Conferência Internacional CEF 40 anos


A Conferência Internacional que encerrou as comemorações dos 40 anos do CEF focou a investigação e os desafios futuros para a floresta e os produtos florestais bem como o utilização dos resultados da pesquisa pela indústria, produtores e administração pública. Foi dada uma voz forte à nova geração de cientistas.

A Conferência teve lugar nos dias 26 e 27 de Janeiro de 2017, no Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa.

Oradores e Apresentações
1. The Science and Innovation Framework

Forest research in Portugal: the role of CEF
Helena Pereira
Coordenadora do CEF

Research and Innovation strategy in the University of Lisbon
Rogério Gaspar
Pró-Reitor da ULisboa

2. Results applied and expectations from research

Linking industrial innovation and research: the cork chain
João Rui Ferreira
Presidente da APCOR

Research and innovation in the pulp&paper chain
Carlos Vieira
Director-Geral da CELPA

Science, tourism, recreation and conservation in Sintra, UNESCO Cultural Landscape
Nuno Oliveira
Director para os parques & jardins histórico dos Parques de Sintra-Monte da Lua

Climate change and forests
Filipe Duarte Santos
Professor na FCUL

3. Strategies for Forest research

Mediterranean forests in a Bio-based economy. What does it mean for research and education?
Inazio Martinez de Arano
Director da EFIMED

Academia, NGO’s, private and public sectors: which proposals for the new generations?
Luís Silva
Técnico Florestal na WWF

Strategies in forest research: a public administration perspective
João Pinho
Em representação do ICNF

4 .The next researchers

Doctoral education of tomorrow: European and global perspective
Melita Kovacevic
Presidente da EUA / Vice-Reitora da Univ. Zagreb

Responses and mechanisms of a Mediterranean grassland ecosystem to nutrient addition and drought
Carla Nogueira
Doutoranda, FCT/ISA

Riparian woodlands facing climate change
Rui Rivaes
Doutorando, Programa doutoral FLUVIO

Applicability of advanced remote sensing technologies to support management of Mediterranean forest stands
Juan Guerra
Doutorando, Programa doutoral SUSFOR

A recent invasive pest, Leptoglossus occidentalis: what we know and what we need to know
Ana Farinha
Doutoranda, Programa doutoral SUSFOR

The quest of European diadromous fish: from history to the future
Gonçalo Duarte
Doutorando, Programa doutoral FLUVIO

5. New challenges for forest research

New challenges… what about the old ones?
Técnico Florestal da CAP

The pulp biorefinery: research challenges
Carlos Pascoal Neto
Director do RAIZ

Fire and peak flows in afforested catchments: we need to act!
Rui Cortes
Professor da UTAD

Agroforestry: innovative sustainable land use system
Rosa Mosquera
Presidente da EURAF

6. Developing a Research Career

Science for everyone
Antonio Sobral
Assessor de imprensa na Reitoria da ULisboa

Does gender matter?
Paula Campos Pinto
Vice-Coordenadora do CIEG/ISCP

What’s it like to be a researcher in Portugal?
Tiago Dias
Departamento de Ensino Superior e Investigação da FENPROF

Being scientist in Portugal: the uncertainties of a growing and ingrained precariousness
Cláudia Botelho
President da ANICT

7. Past experiences, new directions

Ecophysiology within global change context: from trees to forest ecosystems
Maria Caldeira
Professora do ISA / Investigadora do CEF

Forest protection, rehabilitation and services: from past to future
Maria Teresa Ferreira
Professora do ISA / Investigadora do CEF

Forest management in a changing world. How to adapt?
Paula Soares
Professora do ISA / Investigadora do CEF

Research and innovation in the wood chain
Sofia Knapic
Investigadora do CEF

8. Closing conferences – Frameworking forest research

The research framework: evaluation and funding
Miguel Castanho
Vice-Presidente da FCT

National forest policies
Rogério Rodrigues
Presidente do Conselho Directivo do ICNF

9. Speakers’ Corner

CEF Outreach

Helena Pereira
Alexandra Lauw
António José Soares
Francisca C. Aguiar
Isabel Baptista
Raquel Lobo-do-Vale
Solange Araújo
Susana Barreiro

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