
Forest planning and economics; Optimization; Adaptive management; Multi-objective optimization; Decision support systems.


Discover Forests: Submissões abertas - Landscape Management Planning for Multiple Ecosystem Services in Forests
Discover Forests: Submissões abertas – Landscape Management Planning for Multiple Ecosystem Services in Forests
Com coordenação editorial exclusivamente assegurada por investigadores do Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF), a coleção … Ler mais


Artigos Científicos (ISI)

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Pais C., Bachmatiuk J., Barreiro S., Weintraub A. (2020)

A progressive hedging approach to solve harvest scheduling problem under climate change

Forests, 11(2): 2241. DOI:

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G. (2019)

Models and tools for integrated forest management and forest policy analysis: an Editorial

Forest Policy and Economics, 103: 1-3.

Linkevičius E., Borges J.G., Doyle M., Pülzl H., Nordström E.-M., Vacik H., Brukas V., Biber P., Teder M., Kaimre K., Synek M., Garcia-Gonzalo J. (2019)

Linking forest policy issues and decision support tools in Europe

Forest Policy and Economics, 103: 4-16.

Álvarez-Miranda E., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Ulloa-Fierro F., Wintraub A., Barreiro S. (2018)

A multicriteria optimization model for forestry management under climate change uncertainty: an application in Portugal

European Journal of Operational Research, 269(1): 79-98.

Borges J.G., Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Rahman A.U., Bushenkov V.A., Sottomayor M., Carvalho P.O., Nordström E.-M. (2017)

A multiple criteria approach for negotiating ecosystem services supply targets and forest owners’ programs

Forest Science, 63: 49–61. DOI:

Botequim B., Arias-Rodil M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Marques S., Borges J.G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M. (2017)

Modelling post-fire mortality in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal – A forest planning-oriented model

Sustainability, 9(3): 390.

Botequim B., Fernandes P.M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Borges J.G. (2017)

Coupling fire behaviour modelling and stand characteristics to assess and mitigate fire hazard in a maritime pine landscape in Portugal

European Journal of Forest Research, 136(3): 527-542.

Gonzalez-Olabarria J.R., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Mola-Yudego B., Pukkala T. (2017)

Adaptive management rules for Pinus nigra Arnold ssp salzmannii stands under risk of fire

Annals of Forest Science, 74(3): 52.

Orazio C., Montoya R., Régolini M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Barreiro S., Botequim B., Marques S., Sedmák R., Smreček R., Brodrechtová Y., Brukas V., Chirici G., Marchetti M., Moshammer R., Biber P., Corrigan E., Eriksson L. O., Favero M., Galev E., Geerten E., Hengeveld M., Kavaliauskas M., Mozgeris G., Navrátil R., Nieuwenhuis M., Paligorov I., Pettenella D., Stanislovaitis A., Tomé M., Trubins R., Tuček J., Vizzarri M., Wallin I., Pretzsch H., Sallnäs O. (2017)

Decision support tools and strategies to simulate forest landscape evolutions integrating forest owner behavior: a review from the case studies of the European Project, INTEGRAL

Sustainability, 9(4): 599.

Reyer C., Bathgate S., Blennow K., Borges J.G., Bugmann H., Delzon S., Faias S.P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Gardiner B., Gonzalez-Olabarria J.R., Gracia C., Guerra J., Kellomäki S., Kramer K., Lexer M.J., Lindner M., van der Maaten E., Maroschek M., Muys B., Nicoll B., Palahi M., Palma J.H.N., Paulo J.A., Peltola H., Pukkala T., Rammer W., Ray D., Sabaté S., Schelhaas M., Seidl R., Temperli C., Tomé M., Yousefpour R., Zimmermann N.E., Hanewinkel M. (2017)

Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests?

Environmental Research Letters, 12(3).

