
Ecologia de florestas paludosas e riparias; ecologia funcional e de comunidades; dendroecologia e ecohidrologia; restauro fluvial.


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Aula de campo conduzida por investigadores do CEF reúne estudantes de mestrado para estudo da vegetação da Mata Nacional da Machada
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Novo artigo CEF analisa projetos de recuperação de zonas ribeirinhas
Novo artigo CEF analisa projetos de recuperação de zonas ribeirinhas
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Seminários CEF/CEABN
Seminários CEF/CEABN celebram 20 anos com três sessões
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4ª Ficha Optimus Prime - "Conectividade da Infraestrutura Ecológica para suporte da dispersão animal"
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Projeto Optimus Prime - 3ª Ficha Informativa
Projeto Optimus Prime – 3ª Ficha Informativa
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Conectividade hidrológica é determinante para a conservação da diversidade genética em bosques ribeirinhos
Conectividade hidrológica é determinante para a conservação da diversidade genética em bosques ribeirinhos
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Criação da Rede Portuguesa de Restauro Ecológico
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Projecto LandCare: Conferência final
Projecto LandCare: Conferência final
De 16 a 18 de Julho decorreu em Santiago de Compostela (Espanha) a Conferência Internacional … Ler mais
Projecto LandCare: Conferência final
Projecto LandCare: Conferência final
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Artigos Científicos (ISI)

Cupertino A., Dufour S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2024)

Chasing success: A review of vegetation indicators used in riparian ecosystem restoration monitoring

Ecological Indicators. Volume 166, 112371. DOI:

Camarero J.J., Colangelo M., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2023)

Tree growth, wood anatomy and carbon and oxygen isotopes responses to drought in Mediterranean riparian forests

Forest Ecology and Management, 529: 120710.. DOI:

Alimpic F., …, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M. (2022)

The status and role of genetic diversity of trees for the conservation and management of riparian ecosystems: a European experts’ perspective

Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI:

Campelo F., Sánchez-Salguero R., Rodríguez-González P.M., Colangelo M., Sánchez-Miranda Á., Rita A., Ripullone F., Camarero J.J. (2022)

Growth phenological variations in the narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) over the Mediterranean region: a simulation study

Dendrochronologia, 76: 126013.. DOI:

Dias F.S., Betancourt M., Rodríguez-González P.M., Borda-de-Água L. (2022)

BetaBayes – A bayesian approach for comparing ecological communities.

Diversity, 14: 858. . DOI:

Gomes Marques I., Solla A., David T.S., Rodríguez-González P.M., Garbelotto M. (2022)

Response of two riparian woody plants to Phytophthora species and drought

Forest Ecology and Management, 518: 120281. DOI:

Marques I.G., Faria C., Conceição S.I.R., Jansson R., Corcobado T., Milanovic S., Laurent Y., Bernez I., Dufour S., Mandak B., Ennouni H., Sahli A., Ater M., Dorado F.J., Caperta A.D., David T.S., Solla A., Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M. (2022)

Germination and seed traits in common alder (Alnus spp.): the potential contribution of rear-edge populations to ecological restoration success

Restoration Ecology, e13517. DOI:

Pabst R., Dias F.S., Borda-de-Água L., Rodríguez-González P.M., Capinha C. (2022)

Assessing and predicting the distribution of riparian invasive plants in Continental Portugal

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 875578. DOI:

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Abraham E., Aguiar F. et al. (2022)

Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1604. DOI:

Urbanič, G., Politti, E., Rodríguez-González, P. M., Payne, R., Schook, D., Alves, M. H., Anđelković, A., Bruno, D., Chilikova-Lubomirova, M., di Lonardo, S., Egozi, R., Garófano-Gómez, V., Gomes Marques, I., González del Tánago, M., Gültekin, Y. S., Gumiero, B., Hellsten, S., Hinkov, G., Jakubínský, J., … Dufour, S. (2022)

Riparian Zones — From policy neglected to policy integrated

Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10: 868527.

Camarero J.J., Colangelo M., Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Sanchez-Miranda A., Sanchez-Salguero R., Campelo F., Rita A., Ripullone F. (2021)

Wood anatomy and tree growth covary in riparian ash forests along climatic and ecological gradients

Dendrochronologia, 70: 12589. DOI:

Cortina-Segarra J., García-Sánchez I., Grace M., Andrés P., Baker S., Bullock C., Decleer K., Dicks L.V., Fisher J.L., Frouz J., Klimkowska A., Kyriazopoulos A.P., Moreno-Mateos D., Rodríguez-González P.M., Sarkki S., Ventocilla J.L. (2021)

Barriers to ecological restoration in Europe: expert perspectives

Restoration Ecology, 29: e13346. DOI:

Dias F.S., Betancourt M., Rodríguez-González P.M., Borda-de-Água L. (2021)

Analysing the distance decay of community similarity in river networks using Bayesian methods

Scientific Reports, 11(1): 21660. DOI:

Fonseca A., Ugille J-P., Michez A., Rodríguez-González P., Duarte G., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2021)

Assessing the connectivity of riparian forests across a gradient of human disturbance: the potential of Copernicus “Riparian Zones” in two hydroregions

Forests, 12(6): 674. DOI:

Fonseca A., Zina V., Duarte G., Aguiar F., Rodríguez-González P.M., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2021)

Riparian ecological infrastructures: potential for biodiversity-related ecosystem services in mediterranean human-dominated landscapes

Sustainability, 13(19): 10508. DOI:

González del Tánago M., Martínez-Fernández V., Aguiar F.C., Bertoldi W., Dufour S., García de Jalón D., Garófano-Gómez V., Mandzukovski D., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Improving river hydromorphological assessment through better integration of riparian vegetation: scientific evidence and guidelines

Journal of Environmental Management, 292: 112730. DOI:

Guerra-Hernández J., Díaz-Varela R.A., Ávarez-González J.G., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Assessing a novel modelling approach with high resolution UAV imagery for monitoring health status in priority riparian forests

Forest Ecosystems, 8(1): 61. DOI:

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Colangelo M., Sanchez-Miranda A., Sanchez-Salguero R., Campelo F., Rita A., Marques I.G., Albuquerque A., Ripullone F., Camarero J.J. (2021)

Climate, drought and hydrology drive narrow-leaved ash growth dynamics in southern European riparian forests

Forest Ecology and Management, 490: 119128. DOI:

Arsénio P., Rodríguez-González P.M., Bernez I., Dias F.S., Bugalho M., Dufour S. (2020)

Riparian vegetation restoration: does social perception reflect ecological value?

River Research and Applications, 36(6): 907-920. DOI:

Riis T., Kelly-Quinn M., Aguiar F.C., Manolaki P., Bruno D., Bejarano M.D., Clerici N., Fernandes M.R., Franco J.C., Pettit N., Portela A.P., Tammeorg O., Tammeorg P., Rodríguez-González P.M., Dufour S. (2020)

Global overview of ecosystem services provided by riparian vegetation

BioScience, 70(6): 501–514. DOI: 

Dufour S., Rodriguez-Gonzalez P., Laslier M. (2019)

Tracing the scientific trajectory of riparian vegetation studies: main topics, approaches and needs in a globally changing world

Science of the Total Environment, 653: 1168-1185.

Dufour S., Rodriguez-Gonzalez P., Laslier M. (2019)

Tracing the scientific trajectory of riparian vegetation studies: main topics, approaches and needs in a globally changing world.

Science of the Total Environment, 653: 1168-1185. DOI:

Rodríguez-González P.M., García C., Albuquerque A., Monteiro-Henriques T., Faria C., Guimarães J.B., Mendonça D., Simões F., Ferreira M.T., Mendes A., Matos J., Almeida M.H. (2019)

A spatial stream-network approach assists in managing the remnant genetic diversity of riparian forests.

Scientific RepoRts, 9(1): 6741. DOI:

Gomes Marques I., Campelo F., Rivaes R., Albuquerque A., Ferreira M.T., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2018)

Tree rings reveal long-term changes in growth resilience in Southern European riparian forests.

Dendrochronologia, 52: 167-176.

Muñoz-Mas R., Garófano-Gómez V. Martínez-Capel F., Andrés-Doménech I., Corenblit D., Egger G., Francés F., Ferreira M.T., García-Arias A., Politti E., Rivaes R., Rodríguez-González P.M., Steiger J., Vallés-Morán F.J. (2017)

Exploring the key drivers of riparian woodland successional pathways across three European river reaches.

Ecohydrology, 10(8): e1888.

Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A., Martínez-Almarza M., Díaz-Delgado R. (2017)

Long-term monitoring for conservation management: lessons from a case study integrating remote sensing and field approaches in floodplain forests.

Journal of Environmental Management, 202(2):392-402.

Dias F.S., Bugalho M.N., Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A., Cerdeira J.O. (2015)

Effects of forest certification on the ecological condition of Mediterranean streams.

Journal of Applied Ecology, 52(1): 190-198. DOI:

Rivaes R., Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A., Pinheiro A., Egger G. Ferreira M.T. (2015)

Reducing river regulation effects on riparian vegetation using flushing flow regimes.

Ecological Engineering, 81: 428-438. DOI:

Rivaes R.P., Rodríguez-González P.M., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro A.N., Politti E., Egger G., García-Arias A., Francés F. (2014)

Modeling the evolution of riparian woodlands facing climate change in three European rivers with contrasting flow regimes.

PLoS One, 9(10): e110200.

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P. M., Campelo F., Albuquerque A., Rivaes R., Ferreira M.T., Pereira J.S. (2014)

Sensitivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) growth to hydrological changes in wetland forests at the rear edge of the species distribution.

Plant Ecology, 215(2): 233-245. DOI:

García-Arias A., Francés F., Ferreira M.T., Egger G., Martínez-Capel F., Garófano-Gómez V., Andrés-Doménech I., Politti E., Rivaes R., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2013)

Implementing a Dynamic Riparian Vegetation model in three European river systems.

Ecohydrology, 6(4): 635-651. DOI:

Rivaes R., Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A., Pinheiro A., Egger G., Ferreira M.T. (2013)

Riparian vegetation responses to altered flow regimes driven by climate change in mediterranean rivers.

Ecohydrology, 6(3): 413-424. DOI:

Stella J.C., Rodríguez-González P.M., Dufour S., Bendix J. (2013)

Riparian vegetation research in Mediterranean-climate regions: common patterns, ecological processes, and considerations for management.

Hydrobiologia, 719: 291-315.

Dodkins I., Aguiar F.C., Rivaes R.,Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A., Ferreira M.T (2012)

Measuring ecological change of aquatic macrophytes in Mediterranean rivers.

Limnologica – Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 42(2): 95-107. DOI:

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Stella J.C., Campelo F., Ferreira M.T., Albuquerque A. (2010)

Subsidy or stress? Tree structure and growth in wetland forests along a hydrological gradient in Southern Europe.

Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 2015–2025.

Aguiar F.C., Ferreira M.T., Albuquerque A., Rodríguez-González P.M., Segurado P. (2009)

Structural and functional responses of riparian vegetation to human disturbance: performance and spatial-scale dependence.

Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 175(3): 249-267.

Rodríguez-González P.M., Ferreira M.T., Albuquerque A., Espirito-Santo D., Ramil-Rego P. (2008)

Spatial variation of wetland woods in the latitudinal transition to arid regions: a multiscale approach.

Journal of Biogeography, 35(8): 1498-1511.

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Pereira J.S., Ferreira M.T. (2008)

Tree foliar delta N-15 and delta C-13 signatures in Ibero Atlantic forested wetlands.

International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology – Proceedings, 30(3): 391-394.

Sampaio A., Rodríguez-González P.M., Oliveira S.V., Cortes R.M., Ferreira M.T., (2008)

Leaf litter decomposition in western Iberian forested wetlands: lentic versus lotic response.

Limnetica, 27(1): 96-106.


Riverine and coastal wetlands in Europe for biodiversity and climate state of knowledge, challenges and opportunities

Kaden U.S., Scholz M., Buijse A.D., Cvijanović D., Froese I., Diack I., Duffield S., Ibáñez C., Jähnig S.C., Januschke K., Ludewig K., Marsden K., Müller P., Rodríguez-González P.M., Schulz-Zunkel C., Stadler J., Stammel B., Wantzen K.M., Weber A., Wulf S., Zak D., Bonn A. (2023)

Deutschland / Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn.. DOI:

Interpretative Manual of European Riparian Forests and Shrublands.

Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Biurrun I., Douda J., Škvorc Ž., Stupar V., Slezák M., Ćušterevska R., Rodríguez-González P.M., Salazar Mendías C., Portela-Pereira E., Vassilev K., Milanović Đ., Kavgaci A., Iakushenko D., Pielech R., Jasprica N., González del Tánago M., Dufour S., Šibíková M., Šibík J. (2020)

Faculty of Forest Sciences Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Skopje.. ISBN: 978-9989-132-22-3.

Memória descritiva das cartas de regiões ambientalmente homogéneas de oito espécies ribeirinhas de Portugal continental

Monteiro-Henriques T., Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A. (2014)

ISA Press, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-8669-57-7

Manual para a avaliação biológica da qualidade da água em sistemas fluviais segundo a Directiva Quadro da Água. Protocolo de amostragem e análise para os macrófitos

Ferreira M.T., Aguiar F., Rodríguez-González P., Albuquerque A., Sérgio C. (2008)

Ministério do Ambiente, Ordenamento do Território e do Desenvolvimento Regional, Instituto da Água I.P., Lisboa, Portugal, 19 p. URL:

Os Hábitats de Interese Comunitario en Galicia. Fichas descritivas

Ramil Rego P., Rodríguez Guitián M.A., Ferreiro da Costa J., Rubinos Román M., Gómez-Orellana L., de Nóvoa Fernández B., Hinojo Sánchez B.A., Martínez Sánchez S., Cillero Castro C., Díaz Varela R.A., Rodríguez-González P.M., Muñoz Sobrino C. (2008)

Monografías do IBADER, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, 627 p. ISSN edición impresa: 1888-5810. URL:

Os Hábitats de Interese Comunitario en Galicia. Descrición e Valoración Territorial

Ramil Rego P., Rodríguez Guitián M.A., Hinojo Sánchez B.A., Rodríguez-González P.M., Ferreiro da Costa J., Rubinos Román M., Gómez-Orellana L., de Nóvoa Fernández B., Díaz Varela R.A., Martínez Sánchez S., Cillero Castro C. (2008)

Monografías do IBADER,Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, 189 p. ISSN edición impresa: 1888-5810. URL:

Capítulos de Livros

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Tamaricion africanae Br.-Bl. & O. de Bolòs 1958: Tamarisk riparian dwarf forests or scrub in temporarily flooded freshwater habitats of the western Mediterranean and Macaronesia

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri O. Bolòs 1985: Thermo- and mesopramediterranean oleander riparian scrub of the western Mediterranean

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Securinegion tinctoriae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975: Lusitan-Estremadurean (Iberian Peninsula) thermo-mesomediterranean riparian thorny formations (tamujal)

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Salicion salviifoliae Rivas-Mart. et al. 1984: Western Iberian thermo- to supra-Mediterranean riparian alluvial willow scrub on the alluvia of mineral-poor rivers

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Tamaricion boveano-canariensis Izco et al. 1984: Tamarisk riparian dwarf forests or scrub of the western Mediterranean and Macaronesia

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Salicion pedicellatae Galán de Mera et al. in Pérez Latorre et al. 1999: Southern Iberian, Maghrebinian and Calabro-Sicilian thermo- to supra-Mediterranean riparian alluvial willow scrub on the alluvia of mineral-poor rivers

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Rhododendro pontici-Prunion lusitanicae Pérez Latorre, Galán de Mera et Cabezudo in Pérez Latorre et al. 1999: Floodplain forests with relict laurisilva elements of the Iberian Peninsula and northwest Africa

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Salicion discolori-neotrichae Br.-Bl. et O. de Bolòs 1958 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 2002: Eastern Iberian thermo- to supra-Mediterranean riparian alluvial willow scrub on the alluvia of mineral-poor rivers

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Osmundo-Alnion glutinosae (Br.-Bl. et al. 1956) Dierschke et Rivas-Mart. in Rivas-Mart. 1975: Floodplain forests of the western (Atlantic) half of the Iberian Peninsula

