Artigos científicos (ISI)

Leite T., Branco P., Ferreira M.T., Santos J.M. (2022)

Activity, boldness and schooling in freshwater fish are affected by river salinization

Science of the Total Environment, 819: 153046. DOI:

Marchioro M., Faccoli M., Dal Cortivo M., Branco M., Roques A., Garcia A., Ruzzier E. (2022)

New species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Europe

Biodiversity Data Journal, 102022: e93995.. DOI:

Marcolin F., Cardoso G.C., Bento D., Reino L., Santana J. (2022)

Body size and sexual selection shaped the evolution of parrot calls

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35 (3): 439-450. DOI:

Marques I.G., Faria C., Conceição S.I.R., Jansson R., Corcobado T., Milanovic S., Laurent Y., Bernez I., Dufour S., Mandak B., Ennouni H., Sahli A., Ater M., Dorado F.J., Caperta A.D., David T.S., Solla A., Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M. (2022)

Germination and seed traits in common alder (Alnus spp.): the potential contribution of rear-edge populations to ecological restoration success

Restoration Ecology, e13517. DOI:

Martins A., Novais A., Santos J.L., Canadas M.J. (2022)

Promoting landscape-level forest management in fire-prone areas: delegate management to a multi-owner collaborative, rent the land, or just sell it?

Forests, 13 (1): 22. DOI:

Mendes D., Branco S., Paiva M.R., Schütz S., Mateus E.P., Silva M.G. (2022)

Unveiling chemical cues of insect-tree and insect-insect interactions for the eucalyptus weevil and its egg parasitoid by multidimensional gas chromatographic methods

Molecules, 27(13): 4042. DOI:

Monteiro M., Reino L., Ferreira M.T., Essl F., Schertler A., Capinha C. (2022)

Patterns and drivers of the global diversity of non-native macrofungi

Diversity and Distributions, 28(10) : 2042 – 2055. DOI:

Morgado R., Ribeiro P.F., Santos J.L., Rego F., Beja P., Moreira F. (2022)

Drivers of irrigated olive grove expansion in Mediterranean landscapes and associated biodiversity impacts

Landscape and Urban Planning, 225: 104429. DOI: https://10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104429

Novais A., Canadas M.J. (2022)

Small Forest owners’ response to wildfire risk within a management-logic framework

Small-scale Forestry, 21:297–323. DOI:

Pabst R., Dias F.S., Borda-de-Água L., Rodríguez-González P.M., Capinha C. (2022)

Assessing and predicting the distribution of riparian invasive plants in Continental Portugal

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 875578. DOI:

Rivaes R.P., Feio M. J., Almeida S. F. P., Calapez A. R., Sales M., Gebler D., Lozanovska I., Aguiar F.C. (2022)

River ecosystem endangerment from climate-changed regulated flow regimes

Science of the Total Environment, 818: 151857. DOI:

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Abraham E., Aguiar F. et al. (2022)

Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1604. DOI:

Segurado P., Gutiérrez-Cánovas C., Ferreira M.T., Branco P. (2022)

Stressor gradient coverage affects interaction identification

Ecological Modelling, 472: 110089. DOI:

Simões R., Branco M., Nogueira C., Carvalho C., Santos-Silva C., Ferreira-Dias S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2022)

Phytochemical composition of extractives in the inner cork layer of cork oaks with low and moderate Coraebus undatus attack

Forests, 13: 1517. DOI:

Souto P., Abraços-Duarte G., da Silva E.B., Figueiredo E. (2022)

Half friend, half enemy? comparative phytophagy between two Dicyphini species (Hemiptera: Miridae)

Insects, 13(2): 175. DOI:

Temudo M.P., Cabral A.I.R., Reis P. (2022)

The sea swallowed our houses and rice fields: the vulnerability to climate change of coastal people in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa.

Human Ecology, 50: 835–850. DOI:

Torgersen C.E., Le Pichon C., Fullerton A.H., Dugdale S.J., Duda J.J., Giovannini F., Tales É., Belliard J., Branco P., Bergeron N.E., Roy M.L., Tonolla D., Lamouroux N., Capra H., Baxter C.V. (2022)

Riverscape approaches in practice: perspectives and applications

Biological Reviews, 97(2): 481-504. DOI:

Urbanič G., Politti E., Rodríguez-González P.M., …, Marques I.G., …, Dufour S. (2022)

Riparian Zones — From policy neglected to policy integrated

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: 868527.

Valdés-Correcher E., Popova A., Galmán A., Prinzing A., Selikhovkin A.V., Howe A.G., Mrazova A., Dulaurent A.-M., Hampe A., Tack A.J.M., Bouget C., Lupaștean D., Harvey D., Musolin D.L., Lövei G.L., Centenaro G., Halder I.V., Hagge J., Dobrosavljević J., Pitkänen J.-M., Koricheva J., Sam K., Barbaro L., Branco M., Ferrante M., Faticov M., Tahadlová M., Gossner M., Cauchoix M., Bogdziewicz M., Duduman M.-L., Kozlov M.V., Bjoern M.C., Mamaev N.A., Fernandez-Conradi P., Thomas R.L., Wetherbee R., G reen S., Milanović S., Moreira X., Mellerin Y., Kadiri Y., Castagneyrol B. (2022)

Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild

Ecology and Evolution, 12(3): e8709. DOI:

Venturieri A., Oliveira R.R.S., Igawa T.K., Fernandes A., Adami M., Oliveira Júnior M.C.M., Almeida C.A., Silva L.G.T., Cabral A.I.R., Pinto J.F.K.C., Menezes A.J.A., Sampaio S.M.N. (2022)

The sustainable expansion of the cocoa crop in the state of Pará and its contribution to altered areas recovery and fire reduction

Journal of Geographic Information System, 14: 294-313. DOI: