 61-68.

Anjos O., Pereira H., Rosa M.E. (2010)

Tensile properties of cork in the tangential direction: variation with quality, porosity, density and radial position in the cork plank

Materials and Design, 31(4): 2085–2090.

Costa A., Pereira H. (2010)

Influence of cutting direction of cork planks on the quality and porosity characteristics of natural cork stoppers

Forest Systems, 19(1): 51-60. DOI:

Costa A., Pereira H., Madeira M. (2010)

Analysis of spatial patterns of oak decline in cork oak woodlands in Mediterranean conditions

Annals of Forest Science, 67(2): 204-214. DOI:

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2010)

Pulping and delignification of sapwood and heartwood from Eucalyptus globulus

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 36(3-4): 63-69.

Sen A., Miranda I., Santos S., Graça J., Pereira H. (2010)

The chemical composition of cork and phloem in the rhytidome of Quercus cerris bark

Industrial Crops and Products, 31: 417-422.

Sengo I., Gominho J., d’Orey L., Martins M., d’Almeida-Duarte E., Pereira H., Ferreira-Dias, S. (2010)

Response surface modelling and optimization of biodiesel production from Cynara cardunculus oil

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 112: 310-320.

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H. (2010)

Molybdo-vanado-phosphate heteropolyanion catalyzed pulp ozonation in acetone/water solution. Part 2. Catalyst re-oxidation

Bioresource Technology, 101(23): 9330-9334.

Teixeira R.T., Pereira H. (2010)

Suberized cell walls of cork from cork oak differ from other species

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(5): 569-75.

Costa A., Pereira H., Madeira, M. (2009)

Landscape dynamics in endangered cork oak woodlands in Southwestern Portugal in the period 1958-2005

Agroforestry Systems, 77: 83-96. DOI:

Esteves B., Pereira H. (2009)

Wood modification by heat treatment: a review

BioResources, 4(1): 370-404.

Gominho J., Lourenço A., Curt M.D., Fernandez J., Pereira H. (2009)

Characterization of hairs and pappi from Cynara cardunculus capitula as a fibre raw material

Industrial Crops and Products, 29 (1): 116-125.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2009)

Variation of heartwood and sapwood in 18-year-old Eucalyptus globulus trees grown with different spacings

Trees – Structure and Function, 23 (2): 367-372.

Shatalov A. A., Pereira H. (2009)

Polyoxometalate catalyzed ozonation of chemical pulps in organic solvent media

Chemical Engineering Journal, 155: 380–387.

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H. (2009)

Impact of hexenuronic acids on xylanase- aided bio-bleaching of chemical pulps

Bioresource Technology, 100 (12): 3069-3075.

Sousa V.B., Leal S., Quilhó T., Pereira H. (2009)

Characterization of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) wood anatomy

IAWA Journal, 30(2): 149-161.

Sousa, V.B., Leal, S., Quilhó, T., Pereira, H. (2009)

Characterization of Cork Oak (Quercus Suber) Wood Anatomy

IAWA Journal, 30: 149–161. DOI:

Teixeira, R., Pereira H. (2009)

Ultrastructural observations reveal the presence of channels between cork cells

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15(6): 539-544.

Anjos O., Pereira H., Rosa M.E. (2008)

Effect of quality, porosity and density on the compression properties of cork

Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 66(4): 295-301.

Esteves B., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2008)

Pine wood modification by heat treatment in air

Bioresources, 3(1): 142-154.

Esteves B., Graça J., Pereira H. (2008)

Extractive composition and summative chemical analysis of thermally treated eucalypt wood

Holzforschung, 62 (3): 344-351.

Esteves B., Marques A.V., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2008)

Heat-induced colour changes of pine (Pinus pinaster) and eucalypt (Eucalyptus globulus) wood

Wood Science and Technology, 42(5): 369-384.

Esteves B., Pereira H. (2008)

Quality assessment of heat-treated wood by NIR spectroscopy

Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 66(5): 323-332.