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Populion albae Br.-Bl. ex Tchou 1949: Riparian edaphohygrophilous forests in the western Mediterranean

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Hyperico androsaemi-Alnion glutinosae (Amigo et al. 1987) Biurrun et al. 2016: Cantabrian floodplain forests

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Biurrun I., Portela-Pereira E., Mendías C.S., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Salicion cantabricae Rivas-Mart., T.E. Díaz et Penas in Rivas-Mart. et al. 2011: Cantabrian sub-Mediterranean montane pioneer willow scrub on the alluvia of mineral-poor rivers

In: Mandžukovski D., Čarni A., Sotirovski K. (eds) Interpretative manual of European riparian forests and shrublands (pp.21-26) Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. URL:

Portela-Pereira E., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Bosques e matagais ripícolas e pantanosos de Portugal continental.

In: A Vegetação de Portugal (eds J. Capelo & C. Aguiar). Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, pag 239-257. Lisboa.. ISBN: 978-972-27-2879-9.

Portela-Pereira E., Rodríguez-González P.M. (2021)

Bosques e matagais ripícolas e pantanosos de Portugal continental

In: A Vegetação de Portugal (eds J. Capelo & C. Aguiar). Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, pag 239-257. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-27-2879-9 URL:

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Portela-Pereira E. (2020)

Ficha de Avaliação – Dryopteris carthusiana. Sociedade Portuguesa de Botânica, Associação Portuguesa de Ciência da Vegetação – PHYTOS e Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (coord.)

In: Lista Vermelha da Flora Vascular de Portugal Continental, edited by Carapeto A., Francisco A., Pereira A., Porto, M., Lisboa, Portugal: Imprensa Nacional. . ISBN: 978-972-27-2876-8

Rodríguez-González P. (2017)

Los bosques higrófilos en la fachada ibero atlántica: diversidad y conservación en la transición hacia la aridez

In: Conservación e Xestión de Humidais en Galicia. Ramil-Rego P., Gómez-Orellana L., Ferreiro da Costa J. (Eds.). 1ª Ed., pp. 49-65. Horreum-Ibader, Lugo. ISBN: 978-84-939661-4-0 URL:

Simões F., Guimarães J.B., Mendonça D., Faria C., Fabião A., Albuquerque A., Matos J., Rodríguez-González P.M., Almeida M.H. (2012)

Caracterização genética de populações de Salix salviifolia: um estudo preliminar na região do Algarve

In: Restauro fluvial e gestão ecológica: manual de boas práticas de gestão de rios e ribeiras. Camprodon J., Ferreira M.T., Ordeix M. (Eds.). Centro Tecnológico Florestal da Catalunha e ISA Press, Solsona e Lisboa, pp.338-345. ISBN: 978-972-8669-51-5

Aguiar F.C., Ferreira T., Albuquerque A., Rodríguez-González P. (2008)

Mahjonging key functional and taxonomic tiles in near-natural Mediterranean riparian woods (SW Iberia, Portugal)

In: Frontiers of vegetation science – an evolutionary angle. Mucina L., Kalwij J., Simth V.R., Chytrý M., White P.S., Cilliers S.S., Pillar V.D., Zobel M., Sun I-F (Eds.). Keith Philips Images, Somerset West, p. 12. ISBN: 978-0-9584766-9-0

Rodríguez-González P.M. (2007)


In: Guia de campo: as árvores e os arbustos de Portugal Continental. J.S. Silva (Coord.). Col. Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, 09. FLAD / Público / LPN, Lisboa, pp. 254-263. ISBN: 978-989-619-106-1



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LIFE Fluvial

Melhoria e gestão sustentável de corredores fluviais da Região Atlântica Ibérica

Duração: 2017-2020

Orçamento CEF: 186.131 €


Optimal Greening of Irrigated farmland to achieve a prime environment

Duração: 2016-2021

Orçamento CEF: 191.226 €


Socio-ecological footprint of hydrologic alterations: assessing prospective outcomes of pioneer dam removal

Duração: 2015-2016

Orçamento CEF: 3.000 €