Artigos científicos (ISI)

Dias F.S., Betancourt M., Rodríguez-González P.M., Borda-de-Água L. (2022)

BetaBayes – A bayesian approach for comparing ecological communities.

Diversity, 14: 858. . DOI:

Duarte G., Branco P., Haidvogl G., Ferreira M.T., Pont D., Segurado P. (2022)

iPODfish - A new method to infer the historical occurrence of diadromous fish species along river networks

Science of the Total Environment, 812: 152437. DOI:

Eccard J.A., Ferreira C.M., Arce A. (Andres Peredo Arce), Dammhahn M. (2022)

Top-down effects of foraging decisions on local, landscape and regional biodiversity of resources (DivGUD)

Ecology Letters, 25(1): 3 – 16. DOI:

Ferreira A., Figueiredo D., Cardeiras R., Nabais R., Ferreira F., Ribeiro B., Cordovil C.M.D.S., Acién F.G., Gouveia L. (2022)

Exploring different pretreatment methodologies for allowing microalgae growth in undiluted piggery wastewater

Agronomy, 12 (3): 580. DOI:

Filipe A.F., Santos J.M., Branco P., de Melo M.T.C., Proença de Oliveira R., Fernandes S., Alves M.H., Fialho A., Moura M.J., Pinto L., Santiago, N.P. (2022)

Climate-Change-Proof Riverine Ecosystems for Sustainable Management: The AQUADAPT Project

Biology and Life Sciences Forum :13(1): 136. DOI: https://doi.or/10.3390/blsf2022013136

Franco J.C., Branco M., Conde S., Garcia A., Fernandes M.R., Santos J.L., Messina T., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Ferreira M.T. (2022)

Ecological Infrastructures May Enhance Lepidopterans Predation in Irrigated Mediterranean Farmland, Depending on Their Typology and the Predator Guild

Sustainability, 14(7): 3874. DOI:

Franco J.C., Cocco A., Lucchi A., Mendel Z., Suma P., Vacas S., Mansour R., Navarro-Llopis V. (2022)

Scientific and technological developments in mating disruption of scale insects

Entomologia Generalis, 42(2): 251-273. DOI: https://10.1127/entomologia/2021/1220

Froidevaux J.S.P., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2022)

The location and vegetation physiognomy of ecological infrastructures determine bat activity in Mediterranean floodplain landscapes

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 332: 107929. DOI: https://doi.or/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107929

Führer S., Hayes D.S., Hasler T., Graf D.R.M., Fauchery E., Mameri D., Schmutz S., Auer S. (2022)

Stranding of larval nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.) depending on bank slope, down-ramping rate and daytime.

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: 966418. DOI:

Gallé R., Korányi D., Tölgyesi C., Tamás LakatosT., Marcolin F., Török E., Révész K., Szabó A.R., Torma A., Gallé-SzpisjakN., Marja R., Szitár K., Deák B., Batáry P. (2022)

Landscape-scale connectivity and fragment size determine species composition of grassland fragments.

Basic and Applied Ecology, 65: 39-49.. DOI:

Gomes Marques I., Garbelotto M. (2022)

Testing the pathogenicity of three Phytophthora species on California hosts commonly used in restoration

Journal of Plant Pathology, 104: 1529–1535.. DOI:

Gomes Marques I., Solla A., David T.S., Rodríguez-González P.M., Garbelotto M. (2022)

Response of two riparian woody plants to Phytophthora species and drought

Forest Ecology and Management, 518: 120281. DOI:

Grilo C.,…, Marcolin F., …, da Luz Mathias M. (2022)

MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL: A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in Portugal

Ecology, 103 (6): e3654. DOI:

Gross J., Franco J.C. (2022)

Novel trends on semiochemicals and semiophysicals for insect science and management

Entomologia Generalis, 42 (2): 163-165. DOI: https://10.1127/entomologia/2022/1535

Hemnani M., Rodrigues D., Santos N., Santos-Silva S., Figueiredo M.E., Henriques P., Ferreira-e-Silva J., Rebelo H., Poeta P., Thompson G., Mesquita J.R. (2022)

Molecular detection and characterization of coronaviruses in migratory ducks from Portugal show the circulation of Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus

Animals, 12: 3283.. DOI:

Jupke J.F., …, Ferreira T., …, Schäfer R.B. (2022)

Evaluating the biological validity of European river typology systems with least disturbed benthic macroinvertebrate communities

Science of the Total Environment, 842: 156689. DOI:

Lamonaca E., Bouzid A., Caroprese M., Ciliberti M.G., Cordovil C.M.d.S, Karatzia M.-A., Keskin M., Lazereg M., Lidga C., Panniello U., Saratsis A., Tappi M., Valasi I., Yetişgin S., Santeramo F. G. (2022)

A framework towards resilient Mediterranean eco-solutions for small-scale farming systems

Agriculture and Food Security, 11(1): 65.. DOI:

Leal M., Hudson P., Mobini S., Sorensen J., Madeira P.M., Tesselaar M., Zêzere J.L. (2022)

Natural hazard insurance outcomes at national, regional and local scales: a comparison between Sweden and Portugal

Journal of Environmental Management, 322: 116079. DOI:

Leal M., Ramos-Pereira A. (2022)

Geodynamics and sea-level changes in the meso-cenozoic. From the global evolution to the Lisbon metropolitan

Finisterra, 57 (119): 7-37. DOI:

Leal M., Reis E., Santos P.P. (2022)

Exploring spatial relationships between stream channel features, water depths and flow velocities during flash floods using HEC-GeoRAS and Geographic Information Systems

Journal of Geographical Sciences, 32: 757–782. DOI: