Novo artigo CEF analisa alguns dos principais fatores de impacto nos ecossistemas de água doce
WORKSHOP | Desafios e resolução de problemas com ciência de dados em recursos naturais e ambiente
Novo artigo CEF | Efeitos subletais de um pesticida no comportamento de peixes
Investigador do CEF é Subject Editor da MDPI
Projetos relacionados com o controlo de pragas
Paulo Branco recebe distinção nos Prémios Científicos Universidade de Lisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2022
4ª Ficha Optimus Prime – “Conectividade da Infraestrutura Ecológica para suporte da dispersão animal”
Investigador do CEF recebe menção honrosa nos Prémios Científicos Universidade de Lisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2021
CEF marca presença no 9º Congresso Ibérico de Ictiologia – SIBIC 2022
Projeto Optimus Prime – 3ª Ficha Informativa
Aviso de concurso para bolsa de investigação – Projeto Dammed Fish
Investigadores do CEF distinguidos nos Prémios Científicos Universidade de Lisboa / CGD
Participação do CEF no Encontro Ciência 2019
Café com Ciência, 21 Junho, 14h
Artigos Científicos (ISI)
Leite, T., Mameri D., Branco P., Vieira I., Oliveira M., Santos J.M. (2023)
Swimming under pressure: the sub-lethal effects of a pesticide on the behaviour of native and non-native Cypriniformes fish
Fishes, 8(9): 462. DOI:
Duarte G., Branco P., Haidvogl G., Ferreira M.T., Pont D., Segurado P. (2022)
iPODfish – A new method to infer the historical occurrence of diadromous fish species along river networks
Science of the Total Environment, 812: 152437. DOI:
Leite T., Branco P., Ferreira M.T., Santos J.M. (2022)
Activity, boldness and schooling in freshwater fish are affected by river salinization
Science of the Total Environment, 819: 153046. DOI:
Segurado P., Gutiérrez-Cánovas C., Ferreira M.T., Branco P. (2022)
Stressor gradient coverage affects interaction identification
Ecological Modelling, 472: 110089. DOI:
Torgersen C.E., Le Pichon C., Fullerton A.H., Dugdale S.J., Duda J.J., Giovannini F., Tales É., Belliard J., Branco P., Bergeron N.E., Roy M.L., Tonolla D., Lamouroux N., Capra H., Baxter C.V. (2022)
Riverscape approaches in practice: perspectives and applications
Biological Reviews, 97(2): 481-504. DOI:
Almeida C., Branco P., Segurado P., Ramos T.B., Ferreira M.T., Neves R., de Oliveira R.P. (2021)
Evaluation of the trophic status in a Mediterranean reservoir under climate change: an integrated modelling approach
Journal of Water and Climate Change, 12(3): 817-832. DOI:
Amaral S.D., Branco P., Romão F., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Santos J.M. (2021)
Evaluation of low-head ramped weirs for a potamodromous cyprinid: effects of substrate addition and discharge on fish passage performance, stress and fatigue
Water, 13(6): 765. DOI:
Branco P., Segurado P., Costa M.J., Teixeira A., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T., Duarte G. (2021)
Knowledge gaps in the definition of threats for the red list assessment of European freshwater-dependent fish species
Biology, 10(7): 680. DOI:
Costa M.J., Duarte G., Segurado P., Branco P. (2021)
Major threats to European freshwater fish species
Science of the Total Environment, 797: 149105. DOI:
Duarte G., Segurado P., Haidvogl G., Pont D., Ferreira M.T., Branco P. (2021)
Damn those damn dams: fluvial longitudinal connectivity impairment for European diadromous fish throughout the 20th century
Science of the Total Environment, 761: 143293. DOI:
Romão F., Quaresma A.L., Santos J.M., Amaral S.D., Branco P., Pinheiro A.N. (2021)
Multislot fishway improves entrance performance and fish transit time over vertical slots
Water, 13(3): 275. DOI:
Segurado P., Ferreira M.T., Branco P. (2021)
Assessing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic systems across temporal and spatial scales: from measurement to management
Water, 13(24): 3549. DOI:
Vilizzi L., …, Branco P., …, Ferreira M.T., …, Santos J.M., …, Segurado P. et al. (2021)
A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions
Science of the Total Environment, 788: 147868. DOI:
Birk S., Chapman D., … Branco P., … Ferreira M.T., … Hering D. (2020)
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4(8): 1060-1068. DOI:
Mameri D., Branco P., Ferreira M.T., Santos J.M. (2020)
Heatwave effects on the swimming behaviour of a Mediterranean freshwater fish, the Iberian barbel Luciobarbus bocagei
Science of the Total Environment, 730: 139152. DOI:
Molina-Navarro E., Segurado P., Branco P., Almeida C., Andersen H.E. (2020)
Predicting the ecological status of rivers and streams under different climatic and socioeconomic scenarios using Bayesian Belief Networks
Limnologica, 80: 125742. DOI:
Amaral S.D., Branco P., Katopodis C., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Santos J.M. (2019)
Passage performance of potamodromous cyprinids over an experimental low-head ramped weir: the effect of ramp length and slope.