Yousefpour R., Temperli C., Jacobsen J.B., Thorsen B.J., Meilby H., Lexer M.J., Lindner M., Bugmann H., Borges J.G., Palma J.H.N., Ray D., Zimmermann N.E., Delzon S., Kremer A., Kramer K., Reyer C.P.O., Lasch-Born P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Hanewinkel M. (2017)

A framework for modeling adaptive forest management and decision making under climate change

Ecology and Society, 22(4):40.

Ferreira L., Constantino M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Barreiro S. (2016)

A climate change adaptive dynamic programming approach to optimize eucalypt stand management scheduling. A Portuguese application

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(8): 1000-1008.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Pais C., Bachmatiuk J., Weintraub A. (2016)

Accounting for climate change in a forest planning stochastic optimization model

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(9): 1111-1121.

Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Strandman H., Jylhä K., Peltola H. (2016)

Regional effects of alternative climate change and management scenarios on timber production, economic profitability and carbon stocks in Norway spruce forests in Finland

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(2):274-283.

Bachmatiuk J., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G. (2015)

Analysis of the performance of different implementations of a heuristic method to optimise forest harvest scheduling

Silva Fennica, 49 (4): 1326. DOI:

Botequim B., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Marques S., Fernandes P.M., Pereira J.M.C., Tomé M. (2015)

A model of shrub biomass accumulation as a tool to support management of Portuguese forests

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8:114-125.

Bouriaud L., Marzano M., Lexer M., Nichiforel L., Reyer C., Temperli C., Peltola H., Elkin C., Duduman G., Taylor P., Bathgate S., Borges J.G., Clerkx S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Gracia C., Hengeveld G., Kellomaki S., Kostov G., Maroschek M., Muys B., Nabuurs G.J., Nicoll B., Palahi M., Rammer W., Ray D., Schelhaas M.J., Sing L., Tomé M., Zell J., Hanewinkel M. (2015)

Institutional factors and opportunities for adapting European forest management to climate change

Regional Environmental Change, 15(8): 1595-1609.

Ferreira L., Constantino M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J. (2015)

Addressing wildfire risk in a landscape-level scheduling model. An application in Portugal

Forest Science, 61(2): 266-277.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Bushenkov V., McDill M., Borges J.G. (2015)

A decision support system for assessing trade-offs between ecosystem management goals. An application in Portugal

Forests, 6(1): 65-87.

Palma J.H.N., Paulo J.A., Faias S.P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Tomé M. (2015)

Adaptive management and debarking schedule optimization of Quercus suber L. stands, under climate change. Case study in Chamusca, Portugal

Regional Environmental Change, 15:(8): 1569-1580.

Vacik H., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Eriksson L-O. (2015)

Decision support for the provision of ecosystem services under climate change: an editorial

Forests, 6(9): 3212-3217.

Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Pukkala T., Kellomäki S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Ikonen V. P., Peltola H., (2015)

Effects of climate change on optimised stand management in the boreal forests of central Finland

European Journal of Forest Research, 134(2): 273-280.

Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Bushenkov V.A., McDill M. E., Marques S., Oliveira M.M. (2014)

Addressing multi-criteria forest management with Pareto Frontier methods: an application in Portugal

Forest Science, 60: 63-72.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Palma J.H.N., Zuzibarreta-Gerendiain A. (2014)

A decision support system for management planning of Eucalyptus plantations facing climate change

Annals of Forest Science, 71(2): 187-199.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Pukkala T., Borges J.G. (2014)

Integrating fire risk in stand management scheduling. An application to maritime pine stands in Portugal

Annals of Operational Research, 219(1): 379-395.

Borges J.G., Eriksson L.O., Rodriguez L.C., Garcia-Gonzalo J. (2013)

Forest management decision support systems (FORSYS): Special issue preface

Forest Systems, 22(2): 261-261.

Botequim B., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Ricardo A., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M., (2013)

Developing wildfire risk probability models for Eucalyptus globulus stands in Portugal

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 6: 217-227.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Palma J.H.N., Freire J., Tomé M., Mateus R., Rodríguez L. C., Bushenkov V., Borges J. G. (2013)

A decision support system for a multi stakeholder’s decision process in a Portuguese national forest

Foresty Systems, 22(2): 359-373.

Gordon S.N, Flori A., Boerboom L., Lämås T., Eriksson L.O., Nieuwenhuis M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Rodriguez L.C. (2013)

Studying the use of forest management decision support systems: an initial synthesis of lessons learned from case studies compiled using a semantic wiki

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 29(1): 44-55.

Marques A.F., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Lucas B., Melo I. (2013)

A participatory approach to design a toolbox to support forest management planning at regional level

Forest Systems, 22(2): 340-358.

Pasalodos-Tato M., Makinen A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Lämas T., Eriksson L.O. (2013)

Assessing uncertainty and risk in forest planning and decision support systems: review of classical methods and introduction of new approaches

Forest Systems, 22(2): 282-303.

Rammer W., Schauflinger C., Vacik H., Palma J.H.N., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Lexer M.J. (2013)

A web-based ToolBox approach to support adaptive forest management under climate change

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 29(1): 96-107.

Ferreira L., Constantino M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J. (2012)

A stochastic dynamic programming approach to optimize short-rotation coppice systems management scheduling. An application to eucalypt plantations under wildfire risk in Portugal

Forest Science, 58(4): 353-365.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Ricardo A., Marques S., Botequim B., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M., Pereira J.M.C. (2012)

Modelling wildfire risk in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal

Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung (AFJZ) – German Journal of Forest Research, 183 (11/12): 238-248.

Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Ricardo A., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Oliveira M.M. (2012)

Assessing wildfire risk probability in Pinus pinaster Ait. stands in Portugal

Forest Systems, 21(1): 111-120.

Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Pellikka P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Ikonen V.P., Peltola H. (2012)

Factors affecting wind and snow damage of individual trees in a small management unit in Finland: assessment based on inventoried damage and mechanistic modelling

Silva Fennica, 46 (2): 181-196.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

A three-step approach to post-fire mortality modelling in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands for enhanced forest planning in Portugal

Forestry, 84(2): 197-206.

Marques S., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Moreira F., Carreiras J.M.B., Oliveira M.M.,Cantarinha A., Botequim B., Pereira J.M.C. (2011)

Characterization of wildfires in Portugal

European Journal of Forest Research, 130(5):775-784.

Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)

Developing post-fire Eucalyptus globulus stand damage and tree mortality models for enhanced forest planning in Portugal

Silva Fennica, 45(1): 69-83.

Werhahn-Mees W., Palosuo T., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Röser D., Pausch R., Lindner M. (2011)

Sustainability impact assessment of increasing resource use intensity in forest bioenergy production chains

Global Change Biology and Bioenergy, 3(2): 91-106.

Borges P.J., Fragoso R., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J. G., Marques S., Lucas M.R. (2010)

Assessing impacts of Common Agricultural Policy changes on regional land use patterns with a decision support system. An application in Southern Portugal

Forest Policy and Economics, 12(2): 111-120.

Zeng H., Peltola H.,Garcia-Gonzalo J., Kellomäki S. (2010)

The effects of forest structure on the risk of wind damage in a boreal forest ecosystem

Annals of Forest Science, 67(1): 111.


Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide

Borges J.G., Nordström E.M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Hujala T., Trasobares A. (Eds.) (2014)

Dept. of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, p.503. ISBN: 978-94-017-8898-4 URL:

Estudo prospetivo para o setor florestal

Caldeira B., Praxedes J., Santos P.M., Brígido S., Paulo J.A., Palma J.H.N., Pina J.P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G.C., Tomé M., Soares P., Barreiro S., Mendes A.M.S.C., Sottomayor M. (2013)

Associação para a Competitividade da Indústria da Fileira Floresta, 295 p.. URL:

Capítulos de Livros

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Kellomäki S., Peltola H. (2017)

Effects of forest age structure, management and gradual climate change on carbon sequestration and timber production in Finnish boreal forests

In: Managing Forest Ecosystems: the Challenge of Climate Change. Bravo F., LeMay V., Jandl R. (Eds.). Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 34, Part IV, pp. 277-298. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-319-28248-0

Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Valdebenito V., McDill M.E., Falcão A.O. (2014)

Strategic management scheduling

In: The management of industrial forest plantations. Theoretical foundations and applications. Borges J.G., L. Diaz-Balteiro, M.E. McDill, L.C.E. Rodriguez (Eds.). Springer, Managing Forest Ecosystems, 33, pp. 171-238. ISBN: 978-94-017-8898-4

Borges J.G., Nordström E-M, Hujala T., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Trasobares A., Rodriguez L.C.E. (2014)

Addressing forest management planning problems with computerized tools. A synthesis of the experience world-wide

In: Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide. Borges J.G., Nordström E.M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Hujala T., Trasobares A. (Eds.). Dept. of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, pp. 484-503. ISBN: 978-91-576-9236-8

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Ferreira L., Borges J. G. (2014)

Addressing risk in forest management planning

In: The management of industrial forest plantations. Theoretical foundations and applications. Borges J.G., L. Diaz-Balteiro, M.E. McDill, L.C.E. Rodriguez (Eds.). Springer, Managing Forest Ecosystems, 33, pp. 319-344. ISBN: 978-94-017-8898-4

Marques A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G. (2014)

Computer based tools for supporting forest management in Portugal

In: omputer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide. Borges J.G., Nordström E.M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Hujala T., Trasobares A. (Eds.). Dept. of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, pp. 296-319. ISBN: 978-91-576-9236-8

Borges J G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Guerra-Hernandez J., Marques S., Palma J. (2013)

A decision support system for forest management planning under climate change

In: Adapting to climate change in European forests – results of the MOTIVE Project. J. Fitzgerald and M. Linder (Eds.). Pensoft, pp. 89-92. URL:

Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Guerra-Hernandez J., Marques S., Palma J.H.N. (2013)

Chapter IX. A decision support system for forest management planning under climate change

In: Adapting to climate change in European forests – results of the MOTIVE Project. J. Fitzgerald and M. Linder (Eds.). Pensoft, pp. 89-92.. URL:

Oliveira M.M., Natário I., Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Pereira J.M., Tomé J., Demétrio C. (2013)

Aplicações estatísticas em análise de catástrofes naturais. O caso da ocorrência e impacte dos incêndios florestais sobre a floresta em Portugal

In: Matemática do Planeta Terra. F.P. Costa, J.T. Pinto, J. Buescu (Eds.). ISTPress, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, pp. 235-261. ISBN: 978-989-8481-26-9 URL:

Rammer W., Schauflinger C., Vacik H., Palma J., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J. G., Lexer M. (2013)

A web based Toolbox approach to support adaptive forest management under climate change

In: Adapting to climate change in European forests – results of the MOTIVE Project. J. Fitzgerald and M. Linder (Eds.). Pensoft, pp. 93-100. URL:

Barroso A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Aguiar F.F., Ferreira M.T. (2012)

Planeamento e prioritização de ações de restauro: aplicação à região do Algarve

In: J. Campodron, M.T. Ferreira, M. Ordeix. (Eds). Restauro e gestão ecológica fluvial – manual de boas práticas e gestão de rios e ribeiras. Interreg IVC SUDOE Ricover, CTFC/ISAPress, Solsona, pp. 218-251. ISBN: 978-972-8669-51-5 URL:



Forestry modelling for integrated policy – Local Organizer Support Grant

Duração: 2014-2016

Orçamento CEF: 5.922,13 €