
Forest Inventory, Silviculture, Modelling, Simulators, Forest Management, Stand Dynamics (regeneration, growth and mortality)


Novo artigo CEF mostra o impacto do fogo e do stress hídrico no crescimento das raízes e na sobrevivência de Pinus pinaster
Novo artigo CEF mostra o impacto do fogo e do stress hídrico no crescimento das raízes e na sobrevivência de Pinus pinaster
A colaboradora do grupo ForChange do Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) Teresa Fonseca, juntamente com … Ler mais


Artigos Científicos (ISI)

Carvalho A., Lopes I. M., Ribeiro S., Fonseca T., Lima-Brito J. (2024)

Impact of Fire Recurrence and Water Stress on the Root Nucleolar Activity of Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) Individuals Whose Seeds Were Harvested in Post-Fire Naturally Regenerated Stands

Fire 2024, 7(11), 386 . DOI:

Ribeiro S., Cerveira A., Soares P., Ribeiro N., Camilo-Alves C., Fonseca T.F. (2024)

Natural regeneration of cork oak forests under climate change: a case study in Portugal.

Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7:1332708. DOI:

Fonseca, T.F., Gonçalves, A.C. (2023)

Forest species and stands regeneration

Front. For. Glob. Change – Forest Management 6:1208267. . DOI:

Gonçalves, A.C., Fonseca, T.F. (2023)

Influence management and disturbances on the regeneration of forest stands.

Front. For. Glob. Change – Forest Management 6: 1123215. . DOI:

Joaquim-Meque, E., Lousada, J., Liberato, M.L.R., Fonseca. T.F. (2023)

Forest in Mozambique: Actual Distribution of Tree Species and Potential Threats

Land 12, 1519. . DOI:

Mataruga, M., Cvjetković, B., De Cuyper, B., Aneva, I., Zhelev, P., Cudlín, P., Metslaid, M., Kankaanhuhta, V., Collet, C., Annighöfer, P., Mathes, T., Marianthi, T., Despoina, P., Jónsdóttir, R.J., Monteverdi, M.C., de Dato B Mariotti, G., Kolevska, D.D., Lazarević, J., Fløistad, I.S., Klisz, M., Gil, W., Paiva, V., Fonseca, T., Nicolescu, V., Popović, V., Devetaković, J., Repáč, I., Božič, G., Kraigher, H., Andivia, E., Diez, J.J., Böhlenius, H., Löf, M., Bilir, N., Villar-Salvador, P. (2023)

Monitoring and control of forest seedling quality in Europe

Forest Ecology and Management 546, 121308 . DOI: URL:

Ribeiro S., Gaspar M.J., Lima-Brito J., Fonseca T., Soares P., Cerveira A., Fernandes P.M., Louzada J.L., Carvalho A. (2023)

Impact of fire recurrence and induced water stress on seed germination and root mitotic cell cycle of Pinus pinaster.

Forests, 14(1): 78. . DOI:

Sandim, A., Amaro, M., Silva, M.E., Cunha, J., Morais, S., Marques, A., Ferreira, A., Lousada, J.L., Fonseca, T.F. (2023)

New technologies for expedited forest inventory using smartphone applications

Forests. Forests 14, 1553. . DOI:

Cabral M., Fonseca T.F., Cerveira A. (2022)

Optimization of forest management in large areas arising from grouping of several management bodies: an application in Northern Portugal

Forests, 13(3): 471. DOI:

Dias A., Louzada J., Fonseca T. (2022)

Growth pattern of European black pine outside its current natural range: a case study in Portugal.

Land, 11(6): 794.. DOI:

Ribeiro S., Cerveira A., Soares P., Fonseca T. (2022)

Natural Regeneration of Maritime Pine: A Review of the Influencing Factors and Proposals for Management

Forests, 13(3): 386. DOI:

Ribeiro S., Gaspar M.J., Lima-Brito J., Fonseca T., Soares P., Cerveira A., Fernandes P.M., Louzada J., Carvalho A. (2022)

Impact of fire recurrence and induced water stress on seed germination and root mitotic cell cycle of Pinus pinaster Aiton.

Forests, 14(1): 78. DOI:

Ribeiro S.L., Gonçalves A., Cascarejo I., Liberato M.L.R., Fonseca T.F. (2022)

Development of a catalogue of damage in Portuguese forest associated with extreme extratropical cyclones

Science of the Total Environment, 814: 151948. DOI:

Enes T., Lousada J., Fonseca T., Viana H., Calvão A., Aranha J. (2020)

Large scale shrub biomass estimates for multiple purposes

Life, 10(4):33. DOI:

Bravo F., Fabrika M., Ammer C., Barreiro S., Bielak K., Coll Ll., Fonseca T., Kangur A., Löf M., Merganičová K., Pach M., Pretzsch H., Stojanović D., Schuler L., Peric S., Rötzer T., del Río M., Dodan M., Bravo-Oviedo A. (2019)

Modelling approaches for mixed forests dynamics prognosis. Research gaps and opportunities

Forest Systems, 28 (1): eR002.