Sustainability, 11(5): 1456. DOI:
Amaral S.D., Quaresma A.L., Branco P., Romão F., Katopodis C., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Santos J.M. (2019)
Assessment of retrofitted ramped weirs to improve passage of potamodromous fish
Water, 11(12): 2441.
Duarte G., Segurado P., Oliveira T., Haidvogl G., Pont D., Ferreira M.T., Branco P. (2019)
The River Network Toolkit – RivTool.
Ecography, 42:1-9. DOI:
Fuentes-Perez J.F., Tuhtan J.A., Eckert M., Romão F., Ferreira M.T., Kruusmaa M., Branco P. (2019)
Hydraulics of vertical-slot fishways: nonuniform profiles.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 145(2): 06018020. DOI:
Gonino G., Branco P., Benedito E., Ferreira M.T., Santos J.M. (2019)
Short-term effects of wildfire ash exposure on behaviour and hepatosomatic condition of a potamodromous cyprinid fish, the Iberian barbel Luciobarbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864).
Science of the Total Environment, 665: 226-234. DOI:
Hayes D., Branco P., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T. (2019)
Oxygen depletion affects kinematics and shoaling cohesion of cyprinid fish.
Water, 11(4): 642. DOI:
Leite T., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T., Canhoto C., Branco P. (2019)
Does short-term salinization of freshwater alter the behaviour of the Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei, Steindachner 1864)?
Science of The Total Environment, 651(1): 648-655. DOI:
Romão F., Quaresma A.L., Santos J.M., Branco P., Pinheiro A.N. (2019)
Cyprinid passage performance in an experimental multislot fishway across distinct seasons.
Marine and Freshwater Research, 70(6) 881-890. DOI:
Almeida C., Ramos T.B., Segurado P., Branco P., Neves R., de Oliveira R.P. (2018)
Water quantity and quality under future climate and societal scenarios: a basin-wide approach applied to the Sorraia River, Portugal.
Water, 10(9):1186.
Amaral S.D., Branco P., Katopodis C., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Santos J.M. (2018)
To swim or to jump? Passage behaviour of a potamodromous cyprinid over an experimental broad-crested weir.
River Research and Applications, 34(2): 174-182. DOI:
Amaral S.D., Branco P., Romão F., Viseu T., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Santos J.M. (2018)
The effect of weir crest width and discharge on passage performance of a potamodromous cyprinid.
Marine and Freshwater Research, 9(12): 1795-1804.
Calapez A.R., Serra S.R.Q., Santos J.M., Branco P., Ferreira M.T., Hein T., Brito A.G., Feio M.J. (2018)
The effect of hypoxia and flow decrease in macroinvertebrate functional responses: a trait-based approach to multiple-stressors in mesocosms.
Science of the Total Environment, 637-638: 647-656. DOI:
Duarte G., Moreira M., Branco P., Costa L., Ferreira M.T., Segurado P. (2018)
One millennium of historical freshwater fish occurrence data for Portuguese rivers and streams.
Scientific Data, 5: 180163. DOI:
Fuentes-Perez J.F., Eckert M., Tuhtan J.A., Ferreira M.T., Kruusmaa M., Branco P. (2018)
patial preferences of Iberian barbel in a vertical slot fishway under variable hydrodynamic scenarios.
Ecological Engineering, 125: 131-142.
Quaresma A.L., Romão F., Branco P., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N. (2018)
Multi slot versus single slot pool-type fishways: a modelling approach to compare hydrodynamics.
Ecological Engineering, 122: 197-206.
Romão F., Branco P., Quaresma A.L., Amaral S.D, Pinheiro A.N. (2018)
Effectiveness of a multi-slot vertical slot fishway versus a standard vertical slot fishway for potamodromous cyprinids.
Hydrobiologia, 816(1): 153-163.
Romão F., Santos J.M., Katopodis C., Pinheiro A.N., Branco P. (2018)
How does season affect passage performance and fatigue of Potamodromous Cyprinids? An experimental approach in a vertical slot fishway.
Water, 10(4): 395.
Segurado P., Almeida C., Neves R., Ferreira M.T., Branco P. (2018)
Understanding multiple stressors in a Mediterranean basin: combined effects of land use, water scarcity and nutrient enrichment.
Science of the Total Environment, 624: 1221-1233.
Sousa-Santos C., Pereira A.M., Branco P., Costa G.J., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T., Lima C.S., Doadrio I., Robalo J.I. (2018)
Mito-nuclear sequencing is paramount to correctly identify sympatric hybridizing fishes.
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 48(2): 123-141.