Knapic S., Louzada J.L., Leal S., Pereira H. (2008)

Within-tree and between- ree variation of wood density components in cork oak trees in two sites in Portugal

Forestry, 81(4): 465-473.

Leal S., Nunes E., Pereira H. (2008)

Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) wood growth and vessel characteristics variations in relation to climate and cork harvesting

European Journal of Forest Research, 127: 33-41.

Lourenço A., Baptista I., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2008)

The influence of heartwood on the pulping properties of Acacia melanoxylon wood

Journal of Wood Science, 54(6): 464-469.

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H. (2008)

Effect of xylanases on peroxide bleachability of eucalypt (E. globulus) kraft pulp

Biochemical Engineering Journal, 40(1): 19-26.

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H. (2008)

Arundo donax L. reed: New perspectives for pulping and bleaching – 5. Ozone-based TCF bleaching of organosolv pulps

Bioresource Technology, 99(3): 472-478.

Vazquez-Pique J., Pereira H. (2008)

What to take in account to develop cork weight models?: review and statistical considerations

Investigacion Agraria-Sistemas y Recursos Forestales, 17(3): 199-215.

Alves A., Santos A., Silva-Perez D, Rodrigues J.C., Pereira H., Simões R., Schwanninger M. (2007)

NIR PLSR model selection for Kappa number prediction of maritime pine kraft pulps

Wood Science and Technology, 41(6): 491-499.

Costa A., Pereira H. (2007)

Influence of vision systems, black and white, colored and visual digitalization, in natural cork stopper quality estimation

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87: 2222-2228. DOI:

Esteves B., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2007)

Improvement of technological quality of eucalypt wood by heat treatment in air at 170-200 degrees C

Forest Products Journal, 57 (1/2): 47-52.

Esteves B., Marques A.V., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2007)

Influence of steam heating on the properties of pine (Pinus pinaster) and eucalypt (Eucalyptus globulus) wood

Wood Science and Technology, 41(3): 193-207.

Knapic S., Louzada J.L., Leal S., Pereira H. (2007)

Radial variation of wood density components and ring width in cork oak trees

Annals of Forest Science, 64(2): 211-218.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2007)

Heartwood, extractives and pulp yield of three Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in two sites

Appita Journal, 60(6): 485-500.

Morais M.C., Pereira H. (2007)

Heartwood and sapwood variation in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. trees at the end of rotation for pulpwood production

Annals of Forest Science, 64: 665-671.

Pires J.M.C., Pereira H., San-Romao M.V. (2007)

Study of humidity and water activity of cork slabs during cork stopper manufacturing process – Preliminary results

Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 22(1): 15-20.

Shatalov A. A., Pereira H. (2007)

Xylanase pre-treatment of giant reed organosolv pulps: direct bleaching effect and bleach boosting

Industrial Crops and Products, 25(3): 248-256.

Shatalov A. A., Pereira H. (2007)

Polysaccharide degradation during ozone based TCF bleaching of non-wood organosolv pulps

Carbohydrate Polymers, 67(3): 275-281.

Alves A., Schwanninger M., Pereira H., Rodrigues J. (2006)

Analytical pyrolysis: A direct method to determine the lignin content in wood. Part 1: Comparison of Py-lignin with the Klason lignin method

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 76: 209-213 .

Alves A., Schwanninger M., Pereira H., Rodrigues J. (2006)

Calibration of NIR to assess lignin composition (H/G ratio) in Maritime pine wood using analytical pyrolysis as the reference method

Holzforschung, 60: 29-31..

Leal, S., Sousa, V.B., Pereira, H. (2006)

Within and between-tree variation in the biometry of wood rays and fibres in cork oak (Quercus suber L.)

Wood Science Technology, 40: 585–597. DOI:

Miranda I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2006)

The influence of irrigation and fertilization on heartwood and sapwood content in 18-year-old Eucalyptus globulus Labill. trees.

Canadian Journal Forest Research 36 (10): 2675-2683.. DOI:

Rodrigues J., Alves A., Pereira H., Silva-Perez D., Chantre G., Schwanninger M. (2006)

NIR PLSR results obtained by calibration with noisy, low-precision reference values: Are the results acceptable?

Holzforschung, 60: 402-408.

Lageiro M., Máximo C., Costa F.M., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2005)

Effect of the Laccase-mediator system on the yellowing of kraft pulps.

Journal of Biotechnology 118: S103-S103 Suppl.1. . DOI:


Book of abstracts of the 1st Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) conference from research to practice.

Paulo, J. A., Pereira, H. (2013)

Cork oak stands and cork oak. 31st January 2014. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, Portugal. 17 pp. . URL:

Qualidade tecnológica do eucalipto Eucalyptus globulus

Pereira H., Miranda I., Gominho J., Tavares F., Quilhó T., Graça J., Rodrigues J., Shatalov A., Knapic. S. (2010)

Centro de Estudos Florestais, ISA, UTL, Lisboa, p. 377. ISBN: 978-972-97874-3-0

Cork: biology, production and uses

Pereira H. (2007)

Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam, p. 336. ISBN: 978-0-444-52967-1 DOI:

A Cortiça

Fortes, M.A., Rosa, M.E., Pereira, H. (2004)

Editora IST Press, Lisboa, pp. 259.

Capítulos de Livros

Oliveira, V., Pereira, H. (2020)

Cork and cork stoppers: Quality and performance

In: Chemistry and Biochemistry of Winemaking, Stabilization and Aging. Fernanda Cosme, Fernando M. Nunes, Luis Filipe-Ribeiro Eds. InTechOpen . DOI:

Pereira, H., Oliveira, V. (2020)

Mobilização da ciência e tecnologia em tempos de crise

In: A Floresta e o Fogo nos Tempos da Pandemia. A.P.Pacheco, V.M. Rocha, C. Fonseca Eds. ForestWise, Vila Real, pp. 59-65 . ISBN: 978-989-33-3511-6

Lourenço A., Gominho J., Pereira H. (2019)

Chemical characterization of lignocellulosic materials by analytical pyrolysis

In: Analytical pyrolysis. Peter Kusch Ed. InTechOpen, pp 9-30 . ISBN: 978-1-78984-958-5 URL:;

Anjos O., Santos A.J.A., Miranda I., Knapic S. and Pereira H. (2018)

Stem and wood characterization of Acacia melanoxylon as an introduced species in Europe

In: Acacia: Characteristics, Distribution and Uses. Aide Matheson Eds. Nova Science Publishers, pp: 1-27. ISBN: 978-1-53614-237-2

Leite C., Oliveira V., Lauw A., Pereira H. (2018)

Effect of a drought on cork growth along the production cycle

In: Theory and Practice of Climate Adaptation. F. Alves, W. Leal Filho, and U. Azeiteiro Eds. Springer International Publishing, pp. 127–136. ISBN: 978-3-319-72873-5 DOI:

Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2018)

Compositional variability of lignin in biomass

In: Lignin – Trends and Applications. Matheus Poletto Ed. InTechOpen, pp. 65-98. ISBN: 978-953-51-3902-7 DOI: URL:

Pereira H., Simões R., Santos A., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Anjos O. (2018)

Potential of Acacia melanoxylon for pulping.

In: Acacias: characteristics, distribution and uses. Series: Plant Science Research and Practices. Aide Matheson Ed. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 235-254. . ISBN: 978-1-53614-237-2 URL:;

Sen, A., Pereira, H. (2015)

Evaluation of cork as a natural sorbent for oil spill treatments

In: Waster: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities. Vilarinho, Castro & Russo Eds, Taylors & Francis Group, London.. ISBN: 978-1-138-02882-1

Santos A., Anjos O., Amaral M.E., Gil N., Pereira H., Simões R. (2013)


In: Issues in forestry research and application. Q. Ashton Acton (Eds.). Technology & Engineering, Scholarly Editions TM, pp. 201-202. ISBN: 978-1-490-10683-0

Bajraktari, A., Candan, Z., Sejdiu, R., Nunes, L. & Pereira, H. (2012)

Analysis of variability of equilibrium moisture content of wood during air drying of wood in Kosovo (1970-2008)

In: 66th International Convention Forest products: solutions for a global green economy. Forest Products Society, Washington..

Pereira H. (2012)

O futuro da cortiça

In: Silvicultura: a gestão dos ecossistemas florestais. Monteiro Alves A., Pereira J.S., Correia A.V., (Eds). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Caixa 20, pp. 444-445. ISBN: 978-972-31-1460-7 URL:

Pereira H. (2012)

Cork biology and chemistry: knowledge and research challenges

In: Present and future of cork oak in Portugal. M.M. Oliveira, J. Matos, N. Saibo, C. Miguel, L. Gil (Eds.). Sociedade Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal, Oeiras, Portugal, pp. 19-23. URL:

Teixeira R.T., Pereira H. (2010)

Laser microdissection applied to plants

In: Microscopy: science, technology, applications and education. A. Méndez-Vilas, J.D. Álvarez (Eds). Formatex Research Center, Volume 2, pp. 986-992. ISBN: 978-84-614-6190-5

Costa A., Pereira H. (2007)

Montados e Sobreirais: uma espécie, duas perspectivas

In: Os montados: muito para além das árvores. J.S. Silva (Coord.). Colecção Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, 03. FLAD / Público / LPN, Lisboa, pp. 17-37. ISBN: 978-989-619-100-9

Costa A., Pereira H. (2007)

A silvicultura do sobreiro

In: Os montados: muito para além das árvores. J.S. Silva (Coord.). Colecção Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, 03. FLAD / Público / LPN, Lisboa, pp. 39-58. ISBN: 978-989-619-100-9

Pereira H. (2007)

A cortiça – um material único

In: Os montados: muito para além das árvores. J.S. Silva (Coord.). Colecção Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, 03. FLAD / Público / LPN, Lisboa, pp. 59-75. ISBN: 978-989-619-100-9

Pereira, H., Tomé, M. (2004)

Cork oak and cork

In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. J. Burley, J. Evans, J.A. Youngquist Eds. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 613-620.

Pereira, H., Graça, J., Rodrigues, J.C. (2003)

Wood chemistry in relation to quality

In: Wood quality and its biological basis. J.R. Barnett, G. Jeronimidis Eds. CRC Press, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, Cap. 3, pp. 53-83.

Graça, J. & Pereira, H. (2001)

Suberinas e cutinas: Biopoliésteres das plantas

In: Química dos polímeros. J.S. Seixas de Melo, M.J. Moreno, H.D. Burrows, M.H. Gil Eds. Contribuições Portuguesas, Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra V (4), pp. 619-639.

Pereira, H. (1994)

Raw material properties of Eucalyptus globulus wood

In: Eucalyptus for biomass production. H. Pereira, J.S. Pereira Eds. Commission of the European Communities, Lisboa, pp. 294-299.

Pereira, J.S., Linder, S., Araújo, C., Pereira, H., Ericson, T., Borralho, N., Leal, L. (1989)

Optimization of biomass production in Eucalyptus globulus plantations. A case study

In: Biomass production by fast-growing trees. J.S. Pereira, J.J. Landsberg Eds. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 101-121.

Pereira, H., Pereira, J.S. (1988)

Short rotation forest biomass plantations in Portugal

In: Biomass Forestry in Europe – a strategy for the future. F.C. Hummel, W. Palz, G. Grassi Eds. Elsevier Appl. Sci. Publ., London, pp. 509-539.


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