Enes T., Aranha J., Fonseca T., Barros A., Matos C., Lousada J. (2019)

Residual agroforestry biomass-thermochemical properties

Forests, 10(12): 1072-1092.

Enes T., Aranha J., Fonseca T., Lopes D., Alves A., Lousada J. (2019)

Thermal properties of residual agroforestry biomass of Northern Portugal

Energies, 12(8):1418. DOI:

Enes T., Lousada J.L., Aranha J., Cerveira A., Alegria C., Fonseca T. (2019)

Size-density trajectory in regenerated pine stands after fire

Forests, 10(12):1057-1070.

Reis C.M.G., Gazarini L.C., Fonseca T.F., Ribeiro M.M. (2018)

Above-ground biomass estimation of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. for forage crop in a Mediterranean environment by using non-destructive methods

Experimental Agriculture, 54(2): 227-242.

Río M., Pretzsch H., Alberdi I., Bielak K., Bravo F., Brunner A., Condés S., Ducey M.J., Fonseca T., von Lüpke N., Pach M., Peric S., Perot T., Souidi Z., Spathelf P., Sterba H., Tijardovic M., Tomé M., Vallet P., Bravo-Oviedo A. (2016)

Characterization of the structure, dynamics, and productivity of mixed-species stands: review and perspectives

European Journal of Forest Research, 135(1): 23–49.

Crespí A., Ferreira M., Fonseca T.F., Marques C.P. (2013)

Structural and floristic behaviors in East Timor forest vegetation

Ecological Research, 28(6): 1081-1090.

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Capítulos de Livros

Fonseca T.F., Gonçalves A.C., Lousada J. (2022)

Maritime Pine, its biological and silvicultural traits for the basis of natural resources: an overview.

In: In: Conifers. Ana Cristina Gonçalves and Teresa Fonseca (Eds.), IntechOpen, pp. 131.. ISBN: 978-1-83969-777-7 DOI:

Sandim A., Silva M. E., Gonçalves A.C., Tomé M., Fonseca T.F. (2022)

Management of Pinus pinaster Aiton for wood and resin production: a technical-financial feasibility analysis..

In: Conifers. Ana Cristina Gonçalves and Teresa Fonseca (Eds.). IntechOpen, pp. 49 . ISBN: 978-1-83969-777-7. DOI:

Tadesse W., Fonseca T.F. (2022)

Pinus patula plantations in africa: an overview of its silvicultural traits and use under SDG.

In: Conifers. Ana Cristina Gonçalves and Teresa Fonseca (Eds.).IntechOpen, pp. 112 . ISBN: 978-1-83969-777-7 DOI:

Fonseca T.F., Lousada J.L. (2021)

Management of Maritime Pine: Energetic Potential with Alternative Silvicultural Guidelines (Chapter 4)

In: Forest Biomass – From Trees to Energy. C Gonçalves, A Sousa, I Malico (Ed.), p.71-86. IntechOpen, London. ISBN: 978-1-83962-971-6 DOI:

Fonseca T.F., Manso F.T., Martins C., Castro M. (2021)

A Gestão Florestal Sustentável na Prevenção do Risco de Incêndio: Silvicultura e Pastoreio na Redução da Biomassa Combustível (Capítulo 6)

In: Empreendedorismo e Inovação na Engenharia Florestal 3. CA Felsemburgh (Ed.), p. 54-71. Atena Editora, Brasil. ISBN: 978-65-5706-963-9 DOI:

Pach M, Sansone D, Ponette Q, Barreiro S, Mason B, Bravo-Oviedo A, Löf M, Bravo F, Pretzsch H, Lesiński J, Ammer C, Tijardovic M, Peric S, Bielak K, Brazaitis G, del Rio M, Dezzotti A, Drössler L, Fabrika M, Fonseca T, Govedar Z, Kangur A, Kurylyak V, Angel-Loguercio G, Libiete-Zalite Z, Madsen P, Matović B, Meliadis I, Meliadis M, Metslaid M, Mounir F, Müller-Using S, Short I, Souidi Z, Sterba H, Stojanović D, Svoboda M, Verheyen K, Yildiz O, Zahvoyska L, Zlatanov T, Corona P, (2017)

Silviculture of mixed forests. A European overview of current practices and challenges

In: Bravo-Oviedo A., Pretzsch H., del Río M. (eds) Dynamics, Silviculture and Management of Mixed Forests. Managing Forest Ecosystems, vol 31. Springer, Champp 185-253 . DOI:



Landscape resilience knowledge alliance for agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean basin

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