Branco P., Amaral S.D., Ferreira M.T., Santos J.M. (2017)
Do small barriers affect the movement of freshwater fish by increasing residency?
Science of the Total Environment, 581: 486-494.
Calapez A.R., Branco P., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T., Hein T., Brito A.G., Feio M.J. (2017)
Macroinvertebrate short-term responses to flow variation and oxygen depletion: a mesocosm approach.
Science of the Total Environment, 599-600: 1202-1212.
Romão F., Quaresma A.L., Branco P., Santos J.M., Amaral S., Ferreira M.T., Katopodis C., Pinheiro A.N. (2017)
Passage performance of two cyprinids with different ecological traits in a fishway with distinct vertical slot configurations.
Ecological Engineering, 105: 180-188.
Santos J.M., Rivaes R., Boavida I., Branco P. (2017)
Structural microhabitat use by endemic cyprinids in a Mediterranean-type river: implications for restoration practices.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28(1): 26-36.
Amaral S., Branco P., Silva A.T., Katopodis C., Viseu T., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Santos J.M. (2016)
Upstream passage of potamodromous cyprinids over small weirs: the influence of key-hydraulic parameters.
Journal of Ecohydraulics, 1(1-2):79-89.
Branco P., Santos J.M., Amaral S., Romão F., Pinheiro A.N., Ferreira M.T. (2016)
Potamodromous fish movements under multiple stressors: connectivity reduction and oxygen depletion.
Science of the Total Environment, 572: 520-525.
Segurado P., Branco P., Jauch E., Neves R., Ferreira M.T. (2016)
Sensitivity of river fishes to climate change: the role of hydrological stressors on habitat range shifts.
Science of the Total Environment, 562: 435-445.
Sousa-Santos C., Robalo J.I., Pereira A.M., Branco P., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T., Sousa M., Doadrio I. (2016)
Broad-scale sampling of primary freshwater fish populations reveals the role of intrinsic traits, inter-basin connectivity, drainage area and latitude on shaping contemporary patterns of genetic diversity.
PeerJ, 4: e1694.
Segurado P., Branco P., Avelar A.P., Ferreira M.T. (2015)
Historical changes in the functional connectivity of rivers based on spatial network analysis and the past occurrences of diadromous species in Portugal.
Aquatic Sciences, 77(3): 427-440.
Branco P., Segurado P., Santos J.M., Ferreira M.T. (2014)
Prioritizing barrier removal to improve functional connectivity of rivers.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 51(5): 1197-1206.
Santos J.M., Branco P., Katopodis C., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N. (2014)
Retrofitting pool-and-weir fishways to improve passage performance of benthic fishes: effect of boulder density and fishway discharge.
Ecological Engineering, 73: 335-344.
Alexandre C.M., Quintella B.R., Silva A.S., Mateus C.S., Romão F., Branco P., Ferreira M.T., Almeida P.R. (2013)
Use of electromyogram telemetry to assess the behaviour of the Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei Steindachner, 1864) in a pool-type fishway.
Ecological Engineering, 51: 191-202.
Branco P., Boavida I, Santos J.M., Pinheiro A.N., Ferreira M.T. (2013)
Boulders as building blocks: improving habitat and river.
Ecohydrology, 6(4): 627-634.
Branco P., Santos J.M., Katopodis C., Pinheiro A., Ferreira M.T. (2013)
Pool-type fishways: two different morpho-ecological cyprinid species facing plunging and streaming flows.
PLoS ONE, 8(5): e65089.
Branco P., Santos J.M., Katopodis C., Pinheiro A.N., Ferreira M.T. (2013)
Effect of flow regime hydraulics on passage performance of Iberian chub (Squalius pyrenaicus) (Gunther, 1868) in an experimental pool-and-weir fishway.
Hydrobiologia, 714(1): 145-154.
Santos J.M., Branco P., Silva A.S., Katopodis C., Pinheiro A., Viseu T., Ferreira M.T. (2013)
Effect of two flow regimes on the upstream movements of the Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) in an experimental pool-type fishway.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29: 425-430.
Segurado P., Branco P., Ferreira M.T. (2013)
Prioritizing restoration of structural connectivity in rivers: a graph based approach.
Landscape Ecology, 28(7): 1231-1238.
Branco P.J., Segurado P., Santos J.M., Pinheiro P.J., Ferreira M.T. (2012)
Does longitudinal connectivity loss affect the distribution of freshwater fish?
Ecological Engineering,48: 70-78.
Branco P., Costa J.L., Almeida P.R. (2008)
Conservation Priority Index for Estuarine Fish (COPIEF).
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 80(4): 581-588.
Assessing the Effects of Multiple Stressors on Aquatic Systems across Temporal and Spatial Scales: From Measurement to Management
Segurado, P.; Ferreira, M.T.; Branco, P. (Eds) (2022)
MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-0365-4199-0 DOI: