
Population ecology; Adaptive management; Climatic impacts; Forest insects and pathogens impact


CEF no projeto Ciência Viva nos Pátios
CEF no projeto Ciência Viva nos Pátios
No âmbito do projeto Ciência Viva nos Pátios, a investigadora Carla Pimentel realizou uma atividade … Ler mais
Investigadores do CEF colaboram no programa Ciência Viva nos Pátios
Investigadores do CEF colaboram no programa Ciência Viva nos Pátios
Os investigadores do CEF, António Santos, Carla Pimentel, Francisca Aguiar, Filipe Costa e Silva e … Ler mais
Comportamento do nemátodo-da-madeira-do-pinheiro em diferentes espécies de pinheiros
Comportamento do nemátodo-da-madeira-do-pinheiro em diferentes espécies de pinheiros
O Nemátodo da Madeira do Pinheiro (B. xylophilus ), um nemátodo de dimensão microscópica, é … Ler mais


Artigos Científicos (ISI)

Pimentel, C., Khan, M.R., Zheng, Y., Quintanilla, M. (2023)

Nematode problems in forests and their sustainable management

Nematode Diseases of Crops and Their Sustainable Management, pp. 457-493. . DOI:

Pimentel, C.S., Firmino, P.N., Almeida, R.P., Lombardero, M.J., Ayres, M.P., Calvão, T. (2023)

Coexistence of insect species in a phloem feeding guild: Deterministic and stochastic processes

Ecological Entomology, in press. . DOI:

Pimentel, C.S., Gonçalves, E.V., Campôa, J., Calvão, T., Ayres, M.P., Correia, O., Máguas, C. (2023)

Ecogeographical determinants of investment in chemical defences in pines

Trees – Structure and Function, 37 (2), pp. 361-372. DOI:

Simões R., Fortes Q, Patricio H., Branco J., Mota M., Pimentel C., Miranda I., Pereira, H. (2023)

Phytochemical profile of secondary metabolites in the phloem of mature Pinus pinaster trees attacked by the pine wood nematode

Phytoparasitica 52, 20. DOI:

Pimentel C.S., Gonçalves E.V., Campôa J., Calvão T., Ayres M.P., Correia O., Máguas C. (2022)

Ecogeographical determinants of investment in chemical defences in pines

Trees – Structure and Function. DOI:

Campoa J., Calvão T., Firmino P.N., Pimentel C.S. (2021)

Disentangling the effects of climate and defoliation on forest growth: the case of an outbreak of a Thaumetopoea pityocampa population with a shifted phenology in a Pinus pinaster monoculture

Forest Ecology and Management, 498: 119548. DOI:

Simões R., Pimentel C., Ferreira-Dias S., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2021)

Phytochemical characterization of phloem in maritime pine and stone pine in three sites in Portugal

Heliyon, 7(4): e06718. DOI:

Moller A.P., Balbontin J., Dhondt A.A., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Banbura J., Barba E., Biard C.,Blondel J., Bouvier J.C., Camprodon J., Cecere F., Charter M., Cichon M., Cusimano C., Dubiec A., Eens M., Eeva T., Ferns P.N., Forsman J.T., Goldshtein A., Goodenough A.E., Gosler A.G., Gustafsson L., Harnist I., Hartley I.R., Heeb P., Hinsley S.A., Jacob S., Jarvinen A., Juskaitis R., Korpimaki E., Krams I., Laaksonen T., Leclercq B., Lehikoinen E., Loukola O., Mainwaring M.C., Mand R., Massa B., Matthysen E., Mazgajski T.D., Merino S., Mitrus C., Monkkonen M., Nager R.G., Nilsson J.A., Nilsson S.G., Norte A.C., von Numers M., Orell M., Pimentel C.S., Pinxten R., Priedniece I., Remes V., Richner H., Robles H., Rytkonen S., Senar J.C., Seppanen J.T., da Silva L.P., Slagsvold T., Solonen T., Sorace A., Stenning M.J., Torok J., Tryjanowski P., van Noordwijk A.J., Walankiewicz W., Lambrechts M.M. (2020)

Interaction of climate change with effects of conspecific and heterospecific density on reproduction

Oikos, 129(12): 1807-1819. DOI:

Pimentel C.S., Ayres M.P. (2020)

Competition and climate affect body size and sexual size dimorphism in pine sawyer beetles

Bulletin of Insectology, 73(2): 265-273. URL:

Pimentel C.S., Firmino P.N., Ayres M.P. (2020)

Methods to obtain and maintain cultures of pinewood nematodes, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus

Journal of Forest Research, 25(2): 101-107. DOI:

Pimentel C.S., McKenney J., Firmino P.N., Calvão T., Ayres M.P. (2020)

Sublethal infection of different pine species by the pinewood nematode

Plant Pathology, 69 (8): 1565-1573. DOI:

Calvão T., Duarte C.M., Pimentel C.S. (2019)

Climate and landscape patterns of pine forest decline after invasion by the pinewood nematode

Forest Ecology and Management, 433: 43-51.

Pimentel C.S., Ayres M.P. (2018)

Latitudinal patterns in temperature-dependent growth rates of a forest pathogen

Journal of Thermal Biology, 72: 39-43.

Firmino P.N., Calvão T., Ayres M.P., Pimentel C.S. (2017)

Monochamus galloprovincialis and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus life history in an area severely affected by pine wilt disease: implications for forest management

Forest Ecology and Management, 389: 105-115.

Pimentel C.S., Ferreira C., Santos M., Calvão T. (2017)

Spatial patterns at host and forest stand scale and population regulation of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 19(2):200–209.

Pimentel C.S., Firmino P.N., Calvão T., Ayres M.P., Miranda I., Pereira H. (2017)

Pinewood nematode population growth in relation to pine phloem chemical composition

Plant Pathology, 66(5): 856–864.

Pimentel C.S., Gonçalves E.V., Firmino P.N., Calvão T., Fonseca L., Abrantes I., Correia O., Máguas C. (2017)

Differences in constitutive and inducible defences in pine species determining susceptibility to pinewood nematode

Plant Pathology, 66: 131–139.

Vaugoyeau M., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Banbura J., Barba E., Biard C.,…Pimentel C.S.,…,Møller A.A.,Vaugoyeau M., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Banbura J., Barba E., Biard C.,…Pimentel C.S.,…,Møller al. (2016)

Interspecific variation in the relationship between clutch size, laying date and intensity of urbanisation in four species of hole-nesting birds

Ecology and Evolution, 6(16): 5907-5920.

Møller A.P., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Banbura J., Barba E., Biard C.,…Pimentel C.S., Lambrechts M.M. (82 authors). (2014)

Variation in clutch size in relation to nest size in birds

Ecology and Evolution, 4: 3583-3595.

Møller A.P., Adriaensen F., Artemyev A., Bańbura J., Barba E., Biard C.,…Pimentel C.S., Lambrechts M.M. (86 authors). (2014)

Clutch size variation in Western Palearctic secondary hole nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design

Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5: 353-362.

Pimentel C.S., Ayres M.P., Vallery E., Young C., Streett D.A. (2014)

Geographical variation in seasonality and life history of pine sawyer beetles Monochamus spp: its relation with phoresy by the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 16: 196-206.

Pimentel C., Santos M., Ferreira C., Nilsson J.-Å. (2012)

Temperature, size, reproductive allocation, and life-history evolution in a gregarious caterpillar

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 105: 340-349.

Pimentel C., Calvão T., Ayres M.P. (2011)

Impact of climatic variation on populations of pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa in a core area of its distribution.

Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 13(3): 273-281.

Pimentel C., Ferreira C., Nilsson J.-Å. (2010)

Latitudinal gradients and the shaping of life-history traits in a gregarious caterpillar

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100: 224-236.

Pimentel C., Nilsson J.-Å., (2009)

Responses of passerine birds to an irruption of a pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa population with a shifted phenology

Ardeola, 56: 189-203.

Pimentel C., Nilsson J-Å, (2007)

Breeding patterns of great tits (Parus major) in pine forests along the Portuguese west coast

Journal of Ornithology, 148: 59-68.

Pimentel C., Nilsson J-Å., (2007)

Response of great tits Parus major to an irruption of a pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa population with a shifted life cycle

Ardea, 95: 191-199.

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Capítulos de Livros

Pimentel C.S., Ayres M.P. (2022)

Life-history strategies and virulence in the pinewood nematode.

In: Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 117: 101756. . DOI:

Pimentel C.S., Firmino P.N., Ayres M.P. (2022)

Obtaining and maintaining cultures of pinewood nematodes Bursaphelenchus xylophilus from Wild Dauers

In: Methods in Molecular Biology. (Clifton, N.J.), Humana, New York, NY, 2536: 3-11. ISBN: 978-1-0716-2516-3. DOI:

Calvão T., Branco M., Pimentel C. (2008)

Vegetação e paisagem: relação entre diversidade e fitófagos

In: Pragas e doenças em pinhal e eucaliptal. Desafios para a sua gestão integrada. M. Branco, C. Valente, M.R. Paiva (Eds.). ISA Press, Lisboa, pp. 161-172.



Alterações Climáticas e seu impacto em florestas em pinheiro ao longo da costa oeste portuguesa: o caso de duas pragas recentemente emergidas

Duração: 2018-2022

Orçamento CEF: 29247,10 €


Composição quimica do hospedeiro e fatores ambientais determinantes na epidemiologia do nematodo da madeira do pinheiro

Duração: 2017-2022

Orçamento CEF: 148737.80€ €