Artigos científicos (ISI)

Reis A.R., Araújo C., Ferreira L., Tomé M., Branco M. (2012)

Efficiency of biological control of Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in cold areas of the Iberian Peninsula: implications for defoliation and wood production in Eucalyptus globulus.

Forest Ecology and Management, 270: 216-222.

Soares P., Tomé M. (2012)

Biomass expansion factors for Eucalyptus globulus stands in Portugal

Forest Systems, 21(1): 141-152.

Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Pellikka P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Ikonen V.P., Peltola H. (2012)

Factors affecting wind and snow damage of individual trees in a small management unit in Finland: assessment based on inventoried damage and mechanistic modelling

Silva Fennica, 46 (2): 181-196.

Alegria C., Tomé M. (2011)

A set of models for individual tree merchantable volume prediction for Pinus pinaster Aiton in central inland of Portugal

European Journal of Forest Research, 130(5): 871-879.

Barreiro S., Tomé M. (2011)

SIMPLOT: Simulating the impacts of fire severity on sustainability of eucalyptus forests in Portugal

Ecological Indicators, 11(1): 36-45.

Calama R., Mutke S., Tomé J., Gordo J., Montero G., Tomé M. (2011)

Modelling spatial and temporal variability in a zero-inflated variable: the case of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) cone production

Ecological Modelling, 222(3): 606-618.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

A three-step approach to post-fire mortality modelling in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands for enhanced forest planning in Portugal

Forestry, 84(2): 197-206.

Gort J., Mehtätalo L., Peltola H., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Pulkkinen P., Venäläinen A. (2011)

Effects of spacing and genetic entry on radial growth and ring density development in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

Annals of Forest Science, 68(7): 1233-1243.

Graves A.R., Burgess P.J., Liagre F., Terreaux J.P., Borrel T., Dupraz C., Palma J.H.N., Herzog F. (2011)

Farm-SAFE: the process of developing a plot- and farm-scale model of arable, forestry, and silvoarable economics

Agroforestry Systems, 81(2): 93-108.

Keesman K., Graves A., van der Werf W., Burgess P., Palma J.H.N., Dupraz C., van Keulen H. (2011)

A system identification approach for developing and parameterising an agroforestry system model under constrained availability of data

Environmental Modelling and Software, 26(12): 1540-1553.

Madureira L., Nunes L.C., Borges J.G., Falcão A.O. (2011)

Assessing forest management strategies using a contingent valuation approach and advanced visualisation techniques: a Portuguese case study

Journal of Forest Economics, 17: 335-432.

Marques A., Borges J.G., Sousa P., Pinho A.M. (2011)

An enterprise architecture approach to forest management support systems design: an application to pulpwood supply management in Portugal

 European Journal of Forest Research, 130(6): 935-948.

Marques S., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Moreira F., Carreiras J.M.B., Oliveira M.M.,Cantarinha A., Botequim B., Pereira J.M.C. (2011)

Characterization of wildfires in Portugal

European Journal of Forest Research, 130(5):775-784.

Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

Developing post-fire Eucalyptus globulus stand damage and tree mortality models for enhanced forest planning in Portugal

Silva Fennica, 45(1): 69-83.

Mateus A., Tomé M. (2011)

Modelling the diameter distribution of eucalyptus plantations with Johnson's S-B probability density function: parameters recovery from a compatible system of equations to predict stand variables

Annals of Forest Science, 68(2): 325-335.

Nunes L., Patrício M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

Modeling dominant height growth of maritime pine in Portugal using GADA methodology with parameters depending on soil and climate variables

Annals of Forest Science, 68(2): 311-323.

Nunes L., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

Prediction of annual tree growth and survival for thinned and unthinned even-aged maritime pine stands in Portugal from data with different time measurement intervals

Forest Ecology Management, 262(8): 1491-1499.

Paulo J.A., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

Nonlinear fixed and random generalized height-diameter models for Portuguese cork oak stands

Annals of Forest Science, 68(2): 295-309.

Pimentel C., Calvão T., Ayres M.P. (2011)

Impact of climatic variation on populations of pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa in a core area of its distribution.

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 13(3): 273-281.

Werhahn-Mees W., Palosuo T., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Röser D., Pausch R., Lindner M. (2011)

Sustainability impact assessment of increasing resource use intensity in forest bioenergy production chains

Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 3(2): 91-106.